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My ImDisc (version 2.0.9) virtual disc works fine for me in Basecamp 4.7.5...
good evening and thank you, it's a typing error, the path of my iGO is...
are you sure of your path, /content/mat ? realy folder must be content/map ...
Good morning, I installed the Morocco_R3_HERE_2023.Q2 maps, in the...
wait for ..... The machine is dezl 780?
Not true no longer sychronise. With me there are only routes
SpeedCams Spain, Portugal and Andorra 11.09.2024 01_BBS_Radar_Fijo.txt -...
ASICS Runkeeper - Run Tracker v15.11 [Elite] [Mod Extra] Requirements: 7.0+ ...
2024.09.09 Bugfix Release (Android 5 and above): Fix: "Manual login"...
GPSMAP 66i Firmware Update 9.90 Check your Garmin Express for this update ...
My ImDisc (version 2.0.9) virtual disc works fine for me in Basecamp 4.7.5...
Create a virtual sd on your pc to...