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  1. #11
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    Thank you for your careful explanation, which made me understand the functions and relationships of many regions.

    In March of this year I replaced my old Zumo 590 with a new BMW NAV 6 (4044). BMW NAV 6 does not have a Chinese model, it can only display Chinese, but cannot input Chinese.
    Later, I found out that my friend's 2842 was a machine modified by a third party and could input Chinese, so I wanted to compare the firmware of the two machines to see what was different.
    I can easily find the firmware file (2842-V2.60.GCD) for the 2842 but not the .cgd file for the 4044. I extracted boot.bin/Ldr.bin from 2842-V2.60.GCD using Rgn_Tool.
    I don't get any files on the 2842 or 4044 devices, I'm tired of having to change the \Garmin\Updater\HWID number on the SD card to 2842 or 4044 over and over just to put it on a different device to test, I directly create two folders 2842 and 4044 under the \Garmin\Updater\ folder of the SD card, and place Ldr.bin with HWID 2842 and 4044 respectively.

    I'm actually worried that my friend's 2842 test is broken. So often use 4044 in the test.
    After repeated many times, I suddenly found that 5.bin and 154.bin appeared in the \Garmin\Updater\2842 folder. I noticed that the SD card was plugged into a 4044 device instead of a 2842 device. Correctly, it should be generated under the \Garmin\Updater\4044 folder instead of the \Garmin\Updater\2842 folder. I put the Ldr.bin of HWID 4044 into the \Garmin\Updater\2842 folder and try again.
    Sure enough, I saw 5.bin and 154.bin in the \Garmin\Updater\4044 folder. But i forgot to check the update.log before, So I can't absolutely assure you that both log files for UID 3375696611 and UID 3952386425 are from my device, not one from my device and one from my friend's JN device, sorry for the confusion.

    Quote Originally Posted by Butters View Post
    No that doesn't explain the UID difference as i said above. I'm speculating that if the two entries are indeed from your device that it's a refurbished unit which has had both it's HWID and UID factory reprogrammed and somehow your manipulations with running the 2842's Ldr.bin from SD card has caused it to revert to it's original UID. There is an interesting inconsistency between the two bin files from region 5 too. "2842_5.bin" has internal HWID 2842 as it should, however "5.bin" shows HWID of 2584 which is of course the original US/EU firmware's HWID - see the compare image behind the spoiler below. I was expecting to see 4044 or still 2842 but certainly not 2584. I know you wrote that you've only used 2842's ramloader but is it possible that you used the boot.bin from US/EU firmware to make the Ldr.bin for the second dump? If you didn't use the US/EU ramloader then there might be ramifications from that change happening so please be sure to answer that question in your reply.
    I looked through all the files and found that I do have a BMWMotorradNavigatorVI-2584_V580.gcd file, so I may have a boot.bin/Ldr.bin that uses a 2854 HWID, but I forgot.
    You are right to be skeptical.

    Quote Originally Posted by Butters View Post
    So could you please supply me with a copy of your device's region 14 and also a copy of it's Garmin folder? Use the Ldr.bin you used for your latest dump and in Update.txt put the commands:
    Yes, I tried copying region 14 and the Garmin folder.
    I put the complete SD card content on my NAS for you to download, the URL is

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    The ID 2478 folder inside is the command and result of the Zumo 590 test. After confirming that it can work, I put the SD card into my 4044 device.
    I'm not sure whether the device is currently ID 2842 or ID 4044, so I created both 2842, 4044 folders and edited their Update.txt content, and finally I saw that the results of all commands point to IS 2842.
    Last edited by Boki; 26th November 2022 at 08:36 PM. Reason: approved

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  3. #12
    Important User BMW Motorrad Navigator VI HWID 4044 with "SYSTEM SOFTWARE MISSING" message
    BMW Motorrad Navigator VI HWID 4044 with "SYSTEM SOFTWARE MISSING" messageBMW Motorrad Navigator VI HWID 4044 with "SYSTEM SOFTWARE MISSING" message
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    Thank you for the additional information. Please continue to supply anything even if you think it might not be relevant, and that includes (particularly so) what you might think were potentially embarrassing 'screw-ups' - no one will take you to task over that i assure you!

    There's some considerable differences between region 14 data of your Nav VI represented by 2842-14.bin (still nominally HWID 4044 in its XML file but possibly only because it hasn't rebooted to overwrite with current info) and 2584's fw_all.bin. However, somewhat reassuringly, the PCB P/N of your 14 dump does match that of the original US/EU fw for 2584, i.e. 105-03069-00.

    Concerningly however, there is no HWID or S/W Version shown by RGN_Tool for your 2842-14.bin. Both show as N/A when i expect to see 4044 and 100 respectively.

