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  1. #31
    The Suicide King


    i'm running windows 7. every time i try to open a vpm file it crashes the program

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  3. #32
    Member raycomp's Avatar
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    Hi hope someone will have an answer to this. I have opened the English_American.vpm voice that was loaded originally on my nuvi 205 with voice editor and it extracted the sample_000.bin file and from sample_001.wav to sample_116.wav edited it and it worked fine on my GPS.

    I have updated my voice files on the GPS the other day and wanted to use the new English_American.vpm in voice_editor_v0.8 when I opened the new English_American.vpm it did not load into the buttons in voice editor. It did however extracted the files but this time the wav files was from sample_001.wav to sample_131.wav plus another file sample_langdesc.ini. If i try to open the bin file in voice editor it also does not load into the buttons.

    I have compared the wav files from the old and new files and the are not the same eg

    old sample_052.wav is incompatible audio version and the new sample_052.wav is immediately.

    Any idea why the new vbp and bin files does not load into the buutons?

    and this file extracted sample_000.bin but all af a sud

  4. #33
    Junior Member
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    I connected and opened my old GPS, opened VOICE folder & copied the desired .vpm files to desktop, disconnected old GPS, connected new GPS, opened Voice Folder and PASTED .vpm files to the new GPS. I didn't need the Voice Editor for my need. Thanks for your forum to give me a lead into what I wanted to do. :-D

  5. #34
    Junior Member
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    Ok guys, I did some testing with PigTones voice files and decided to share my observations.
    I am using nuvi 40lm and Win7x64

    1. Voice Editor will crash if the voice is encrypted. For example try opening darth vader or yoda garmin voices.
    2. Voices that are not encrypted will only show up on the device if the language ID changed to language you currently don't have on the device.
    This means that instead of the name "Pigtones Arnold.vpm" you will see the name of the language, ex: Chinese.
    3. The encrypted vpm files will show up with a proper name on your device. Some of the Pigtones vpm files were encrypted and show up just fine.

    Why do encrypted files show up with normal names on garmin?
    Do these files use language ID and if not, what are they using to be identified by garmin?




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