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    Important User smokefree's Avatar
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    Default Trying to unbrick a zumo 220

    Received a bricked zumo 220 from a friend. Symptoms are that the unit freezes on the Garmin splash screen when switching on. When connecting to a PC via USB, it reboots every 6 to 10 seconds. Actions taken so far:

    1. Used G7ToWin to confirm HWID (1138) and FW version (3.00).
    2. Flashed CURE FW via GarminCure3.exe and Updater.exe.
    3. Unit is now recognised and visible as an external mass storage device.
    4. Made a backup of all files and folders, including hidden ones.
    5. Formatted the unit via RMPrepUSB.
    6. Flashed ORIGINAL FW via GarminCure3.exe and Updater.exe.
    7. Unit is back to the original (faulty) symptoms.

    Repeated step 2 and used WebUpdater to flash original FW into the unit plus some additional files. Result as in step 7.
    Repeated step 2 and used Garmin Express to update software in the unit. Result as in step 7.
    This is strange, because after step 5 one would think any corrupt file would have been removed.

    Does anyone have other suggestions how to get this unit working again? Thanks!

    Edit 1:
    Additional details:
    - When switching on the unit on battery power, it shows the Garmin splash screen for about 3 seconds, then switches off and stays off.
    - When switching on the unit on wall adapter power, it shows the Garmin splash screen and freezes.
    - Unit no longer shows continuous reboot when on USB cable to PC but remains in mass storage mode.

    One would think the first observation could be caused by a flat battery. However, when using the same battery in a nüvi 550, it shows full. When using the (full) battery from the nüvi 550 in the zumo 220, it still shows the same symptoms as described before. Could it be that a critical region (41?) is damaged and needs restoring?

    Edit 2:
    Tried to backup region 41 but it seems the unit does not read from microSD during boot.
    Last edited by smokefree; 31st October 2014 at 01:43 PM.

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  3. #2
    Garmin/GPS Systems GMod. Trying to unbrick a zumo 220
    Trying to unbrick a zumo 220Trying to unbrick a zumo 220Trying to unbrick a zumo 220Trying to unbrick a zumo 220Trying to unbrick a zumo 220Trying to unbrick a zumo 220Trying to unbrick a zumo 220
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    It's not getting far enough into the boot process to use ldr.bin for commands on a card. Try running the backup with loader.bin as an RGN file to initiate update.txt on the card. You could have a damaged flash memory i suspect. You could try loading the original firmware packed with kunix's [Only registered and activated users can see links. ].
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  4. #3
    Important User smokefree's Avatar
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    Sorry mate, but I'm afraid I will need more detailed (a few step-by-step) instructions how to proceed.

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    First try the rgn41 backup:

    • Prepare the usual stuff for SD NV backup but don't have ldr.bin in the Garmin\Updater\1138 folder, only the update.txt file in there. Insert the card into the nuvi with it fully OFF
    • Patch the boot.bin in hex by replacing bytes 0C 80 A0 E1 at the beginning of the boot.bin with 0C 80 A0 E3. Read this first: [Only registered and activated users can see links. ]
    • Open the patched boot.bin in RGN_Tool and press the RGN button to save it somewhere convenient on your PC [not on the SD] named 113801000300.rgn only
    • Drag the RGN onto Updater.exe, blah blah [you know the rest] and flash it
    • You'll have bin file backup of 41 on the card if it works.

    I have no idea if that will work with a bricked unit with cure fw onboard which won't load ldr.bin normally. It can't hurt anything so you can be a guinea pig.

    For packing fw_all.bin, see: [Only registered and activated users can see links. ]. If you're not happy using command prompt, make a file with Notepad using 'gfwpack.exe pack fw_all.bin' without the quotes and save it as pack.bat [not pack.txt.bat], or you can save it as pack.txt and then rename it pack.bat if you like. Put it in the same folder with gfwpack.exe and the zumo's fw_all.bin then run it by double clicking it.

