There are many ways to do. (but turboccc advice this step.)
H/R is not a must, it just should be done.
Text., Voice, Keyboard, (from other region) --> may cause rebooting loop.
about renaming
Renaming --> success / not renaming--> failure ==> mod rgn is ok., files are not.
Renaming --> failure ==> mod rgn is not ok.
Oh ok. So regarding renaming, what should I really do? Rename or not if I want to change my US 4.10 to SG/Mal 2.3 or CHN 2.2?
Also, for this step "Notice the HWID and SW Version from this boot.bin and copy those numbers in the Overrides section. Enable the checkboxes and put the numbers from boot.bin.", which HWID and SW version should I put in the Overrides section, they HWID and SW of boot_us.bin or of SG/Mal boot.bin?
Last edited by kevindd992002; 16th June 2011 at 05:22 AM.
Ok. What if I have SG/Mal 2.30 already on my nuvi and I run webupdater, will it still prompt me to install US 4.1?
How about regarding renaming the folders? This is the only thing that's stopping me from installing the SG/Mal 2.3 on my US 3790T since I don't know if I should rename or not, I still don't understand that part
will it still prompt me to install US 4.1 --> Yes, correct !
Because rgn_Tool v0.74 will edit hwid 1288 to be 1101 as boot.bin so webupdater will detect as US unit(1101) and because your Nuvi still be US 1101.
rename it.
when success --> rename it back to original name.
Please correct me if I'm wrong for the order of the .bin files:
For .GCD files:
1) boot.bin
2) fw_all.bin
3) fw1_resources.bin
For .RGN files:
1) boot.bin
2) fw1_resources.bin
3) fw_all.bin
Is this correct? Because the .RGN files I've created with RGN tool has the 2nd order and the original SG/Mal .GCD files that I've downloaded has the 1st order.