    I now need a dump of your friend's JN Nav VI for rgn14 please, or if he has a copy of the latest fw for 2842 that's even better.

    PS: I've requested a staff member to move these posts to a new thread of its own as the circumstances don't reflect the usual bricking requiring "cure" firmware to be loaded.

  4. #13
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    Quote Originally Posted by Butters View Post
    There's some considerable differences between region 14 data of your Nav VI represented by 2842-14.bin (still nominally HWID in its XML file but possibly only because it hasn't rebooted to overwrite with current info) and 2584's fw_all.bin. However, somewhat reassuringly, the PCB P/N of your 14 dump does match that of the original US/EU fw for 2584, i.e. 105-03069-00.
    How can I find and confirm the PCB P/N information through Hex Tool (I.E. HexComp or UltraEdit)? I try to find the text string "105-03069" or the hexadecimal string "31 30 35 2d 30 33 30 36 39" Similar combinations all fail.
    This is a curiosity I want to learn more about.

    Quote Originally Posted by Butters View Post
    Concerningly however, there is no HWID or S/W Version shown by RGN_Tool for your 2842-14.bin. Both show as N/A when i expect to see 4044 and 100 respectively.
    How can I use RGN_Tool to read my 2842-14.bin?
    My RGN_Tool version is V0.94, it can only read .rgn and .gcd format files, it does not support .bin format files, I can only use RGN_Tool to read and extract .gcd format files I got from the official website Exporting boot.bin, or transferring to .rgn, cannot reversely interpret the final .bin format file.

    Quote Originally Posted by Butters View Post
    I now need a dump of your friend's JN Nav VI for rgn14 please, or if he has a copy of the latest fw for 2842 that's even better.
    My friend's JN Nav VI unit was returned, so I no longer have the actual hardware.
    But the download archive I provided earlier
    "Garmin-NV_Data\From_HWID-2842(BMW NAV VI V2.6)\Region Data\Region 0-99\2842-14.bin"
    It should be the file you need, it's the result of a region-by-region dump from my friend's JN Nav VI device using the rrgn command in update.txt.

    I've re-shared the archive I made available for download twice before, if you still need it, the URL is here
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    Now I have an idea, the 2842-14.bin dumped yesterday is the Ldr.bin generated by the original HWID 2842 Ver2.6 GCD file via ID 2842 and ID 4044, if I try to generate again with the HWID 2584 Ver5.8 GCD file Ldr.bin, does this work?

  5. #14
    Important User BMW Motorrad Navigator VI HWID 4044 with "SYSTEM SOFTWARE MISSING" message
    BMW Motorrad Navigator VI HWID 4044 with "SYSTEM SOFTWARE MISSING" messageBMW Motorrad Navigator VI HWID 4044 with "SYSTEM SOFTWARE MISSING" message
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    Quote Originally Posted by Alvinhyc View Post
    How can I find and confirm the PCB P/N information through Hex Tool (I.E. HexComp or UltraEdit)? I try to find the text string "105-03069" or the hexadecimal string "31 30 35 2d 30 33 30 36 39" Similar combinations all fail.
    This is a curiosity I want to learn more about.
    Use a wildcard character between each of "105-" is sufficient i.e. 1*0*5*-*. In XVI32 hex editor it's 1.0.5.-. because for it, "." (hex 2E) is the wildcard character.

    How can I use RGN_Tool to read my 2842-14.bin?
    My RGN_Tool version is V0.94, it can only read .rgn and .gcd format files, it does not support .bin format files, I can only use RGN_Tool to read and extract .gcd format files I got from the official website Exporting boot.bin, or transferring to .rgn, cannot reversely interpret the final .bin format file.
    All versions of RGN-Tool can load bin files. Right click the BIN and choose 'open with' or just run RGN_Tool.exe, check the first section box then press the 'Load' button to select the BIN file.

    My friend's JN Nav VI unit was returned, so I no longer have the actual hardware.
    But the download archive I provided earlier
    "Garmin-NV_Data\From_HWID-2842(BMW NAV VI V2.6)\Region Data\Region 0-99\2842-14.bin" .............
    Thanks, i'd quite forgotten about that full dump for some unknown reason. I'll do the comparing and get back to you about the results when i can. Might be a while sorry, not at my usual PC presently.

    Now I have an idea, the 2842-14.bin dumped yesterday is the Ldr.bin generated by the original HWID 2842 Ver2.6 GCD file via ID 2842 and ID 4044, if I try to generate again with the HWID 2584 Ver5.8 GCD file Ldr.bin, does this work?
    The device will only read a HWID subfolder in the Updater folder if the naming matches the device's HWID. You can try, it can't hurt unless it reads and you've used a wrong ldr.bin. Your attempt with 2842 & 4044 showed that 2842 was read so it's unlikely 2584 will be... just as 4044 wasn't.

