I can't put the gmap3d file on internal memory since there is only 192 mb free space, the gmap3d file size is 369 mb.
I was thinking of unlocking it with jetmouse keygen but the Lexor 4GB SD card has only a 5 digit ID #.
I believe I read somewhere the SD card must have 10 digit ID for it to work.
I got it to work with the 5 digit SD card ID #.
I used the old Jetmouse Keygen with the 4 digit code input.
I generated unlock code for map ID 2365 (gmap3d.img) using the 5 digit Lexor SD card ID #
Renamed gmap3d.img to gmap3d1.img
Created unlock file and named it gmap3d1.unl
All maps now appear.