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08.10.2024 Speedcam Italy For iGO skin 32w Mod AF 01_Autovelox Fissi.txt...
Hi.I see that a mistanke in the patienter. There are two path,...
That license is useful for older releases
Why not simply remove the Europe_map_NQ_Primo_2024_Q2.lic license from the...
You are right. I have maps here. I modified the settings. The device starts...
Europe_map_NQ_Primo_2024_Q2.lic Did you install this? Then delete it
Of course, it has been discussed many times What maps did you put on? I guess...
I write this system to Becker Active 5s but not starting. Shows Error "out of...
:mn: As promised ... :tc:
@k1w1_123 If needed, convertible spc files - txt These and previous...
08.10.2024 Speedcam Italy For iGO skin 32w Mod AF 01_Autovelox Fissi.txt...
Italy Speedcams.txt [For iGO Skin...