    EDIT: After comparing the 3 various main software regions/fw_all (your 4044's 14 dump, your friend's JN 2842's 14 dump and the extracted fw_all.bin from US/EU V5.80 for 2584) i can say that although the hex data differs somewhat, all have PCB P/N of 105-03069-00 so the applicable devices are basically compatible hardware in that the mainboard is the same in all of them. That's not to say that there may be other hardware differences. Of particular concern is the screen on yours which may not work if either JN 2842's or US/EU 2584's full firmware is flashed to it. The risk is that if the screen stops working on the first boot attempt after flashing full fw, and the device DOESN'T default to preboot as in it's current state, that preboot will not be attainable (i'm assuming here that your device usually enters preboot by holding a spot on the screen such as top left-hand corner and not by a button sequence press). Now if preboot's lost and the device also doesn't move far enough into the boot cycle you may also not have access to flashing from the media card in which case, without a screen change of course, it's irrecoverable.

    So you now have a decision to make. If you still cannot locate a copy of the full 4044 V10.0 fw then wait until Garmin issues another firmware update for 4044 devices (if they do make 10.1 available it should be totally safe to flash and will restore the device to original as would V10.0). You could also try flashing just 2584's boot,bin saved as an RGN file to overwrite the ramloader in rgn12 and subsequently 5 & 43, my thinking is that 2584's bootloader & X-Loader may be more compatible with the 4044's main firmware than the 2842's bootloader & X-Loader currently on board. Alternatively flash now with either 2584 or 2842 full firmware as an RGN file using Update.exe or via media card (cross-flashing is risky and quite frankly i won't recommend that - but i'll help you do so and even make the flash kit for you if you want to try either a cross-flash or just load 2584's ramloader).

    PS: Is this device under warranty? If so Garmin honors its warranties internationally and they'd be most unlikely to query the 'system software message' unless you told them its flash history.
    Last edited by Butters; 28th November 2022 at 04:30 AM.

  6. #15
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    Quote Originally Posted by Butters View Post
    So you now have a decision to make. If you still cannot locate a copy of the full 4044 V10.0 fw then wait until Garmin issues another firmware update for 4044 devices (if they do make 10.1 available it should be totally safe to flash and will restore the device to original as would V10.0). You could also try flashing just 2584's boot,bin saved as an RGN file to overwrite the ramloader in rgn12 and subsequently 5 & 43, my thinking is that 2584's bootloader & X-Loader may be more compatible with the 4044's main firmware than the 2842's bootloader & X-Loader currently on board. Alternatively flash now with either 2584 or 2842 full firmware as an RGN file using Update.exe or via media card (cross-flashing is risky and quite frankly i won't recommend that - but i'll help you do so and even make the flash kit for you if you want to try either a cross-flash or just load 2584's ramloader).
    Flashing the 2584's boot.bin saved as an RGN file to overwrite the ramloader in rgn12 and subsequently 5 & 43 this should be the first method to try, because it will not cause damage to a more region.
    Last resort is to flash the 2584 or 2842 full firmware to the RGN file using Update.exe or via a media card, I know it may not be salvageable in the end. So I'll wait a while before trying it and see if I can wait until Garmin releases another firmware update for the 4044 device.

    Quote Originally Posted by Butters View Post
    (cross-flashing is risky and quite frankly i won't recommend that - but i'll help you do so and even make the flash kit for you if you want to try either a cross-flash or just load 2584's ramloader).
    Yes, please help me to understand the steps and toolkit for these two methods.

    Quote Originally Posted by Butters View Post
    PS: Is this device under warranty? If so Garmin honors its warranties internationally and they'd be most unlikely to query the 'system software message' unless you told them its flash history.
    Yes, the device is under warranty, in fact I have tried to contact GARMIN TAIWAN, the reply is:
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    I also messaged the eBay seller asking how to send the device in for repair? But never got any response.
    So the worst case scenario is that I can't send the device back to BMW or GARMIN.

