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  1. #51
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    I'd also like to get the .ASR and .SRX files (normally located in the ASR folder) for this release. My application is for a Kenwood DNX9960, but it uses the same files as other voice controlled Garmin units. This Kenwood unit originally came with 2010.10 and Kenwood/Garmin have yet to release newer maps for it. I was able to upgrade manually to 2011.10 with ASR files and it works perfectly, but there are a few errors in the maps that I hope .30 has addressed.

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  3. #52


    I am looking for the ASR files as well.

  4. #53
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    It looks like those looking for ASR, SRX, JCV files should state which unit they have as they are different files for different units.


    Quote Originally Posted by kwarwick43 View Post
    I'd also like to get the .ASR and .SRX files (normally located in the ASR folder) for this release. My application is for a Kenwood DNX9960, but it uses the same files as other voice controlled Garmin units. This Kenwood unit originally came with 2010.10 and Kenwood/Garmin have yet to release newer maps for it. I was able to upgrade manually to 2011.10 with ASR files and it works perfectly, but there are a few errors in the maps that I hope .30 has addressed.
    If the ASR (for 2011.30) files do not show up soon, be aware that 2011.20 and its ASR files (at least for my 885T unit) are around with the correct ASR directory files so at least you can get one step up from where you are... Sad that your unit has not had anything since that aged release. Also, curious if your ASR files are from the 8xx set for 2011.10 or the 37xx set, please?


  5. #54
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    my is 850T sorry.. i don't think there are difference in SRX files per units... at least my i've been using the ones that come on 2010 and 2009 cd's from prior releases and they worked fine..

  6. #55
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    Quote Originally Posted by MikieP View Post
    Also, curious if your ASR files are from the 8xx set for 2011.10 or the 37xx set, please?

    Good question, I'm not sure which model they came from. Here are the 2011.10 ASR files and sizes I have if this helps:

    01XS2BR4.SRX 1.6MB
    01XS2BR5.ASR 45KB
    01XS2BR6.ASR 1.02GB <--- much larger
    01XS2BR7.ASR 113.4MB

    I did see that 2011.20 files were available, but I didn't bother with that release because the ASR files are about 1/2 the size of the 2011.10 files I have. It seems there are at least two different sets of ASR files, the larger set seems to include the necessary data to understand Canadian cities and street names. I know this because when I first got my DNX9960 with 2010.10 map, the ASR files were also about half the size. With that release I had to search for addresses with the keyboard, but after I upgraded to 2011.10 (with the much larger ASR files) I magically was able to search Canadian addresses with voice commands. Since I'm living in Canada this is a pretty important to me.
    Last edited by kwarwick43; 21st November 2010 at 10:35 PM. Reason: fixed file sizes

  7. #56
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    Quote Originally Posted by NiTRoN69 View Post
    my is 850T sorry.. i don't think there are difference in SRX files per units... at least my i've been using the ones that come on 2010 and 2009 cd's from prior releases and they worked fine..
    I do know that the ASR files are indeed different from 2010.40 and 2011.20 releases. If the 2010.40 ASR's are used on 2011.20 map, Find Address fails. When corrected by using matching ASR files for the map are loaded, Find Address works OK (885T is the only unit I can verify this required matching of files on). Are they the same for 3790? Doubt it but do not know. Had a 3790LMT here yesterday but it had old maps (2010.10) so I did not check the ASR files as I do not have a 2011.10 set of 885T ASR files to compare it to. I am so stupid to not have at least looked at them while the unit was in my hands, but I am certain they would not work on my 2011.30 885T. Every 885T I have updated (4 so far) failed the Find Address though many other command DID function properly, unless I used the proper ASR files for the gmapprom.img file.


