Hi Ron,
Do I gather then that your RT Zumo doesn't have lifetime maps? If it's a demo model, the internal RAM is only 4GB, and if it's a standard one, only 8GB (The non RT Zumo is 16GB) so you'll need a μSD card in the RT one.
Once you're set up to do it, it's easy enough, though you do need a couple of additional software tools. First thing is to patch the firmware to allow the maps to be unlocked - quick and simple to do. You'll find help on it on [Only registered and activated users can see links. ] link.
Once done, do this:
1) Edit the GarminDevice.xml file in the Garmin folder on the Zumo and change the ID to that of the ordinary Zumo
2) Make the .xml file read only
3) Let Express recognise it as the ordinary Zumo, and it will allow install the maps(split between the SD card and the internal RAM as not enough space on the RT Zumo)
4) find every .img file on the Zumo in every folder and on the SD card, and run them through gimgunlock (Google should help you find this, if not shout.)
5) restart - still got "cannot unlock maps" message
6) repeat step 4
7) restart - success
8) edit.xml file to return the ID to the correct one.
Any problems, just shout.