    Make another rgn file named 113801000300.rgn using the original unpatched boot.bin and the packed fw_all.bin and try to flash it in preboot. Dunno if it's been tried before in nuvi 5x0/zumo 2x0, kunix advised that nuvi 6xx and 24x4/25x5 are a no-go so it might fail regardless.

    I hope that's detailed enough for you old Son, good luck!
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  6. #5
    Important User smokefree's Avatar
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    I followed the steps described above, but got stuck at step 3:

    Quote Originally Posted by Neil View Post
    Open the patched boot.bin in RGN_Tool <...>
    RGN_Tool (v0.78) simply does not open a *.bin file. Not by drag & drop, nor by File -> Open since it only gives the option to open a RGN or GCD file. I may need a step in between. Also the linked post in step 2 is not clear on this point. Renaming the file extension does not work either.

  7. #6
    Garmin/GPS Systems GMod. Trying to unbrick a zumo 220
    Trying to unbrick a zumo 220Trying to unbrick a zumo 220Trying to unbrick a zumo 220Trying to unbrick a zumo 220Trying to unbrick a zumo 220Trying to unbrick a zumo 220Trying to unbrick a zumo 220
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    To open a *.bin file in RGN_Tool, enable Section 1 then press 'Load' to browse for the file. Best update your version of RGN_Tool as well.

    I guess in Windows you've maybe got the default program set as some media player for *.bin files. If you wish to make RGN_Tool the default, this should work regardless of which Win version you have: Right-click the *.bin file, select 'Open with' from the menu. If 'RGN_Tool' isn't in the selection left-click 'Choose default program' at the base and so on ... Or, click 'Properties' instead and change program using 'Open with' there. Then when it's set as default you can simply double-click a bin file and it'll load to Sect 1. I hope you're not using a Mac or i resign. This is gonna cost you many beers anyway, PC lessons weren't part of the deal. .....
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  8. #7
    Important User smokefree's Avatar
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    YES!!! That worked! This way I was able to get a backup of region 41 on the microSD (41.bin, size 4,096 KB). For the next step in unbricking this unit, could you please elaborate on this part:

    Quote Originally Posted by Neil View Post
    Make another rgn file named 113801000300.rgn using the original unpatched boot.bin and the packed fw_all.bin

  9. #8
    Garmin/GPS Systems GMod. Trying to unbrick a zumo 220
    Trying to unbrick a zumo 220Trying to unbrick a zumo 220Trying to unbrick a zumo 220Trying to unbrick a zumo 220Trying to unbrick a zumo 220Trying to unbrick a zumo 220Trying to unbrick a zumo 220
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    Quote Originally Posted by smokefree View Post
    ...... could you please elaborate .....
    Just as quick to make it for you really, so here it is:
    Spoiler: Click
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    Usual stuff, drag it onto Updater.exe, connect in preboot mode and hope it flashes. BTW, i would have settled for a slab or 2 before, now i want a pallet of grog if this works.

    Otherwise i'm all out of ideas other than simply flashing fw_all.bin as an RGN by itself and hoping bootloader can be found in ROM. I have no idea how risky that'd be for your ailing zumo, need input from the expert[s] first for sure.

    Explaining this RGN in very brief terms, it's made from the original [not patched, not packed] boot.bin and the fw_all.bin packed with guru kunix's gfwpack.exe firmware packer. We know the unit can seemingly run boot.bin but its maybe incapable of loading fw_all.bin. Maybe it can be loaded if it's packed. Break a leg Buddy!
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  10. #9
    Navigation software Moderator kunix's Avatar
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    Guys, you've backed up NV, but have you erased it?
    Maybe it's poisoned with some corrupt record which makes firmware crash?

  11. #10
    Important User smokefree's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by kunix View Post
    Guys, you've backed up NV, but have you erased it?
    No, rgn41 is not erased. If that is recommended, please provide instructions how to replace it by a non-corrupt version.

    Quote Originally Posted by kunix View Post
    Maybe it's poisoned with some corrupt record which makes firmware crash?
    Considering the symptoms, that's my thought too. Won't be home until 1500 UTC, so can only proceed then.




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