    Quote Originally Posted by kwarwick43 View Post
    Good question, I'm not sure which model they came from. Here are the 2011.10 ASR files and sizes I have if this helps:

    01XS2BR4.SRX 1.6MB
    01XS2BR5.ASR 45KB
    01XS2BR6.ASR 1.02GB <--- much larger
    01XS2BR7.ASR 113.4MB

    I did see that 2011.20 files were available, but I didn't bother with that release because the ASR files are about 1/2 the size of the 2011.10 files I have. It seems there are at least two different sets of ASR files, the larger set seems to include the necessary data to understand Canadian cities and street names. I know this because when I first got my DNX9960 with 2010.10 map, the ASR files were also about half the size. With that release I had to search for addresses with the keyboard, but after I upgraded to 2011.10 (with the much larger ASR files) I magically was able to search Canadian addresses with voice commands. Since I'm living in Canada this is a pretty important to me.
    WOW! I have never seen ASR's that big! Where did you get them, please? Never seen those around at all. Got to wonder what in hell is going on with Garmin to release files that do and then do not work in CA... Sort of makes our US 885T North America coverage rather meaningless, no? Do not know if my 2011.20 works in CA as I have not been there since getting my 885T but do plan to within the next year or two. Have not seen a lot of discussion on this topic since we are in the definite minority with Voice Command units. I have not seen o1xs... files as well. There appears to be many many ASR versions around, but do not know how to get an index of them. It would sure help out in the dilemma. I know that my 885T works 100% with the 2011.20 files but now, looking at your disfunction in CA without the correct files I am fairly certain mine will not work there. Wonder of wonders. Anyone out there got any further info on these ASR miseries, esp CA folks since these files seems so out-sized compared to our US files?

    Last edited by catymag; 22nd November 2010 at 01:37 AM. Reason: merged 2 consecutive posts

  8. #57
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    Does any one have trafficTrends for 2011.30 NA a DB file which is in SQLite folder... And also nüRoute G2S file for the same..
    Last edited by warblade52; 22nd November 2010 at 03:25 PM.

  9. #58
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    Quote Originally Posted by ktp View Post
    Yes the ASR files are map dependent so old map version's ASR files will most likely not work for newer map. But as far as I know, they are not device dependent. So 37xx or 8xx version should work on either device as long as the map version matches.
    Well, I have a feeling that the ASR files, yes I am fully aware they are map dependent, however, for the 37xx will NOT be fully functional on 8xx units, unless I miss my guess on how the algorithms work. Why, because the 3790 I played with has far less function by voice than the 8xx units - i.e. voice does not seem to control the entire unit, just a pull down menu of a couple of options. JCV files are very different between these two units as well. Getting bummed out here not finding the files I need to use these updated maps on my 885T without losing voice command Find functions. And how is it that we are installing 2011 3rd quarter maps in 2010 anyways?

    MikieP (885T and 765T Owner)

    Looks we need D1279080A for our 885T's to have the correct JCV file. Anyone got it?
    Looks we need 01Yxxxxxx for our 885T's ASR files for complete Voice Command Functionality. Anyone got them?

    The JCV file offered in post #1 is not correctly numbered to follow our scheme it appears. The one offered is numbered D2339030A but may work. I have not tested it. Perhaps this one is for the 37xx et al series...
    Last edited by MikieP; 23rd November 2010 at 09:06 AM.

  10. #59
    Important User City Navigator North America NT 2011.30
    City Navigator North America NT 2011.30City Navigator North America NT 2011.30City Navigator North America NT 2011.30City Navigator North America NT 2011.30City Navigator North America NT 2011.30City Navigator North America NT 2011.30City Navigator North America NT 2011.30
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    this post by Ballebar in new CNEU thread ,I think can close this long discussion about ASR files

    Quote Originally Posted by Ballebar View Post
    Trying a download for a nüvi 885 gives the same SRX and ASR files as for the nüvi 37xx series.

    Extract from "&APPDATA%\GARMIN\Map Update\SetupLog.txt":
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  11. #60
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    ASR Files again. 3790 NA CNNT 2011.30 ASR/SRX files are named:

    01YA4A2O.SRX 1.666 mb
    01YA4A2P.ASR 44 kb
    01YA4A2Q.ASR 439,156 mb
    01YA4A2R.ASR 112,240 mb

    Google has no hits on these as yet. From ballebar's test, these are apparently the files we 8xx users need.




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