Nuvi765 doesn't recognize gmapsup1.img or gmapsupp1.img (or gmapupp1.img???).
But gmapoem.img is recognized even not visible in the selection
in nuvi 765t it not support gmapdem.img nuvi 765t can install 4 maps in yours gmapprom.img,gmaprom1.img,gmapsupp.img,gmapupp1.img
and 2 maps for 3d is gmap3d.img and gmap3d1.img
you can rename gmapdem.img to one of *.img that not use I suggest to rename to gmapprom or gmapprom1
Nuvi765 doesn't recognize gmapsup1.img or gmapsupp1.img (or gmapupp1.img???).
But gmapoem.img is recognized even not visible in the selection
Is it possible to convert Nuvi 1460 Sg/My version 2.10 to Nuvi 1460 TH version 3.0 with the same instructions as below? This version 2.10 can view Thai JCV, but there are many bugs, so I want to upgrade to newer version (convert to Thai firmware) and can still use Thai JCV. Moreover, if this is possible, would it be fine to use Thai V11 Duo map?
Thanks for the maps!
Who says that the Thai Firmware has not the same bugs? A higher version number doesn't mean its newer or better.
tom1807 is right !
ie f/w for 1xxxTH swv 2.80 is not better than the older one.
It makes 1xxx keep rebooting.
For swv3.00 has no report like that till now.
TSM v11 has a high resolution jcv file for 37xx.
And this is for GarminAsus M10 too. (GarminAsus M10 with official TCN TH + High rosulution JCV contain the same data as of 37xx jcv file)
Here is JCV pic from official jcv for GarminAsus M10 TH
Thanks Khun Aekhong. May I understand correct that if I use original boot.bin this will help to prevent my Nuvi turn into a brick? In my case, what should I do for instruction no. 4 ("4. Downgrade your FW Nuvi 1490 US to 3.00 US by 1490 300US.rgn with Updater. or nuvi13xxand14xxseries_regionfileonly__300.gcd.")?
If you need to go back to US3.00 firmware., you can...
-Use RGN_Tool to open "original US 14xx swv3.00"
-save to a .rgn file (without modified)
-Use updater.exe to flash nuvi
That's it. !!
And yes., Your nuvi will be fine with your original boot.bin
It may keep rebooting if .rgn file is wrong but it's easy to recover just use your original gupdate.gcd file using RGN_Tool to save to a .rgn to recover your unit.