I have a nuvi 1300 with B0972 chipset an FW 6.20, it will work this moddification?
Someone with same model who has worked it?
Another thing:
For JCV to works, must I have garmin maps? Beacuse in Argentina the best maps are proyecto mapear, or can I have mapear maps and garmin jcv file?
Well, finally touch my 1300, by the method of SD card, with the normal method the updater.exe doesn't recognize the nuvi
I try with CN South America 2015.30
Line assist: works
Speed limit: works
JCV: doesn�t work (I've tried with 2 different files available)
Any solution?
@Giomen: A better question is which JCV file did he download?
@MarianoDC: I have a 1300 and had done this modification some years ago. Junction view does work, but only if you grab the right file. The default file would be about 50MB in size, in the unlikely event that Garmin actually sent the file with the map update. The one you want is the largest file Garmin makes available, over 800MB. It's also the only file that can be downloaded directly from Garmin's servers. Naturally, with the restricted space in the device, it's probably best to put it on the MicroSD card.
The best way in simulation mode make more longer routes between two large cities. But do not simulate route after completing when Nuvi ask for it. You can quickly list all maneuvers on route from list and watch for highlighting of "Scheme" button. If it was happen you can press this button and see...
Garmin, how much is 30 pieces of silver for Judas today? Were they worthy for crucifix of GPSPower?
D3599120A.JCV is for nuvixx & SP apps only. It cannot be parsed by your nuvi 1300. The larger split-screen D3568120A.JCV is the only JCV for you. Although your 1300 displays in fullscreen it will work but will be stretched accress the screen and wash-out/fuzzy looking because of the low resolution, like shown here:
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The ideal file for your 1300 used in SAm is a large fullscreen 480*800 pixel picture size, i.e a type equivalent to the ~800MiB for US/CA D1279240A.JCV or D3060160A.JCV for all NA file referenced by Strephon Alkhalikoi who thought you were using an NA map, however afaik there is no such 480*800 picture size file available for CNNT SAm so you're stuck with using the 212*234 picture size split. Now, consider this: All of SAm has a size and population very roughly that of NA but the D3568120A.JCV 212*234 for SAm is 38,812,064 bytes whereas the NA D3191150A.JCV 212*234 is 501,828,745 bytes. You can hardly drive a few Klicks on an major US arterial without seeing a JC View, but the SAm file probably has less than 8% of the views contained in the NA file.
Use the D3568120A.JCV file and do as Giomen said, set a simulated route between two major cities, you'll find something.
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Seems to be that in Argentina there aren't any junction view or I couldn't find it
I've tried North America 2015.30 and with the D1279240A.JCV file, and it works
Thanx to all
Probably Brazil has got the majority of views i think. If you want to check the D3568120A.JCV is working for sure, try a simulated route between Rio and Sao Paulo or other large cities.
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Just found this post... decided to try flashing my six-year old n�vi 1340 to give me junction views.
Followed the instructions provided in the first post (had to blow the dust off an old WinXP PC to be able to do so as it said that the Updater isn't supported under Win7), and all went like clockwork, as expected. Tried a simulation, and low and behold, I now have junction views,
Many thanks to dvazg
Updater.exe works fine now in Win 7 [and 8/8.1 too]. Updater hasn't changed, but there were some problems using it with early Win 7 and i guess Vista too. That seemed to be overcome initially by using it in 7's XP compatibility mode and then with later windows updates [certainly Service Pack 3] there's been little problem, generally. XP always seems to work though.
I've got a pommie 1340 in my collection, bought it off an Indian Uni student for 15 aussie bucks [about 8 quid to you]... I know, i know! I overpaid. But i felt sorry for him . The 1340 seems identical to 1350 with splash number D1340-30 originally [all but JCV], but only had Western EU & UK mapping as OEM i think.
BTW, welcome to GPS Power GPS2000. I'm sure dvazg appreciates your thanks, he still logs on occasionally but hasn't posted in the forum for some years. Although he put the tut together, the real brains behind it was lolypop000, a hard-working quiet achiever who's never sought it but has well-earned the gratitude and respect from all of us in Garmin section here.
Your post has reminded me that this thread is long overdue for a tidy up, it's getting up near a thousand posts and nowhere all of them are actually still relevant. I'll check with Loly before doing a cull though ....
EDIT: Ok, got the nod from Lolly and almost half of previous posts have gone to trash: [Only registered and activated users can see links. ]. If anyone is unhappy with a particular post being moved there please PM me.
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