You must mark ,2,
You can divide them by type with this program, very easily and quickly.
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there is a file there, how many decimal places are needed, 5,6,7 when saving the file the coordinates change
default number is 6
change to text, then back
spudigo.cfg - spudigo.txt - spudigo.cfg
Last edited by Andrey Form; 13th March 2024 at 02:03 PM.
You must mark ,2,
In Notepad++ use search with RegEx (Regular Expression), ex: (.*),(.*),2,(.*),(.*).
You can also use it for replacement: Find: (.*),(.*),2,(.*),(.*) Replace with: $1,$2,1,$3,$4
",2," don't work, you will have Direction and Type result.
Last edited by mytheuzen; 13th March 2024 at 04:13 PM.
@ Texas
With Notepad++ you can use Replace... with a regular expression
it will only replace the lines containing the OLD_TYPE regardless of the number of lines and other existing radars, there is no need to segment the file as recommended by Andrey Form using SpudIgo
check 'Regular Expression'
fill 'find what' with this by putting the OLD_TYPE value of the radar type to replace
do the same in "replace with", put this by putting the new value of the type
then all that remains is to use the buttons: 'Find next' , 'Replace' or 'Replace all'
after replacing all occurence, CTRL+Z to cancel if in doubt![]()
Last edited by lunapark; 13th March 2024 at 05:21 PM.
First of thank you very much and I am ashamed since I allowed myself so long without powerfull tool like NOTEPAD+++ and Speedcam Converter.
A bit of Google, YouTube, your help here with commands and I managed to clean an sort out my database just as I like it.
1. Found a camera set
2. Combine them using Text File Joiner
3. Cleaned all those lines or empty spaces with RE and ^\R command
4. Put it back into SpeedConverter since this program is very sensitive if there are some strange lines of code or comments. (Had to deal with it first using Notepad+++)
5. Selected my fav categories and in the end super speedcam file
6. Converted them using Pyhton Script for ST or simply for iGO.
Thank you guys
Spoiler: screenshot
NOTICE: By no means I advise installing illegal software nor I support such actions. This is just for EDUCATIONAL PURPOSES. Please use my post in order to understand or learn something new. I am a proud owner of LICENSED NAVIGATION but just to satisfy my curiosity I test, read and research. Sharing illegal material is against the law.
@Texas and all the guys
I think my way is simplest, shorter and more precise.
1. Open Excel.
2. Import a NEW text file of the speedcams you want to handle and under ALL FILES.
3. Mark (while uploading) the "separators" you want and see how it will look to you in a reduced preview.
Spoiler: And that's it all
The full and exact way - [Only registered and activated users can see links. ]
Last edited by kwbs; 24th March 2024 at 03:55 PM.
There is no single way to achieve the result; the most important thing is to use software with which one is familiar and to ensure that the procedure is as simple and as quick as possible.
Hi @Texas
As per your request, here is the way to import a Text file of spdcams into Excel and process it as you wish.
Open a new Excel sheet and then (follow the numbered steps):
1. Highlight DATA
3. Point On From FILE
4. Choose Import Data From a Text File
Spoiler: 1-2-3-4
5. IMPORT Text File
Sample view/total 218 spcams/file of: ISRAEL_31012024_ALLINONE_SPCDB
Spoiler: 5
Spoiler: 6
Spoiler: 7
8. Finally - Save It As A Text File Type
After you have finished working on the Excel, save it first as an Excel file.
Then, go to FILE > SAVE AS and, in "save as type" - You can choose any of the three file type options highlighted in the image and, give this file a new name!
Go to the folder where the new .csv file was downloaded and change its extension from .csv to .txt!
Now, the new Text file is ready for you to work again in the navigation software.
Spoiler: 8. "Save as Type"
Last edited by kwbs; 25th March 2024 at 05:50 AM.
hello members,
i can not find a german speedcam file for 2023/4 maps.
is there one?