    I would like to ask you, if there is another 4044 device that is brand new and has not been changed, can I safely back up Region 12 and other Regions in the machine without the 4044 boot.bin(Ldr.bin) ?Because I might be able to borrow another 4044 device.
    Last edited by Boki; 28th November 2022 at 08:18 PM. Reason: approved

  7. #16
    Important User BMW Motorrad Navigator VI HWID 4044 with "SYSTEM SOFTWARE MISSING" message
    BMW Motorrad Navigator VI HWID 4044 with "SYSTEM SOFTWARE MISSING" messageBMW Motorrad Navigator VI HWID 4044 with "SYSTEM SOFTWARE MISSING" message
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    Quote Originally Posted by Alvinhyc View Post
    Flashing the 2584's boot.bin saved as an RGN file to overwrite the ramloader in rgn12 and subsequently 5 & 43 this should be the first method to try, because it will not cause damage to a more region.
    Yes it should be relatively safe. You presently have 2842's ramloader flashed to rgn12 and other than causing 'system software missing' it hasn't further bricked the device. It's reasonable to assume that 2584's ramloader won't do any worse, and at best may be compatible with the 4044's main firmware resulting in booting the device. That's essentially what's referred to as a "hybrid-firmware" but in reverse. Usually, a device's original boot.bin is combined with the other fw components of a related device to do a safe and easily reversible conversion whereas in this case you'd be using a related device's ramloader/boot.bin as the only component of an RGN file to exclusively flash rgn12 and thus retaining the original native main fw in rgn14 and resources fw in rgn127. I would be reasonably confident that there'll be nothing unpleasant result from such an experiment and somewhat hopeful of a successful booting. ANY flashing other than standard is risky to some extent however! Thus it'd be at your risk of course. To make a boot.rgn, open the US/EU GCD in RGN_Tool, use the overrides to change HWID to 4044 and SW Version to 100, uncheck the lower boxes then save as boot.rgn as shown below, to then flash with Updater.exe in preboot.
    Spoiler: Click for Image
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    Last resort is to flash the 2584 or 2842 full firmware to the RGN file using Update.exe or via a media card, I know it may not be salvageable in the end. So I'll wait a while before trying it and see if I can wait until Garmin releases another firmware update for the 4044 device.

    Yes, please help me to understand the steps and toolkit for these two methods.
    I'd suggest to not try it yet of course however the steps are quite simple. The firmware GCD of 2584 or 2842 is saved as an RGN file using RGN_Tool and named <any_name>.RGN then flashed using Updater.exe in preboot - usually 'safe-naming' is used in a format of "<HWID>01000<SWV>.RGN" where HWID is 4 digits of the actual device and SWV is 3 digit fw version, e.g. 258401000580.RGN or 284201000260.RGN. Any other naming bypasses Updater.exe's check query of the device's actual HWID and forces the flash so although "OUT.RGN" is usually used for hybrid or foreign fw RGN naming as a warning of its nature, you can save as RGN_Tool's suggested default naming, e.g. "BMWMotorradNavigatorVI_580.RGN" or "2842-V2.60.RGN" for easy identification.
    Spoiler: Click for Image
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    You could also save the individual 14.bin and 127.bin using RGN_Tool and then flash using the appropriate Ldr.bin for either 2584 or 2842 via SD method. The commands for Update.txt would be:
    As the device is only recognizing a HWID folder of 2842 that's what you'd need to have in the Updater folder. The 14.bin and 127.bin would need to be placed directly in the root of the card along-side the Garmin folder for the above txt commands to work. The shorter the read path the better.

    Yes, the device is under warranty, in fact I have tried to contact GARMIN TAIWAN, the reply is:
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    I also messaged the eBay seller asking how to send the device in for repair? But never got any response.
    So the worst case scenario is that I can't send the device back to BMW or GARMIN.
    So the response from Garmin is to handball to problem to BMW ... i'd expect that you'll get a similar response from BMW telling you to contact Garmin.

    I would like to ask you, if there is another 4044 device that is brand new and has not been changed, can I safely back up Region 12 and other Regions in the machine without the 4044 boot.bin(Ldr.bin) ?Because I might be able to borrow another 4044 device.
    Here's the problem with that idea, you don't have the native ramloader for 4044, it's what you want to obtain in fact. So you'd have to use 2584 or 2842's to make Ldr.bin and i'm sure you already know that. As you found out to your misfortune, that process writes the Ldr.bin's ramloader data to rgn12 so whether you'd get a virgin dump of 4044's 12 or of its modified 12 is unknown.... but possibly the latter although i think not. Potentially a risky procedure for the owner of the other device anyway because at latest on the next boot cycle his device will write 5 & 43 from 12 which will certainly have been updated with foreign data by then. If you did manage to get a dump of the virgin 4044's rgn12, it is theoretically possible to 'manufacture' a ramloader by deleting some additional data in hex. You can see yourself by using HexCmp to look at the original boot.bin from 2842 and your dumped 2842-12.bin. You'll see that the first 962,612 bytes are the same and that's the total size of the boot.bin. The 2842-12.bin has 18,874,368 bytes so needs to be trimmed back to obtain what should then be a working ramloader. I'd think flashing a complete rgn12 copy from a different device would be a very bad idea and the twist is knowing exactly what to delete when you don't have an original ramloader with which to compare 12's data.

    Good luck with whatever to decide to do. I'm happy to help you further with advice or even making flash files.




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