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  1. #81
    Garmin/GPS Systems GMod. Multiple maps on SD Card
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    That's my experience with my 1300 too. Whether i run a 1 or 2GB microSD, a 16GB Class 10 microSDHC, or a 4GB/8GB/32GB Class 4 microSDHC the only difference is in the map loading time on start up, read is otherwise the same. Writing data is a different story as stated.
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  3. #82


    When image files get too large, loading and rendering seem to suffer. I write multiple smaller files to the SD, name them anything you want. Only drawback is you need a computer or smartphone to rename the file you want to gmapsupp.img

  4. #83
    Navigation software expert Multiple maps on SD Card
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    Quote Originally Posted by pjaraw View Post
    If I own a class 6 SD card, Is posible that my GPS works significantly fast?

    Has anybody test that?

    Sorry my poor English
    I do not know anybody who have a class 6 SD card! From what a wonderful country you are where are sold this the greatest card?
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  5. #84
    Garmin/GPS Systems GMod. Multiple maps on SD Card
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    Owww! I'm glad i didn't abbreviate MicroSDHD to 'sd' in my post (as i often do... and come to think of it, so do lots of ppl) LOL
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  6. #85
    Master sergio2's Avatar
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    Has anybody tried to put several new active routing topo maps on the same SD ?
    I tried to put Topo France Pro v3 and Topo Austria v3 on the same one.
    For that, I put the two .db files into the same SQL folder inside the Garmin folder with the two .img files. The thing was only French trails were displayed on my Montana when I selected “where to go/trails”.
    Then I created two SQL folders inside Garmin folder named SQL and SQL (2) to separate .db files. In that case, only trails from SQL folder were shown.
    If I create two Garmin folders named Garmin and Garmin (2) and put in each the SQL folder and .img file corresponding to one map, only Garmin map is displayed.
    So, only one .db file per SD card ?

  7. #86
    Important User Multiple maps on SD Card
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    Have you tried to deselect France in your outdoor gps and see if it shows Austria trails?
    Or may be create 2 profiles one for France and on for Austria map- I havent tested 2 topo pro maps at a time in 62, but will try.
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  8. #87
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    Even when deselecting Topo France v3 on my Montana, french trails and only them are still displayed. Where are the Austrian ones ?
    What do you mean by creating two profiles ?

  9. #88
    Senior Member Strephon Alkhalikoi's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by sailman View Post
    Only drawback is you need a computer or smartphone to rename the file you want to gmapsupp.img
    While I'm sure writing multiple smaller files and renaming them as you suggest allows you to avoid the segment limit for maps, that sounds like an awful lot of work for little gain. On the flip side, this is sound advice when dealing with older nüvi units such as my 200W. But newer units such as the 1xxx nüvi series as well as some, if not all, 2012 units don't have this limitation if properly prepared. It is possible to have multiple maps running at the same time on these units, as long as those maps have unique filenames and are located in a directory named "Map" on the root of the MicroSD card. Placing the maps in this directory eliminates the need to rename them.
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  10. #89
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    Quote Originally Posted by wonderful View Post
    Yes, you just put it next to the first code, no space, you can put as many as you need, the only problem is that I think Garmin can't handle if the file is larger then 2GB.
    Is that true ?, How about Garmin type 1xxx and 3xxx ?

  11. #90
    Garmin/GPS Systems GMod. Multiple maps on SD Card
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    1) If your query is in regard to multiple unlock codes: When post #3 was made in May 2010, that was relevant. Now with the GMA restrictions, unlock codes generated by a keygen such as JetMouse are not so relevant, especially for modern nuvis such as 1xxx, 2xxx, 3xxx and many others running recent fw. Modern unlockers such as [Only registered and activated users can see links. ] and [Only registered and activated users can see links. ] overcome the GMA restriction in image files anyway. See: [Only registered and activated users can see links. ].
    2) If you're asking about the 2GiB file size limit for 1xxx and 3xxx, no it's not true for those units. It's 4GiB (-1 byte) and that is a size limitation of FAT32. There are other limits in regard to the number of image tiles contained within the *.img file but it's not usually a problem in everyday use.
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