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  1. #3051
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    I mean normal arabic voice not the TTS with audio warning english voice

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  3. #3052
    Master BIBUOT's Avatar
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    Ok... Never tried that so I do not know, sorry
    TANUKI 's Team stay alive in the dark, in the old days was named Dreamteam-DT... my moderator pseudo Bilouteam

  4. #3053
    Master kwbs's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by mmyhassan View Post
    I mean normal arabic voice not the TTS with audio warning english voice
    Why not?

    Any default language voice can run in parallel with any audio warning .wav voice.

    The "audio warning english voice" is just a sound voice file as any other warning recorded voice/sound xxx.wav file.

    Spoiler: Create and Choose your own alert

    @mmyhassan - Try it for yourself.

    Record yourself an alert you want in English.
    Save it as a WAV file with a "Name" that you can easily identify.
    Place it in ui_nextgen > audio
    Select your recorded .wav file for one of the three alerts as in the pic and that's it, you will have it.
    TTS is OFF!
    Last edited by kwbs; 1st January 2021 at 01:20 PM.

  5. #3054
    Master jorgeultra's Avatar
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    The language of the voice chosen in Settings > Regional > Voice Language prevail over everything else.

    If you are from Saudi Arabia e.g. you can do a test by placing the ui_nextgen folder at the root of your iGO.
    Inside it has the audio subfolder with two other folders DA-SC1025 (Saudi Arabia) and the .wav files are recorded in the English language.

    Spoiler: download
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    Last edited by jorgeultra; 1st January 2021 at 01:16 PM.

  6. #3055
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    I have the file of ui_nextgen ,and inside it the audio files DA1025 , DA2057 , SC1025 and Sc2057
    But in the warning setting only appears SC999 and DA999 .and there is no way to choose.

  7. #3056
    Super Moderator Skin iGO nextgen by pongo (DISCUSSION)
    Skin iGO nextgen by pongo (DISCUSSION)
    Andrey Form's Avatar
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    live audio codes for the skin

