Thanks Giomen, i'm aware of that thread which i posted in extensively and it refers only to the 2012 models with integrated receiver and TA-20 power cable [i'd not heard of TA-10 either]. I wasn't aware of any 2013 with built in receiver other than 1x2/4 range. I guessed that it's this one he had:
Under 'Комплектация' ['Complete Set'] which i assumed was the usual 'In the Box' tab it has 'Антенна для приема трафика' which translates as 'Antenna for receiving traffic' which sounded more like an included accessory than an integrated receiver to me. [Just so you know i did research it before i answered him which i did because his post had gone unanswered for nearly a day ....]Code:Please Login or Register to see the links
Also on re-reading the post, I think he's asking if he can add another TMC sub to it using this method or only by paid.