    Spoiler: folder sounds Locale
    Afrikaans af af 1078 436 1252
    Albanian sq sq 1052 1250
    Amharic am am 1118
    Arabic - Algeria ar ar-dz 5121 1401 1256
    Arabic - Bahrain ar ar-bh 15361 1256
    Arabic - Egypt ar ar-eg 3073 1256
    Arabic - Iraq ar ar-iq 2049 801 1256
    Arabic - Jordan ar ar-jo 11265 1256
    Arabic - Kuwait ar ar-kw 13313 3401 1256
    Arabic - Lebanon ar ar-lb 12289 3001 1256
    Arabic - Libya ar ar-ly 4097 1001 1256
    Arabic - Morocco ar ar-ma 6145 1801 1256
    Arabic - Oman ar ar-om 8193 2001 1256
    Arabic - Qatar ar ar-qa 16385 4001 1256
    Arabic - Saudi Arabia ar ar-sa 1025 401 1256
    Arabic - Syria ar ar-sy 10241 2801 1256
    Arabic - Tunisia ar ar-tn 7169 1256
    Arabic - United Arab Emirates ar ar-ae 14337 3801 1256
    Arabic - Yemen ar ar-ye 9217 2401 1256
    Armenian hy hy 1067
    Assamese as as 1101
    Azeri - Cyrillic az az-az 2092 1251
    Azeri - Latin az az-az 1068 1254
    Basque eu eu 1069 1252
    Belarusian be be 1059 423 1251
    Bengali - Bangladesh bn bn 2117 845
    Bengali - India bn bn 1093 445
    Bosnian bs bs 5146
    Bulgarian bg bg 1026 402 1251
    Burmese my my 1109 455
    Catalan ca ca 1027 403 1252
    Chinese - China zh zh-cn 2052 804
    Chinese - Hong Kong SAR zh zh-hk 3076
    Chinese - Macau SAR zh zh-mo 5124 1404
    Chinese - Singapore zh zh-sg 4100 1004
    Chinese - Taiwan zh zh-tw 1028 404
    Croatian hr hr 1050 1250
    Czech cs cs 1029 405 1250
    Danish da da 1030 406 1252
    Divehi Dhivehi Maldivian dv dv
    Dutch - Belgium nl nl-be 2067 813 1252
    Dutch - Netherlands nl nl-nl 1043 413 1252
    Edo 1126 466
    English - Australia en en-au 3081 1252
    English - Belize en en-bz 10249 2809 1252
    English - Canada en en-ca 4105 1009 1252
    English - Caribbean en en-cb 9225 2409 1252
    English - Great Britain en en-gb 2057 809 1252
    English - India en en-in 16393 4009
    English - Ireland en en-ie 6153 1809 1252
    English - Jamaica en en-jm 8201 2009 1252
    English - New Zealand en en-nz 5129 1409 1252
    English - Philippines en en-ph 13321 3409 1252
    English - Southern Africa en en-za 7177 1252
    English - Trinidad en en-tt 11273 1252
    English - United States en en-us 1033 409 1252
    English - Zimbabwe en 12297 3009 1252
    Estonian et et 1061 425 1257
    FYRO Macedonia mk mk 1071 1251
    Faroese fo fo 1080 438 1252
    Farsi - Persian fa fa 1065 429 1256
    Filipino 1124 464
    Finnish fi fi 1035 1252
    French - Belgium fr fr-be 2060 1252
    French - Cameroon fr 11276
    French - Canada fr fr-ca 3084 1252
    French - Congo fr 9228
    French - Cote d'Ivoire fr 12300
    French - France fr fr-fr 1036 1252
    French - Luxembourg fr fr-lu 5132 1252
    French - Mali fr 13324
    French - Monaco fr 6156 1252
    French - Morocco fr 14348
    French - Senegal fr 10252
    French - Switzerland fr fr-ch 4108 1252
    French - West Indies fr 7180
    Frisian - Netherlands 1122 462
    Gaelic - Ireland gd gd-ie 2108
    Gaelic - Scotland gd gd 1084
    Galician gl 1110 456 1252
    Georgian ka 1079 437
    German - Austria de de-at 3079 1252
    German - Germany de de-de 1031 407 1252
    German - Liechtenstein de de-li 5127 1407 1252
    German - Luxembourg de de-lu 4103 1007 1252
    German - Switzerland de de-ch 2055 807 1252
    Greek el el 1032 408 1253
    Guarani - Paraguay gn gn 1140 474
    Gujarati gu gu 1095 447
    HID (Human Interface Device) 1279
    Hebrew he he 1037 1255
    Hindi hi hi 1081 439
    Hungarian hu hu 1038 1250
    Icelandic is is 1039 1252
    Igbo - Nigeria 1136 470
    Indonesian id id 1057 421 1252
    Italian - Italy it it-it 1040 410 1252
    Italian - Switzerland it it-ch 2064 810 1252
    Japanese ja ja 1041 411
    Kannada kn kn 1099
    Kashmiri ks ks 1120 460
    Kazakh kk kk 1087 1251
    Khmer km km 1107 453
    Konkani 1111 457
    Korean ko ko 1042 412
    Kyrgyz - Cyrillic 1088 440 1251
    Lao lo lo 1108 454
    Latin la la 1142 476
    Latvian lv lv 1062 426 1257
    Lithuanian lt lt 1063 427 1257
    Malay - Brunei ms ms-bn 2110 1252
    Malay - Malaysia ms ms-my 1086 1252
    Malayalam ml ml 1100
    Maltese mt mt 1082
    Manipuri 1112 458
    Maori mi mi 1153 481
    Marathi mr mr 1102
    Mongolian mn mn 2128 850
    Mongolian mn mn 1104 450 1251
    Nepali ne ne 1121 461
    Norwegian - Bokml nb no-no 1044 414 1252
    Norwegian - Nynorsk nn no-no 2068 814 1252
    Oriya or or 1096 448
    Polish pl pl 1045 415 1250
    Portuguese - Brazil pt pt-br 1046 416 1252
    Portuguese - Portugal pt pt-pt 2070 816 1252
    Punjabi pa pa 1094 446
    Raeto-Romance rm rm 1047 417
    Romanian - Moldova ro ro-mo 2072 818
    Romanian - Romania ro ro 1048 418 1250
    Russian ru ru 1049 419 1251
    Russian - Moldova ru ru-mo 2073 819
    Sami Lappish 1083
    Sanskrit sa sa 1103
    Serbian - Cyrillic sr sr-sp 3098 1251
    Serbian - Latin sr sr-sp 2074 1250
    Sesotho (Sutu) 1072 430
    Setsuana tn tn 1074 432
    Sindhi sd sd 1113 459
    Sinhala Sinhalese si si 1115
    Slovak sk sk 1051 1250
    Slovenian sl sl 1060 424 1250
    Somali so so 1143 477
    Sorbian sb sb 1070
    Spanish - Argentina es es-ar 11274 1252
    Spanish - Bolivia es es-bo 16394 1252
    Spanish - Chile es es-cl 13322 1252
    Spanish - Colombia es es-co 9226 1252
    Spanish - Costa Rica es es-cr 5130 1252
    Spanish - Dominican Republic es es-do 7178 1252
    Spanish - Ecuador es es-ec 12298 1252
    Spanish - El Salvador es es-sv 17418 1252
    Spanish - Guatemala es es-gt 4106 1252
    Spanish - Honduras es es-hn 18442 1252
    Spanish - Mexico es es-mx 2058 1252
    Spanish - Nicaragua es es-ni 19466 1252
    Spanish - Panama es es-pa 6154 1252
    Spanish - Paraguay es es-py 15370 1252
    Spanish - Peru es es-pe 10250 1252
    Spanish - Puerto Rico es es-pr 20490 1252
    Spanish - Spain (Traditional) es es-es 1034 1252
    Spanish - Uruguay es es-uy 14346 1252
    Spanish - Venezuela es es-ve 8202 1252
    Swahili sw sw 1089 441 1252
    Swedish - Finland sv sv-fi 2077 1252
    Swedish - Sweden sv sv-se 1053 1252
    Syriac 1114
    Tajik tg tg 1064 428
    Tamil ta ta 1097 449
    Tatar tt tt 1092 444 1251
    Telugu te te 1098
    Thai th th 1054
    Tibetan bo bo 1105 451
    Tsonga ts ts 1073 431
    Turkish tr tr 1055 1254
    Turkmen tk tk 1090 442
    Ukrainian uk uk 1058 422 1251
    Unicode UTF-8 0
    Urdu ur ur 1056 420 1256
    Uzbek - Cyrillic uz uz-uz 2115 843 1251
    Uzbek - Latin uz uz-uz 1091 443 1254
    Venda 1075 433
    Vietnamese vi vi 1066 1258
    Welsh cy cy 1106 452
    Xhosa xh xh 1076 434
    Yiddish yi yi 1085
    Zulu zu zu 1077 435

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  8. #3057
    Master kwbs's Avatar
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    You can try to practice yourself with [Only registered and activated users can see links. ] and check that everything is working properly for you.

  9. #3058
    Master jorgeultra's Avatar
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    You have to select the Arabic voice language in Regional > Voice Language and then in Warning choose the DA-SC1025 files that I posted above.
    Then you will have arabic normal voice for navigation with english audio voice for warning.
    Take this test.

  10. #3059
    Join Date
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    Dear KWBS
    The sound is working.
    Dear Jorgeultra
    Arabic normal voice is already set in the setting of voice.but how to set the audio DA-SC 1025 only appears DA-SC9999

  11. #3060
    Master BIRBANTE's Avatar
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    The first time only the word SC-DA9999 appeared to me but after clicking on it it changed to SC-DA1040.

    If that doesn't work, you can try using the SC-DA9999 folders, renaming the SC-DA1025.
    The original DA9999 folder (empty) can be found in the drivealerts.zip file, in ui_nextgen / audio folder.
    Instead the original SC9999 folder (empty) can be found in the_skin_by_pongo.zip file, in ui_nextgen / audio folder.



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