*.3DL - 3D landmark buildings
*.3DC - conventional three-dimensional building
*car - cursors and cars.
*.DEM - three-dimensional landscapes
* - features of DD rules in different countries, road signs, information about TMS stations
*.HSP - Navteq Traffic Patterns - averaged data of road load on different days of the week and hours, helps in calculating the route to avoid traffic jams. Here you can read the description of the function HistSpeed. To date, the files are irrelevant, since they have been replaced by .FSP
*, are responsible for the interface language
*.HNR - for quick calculation of long routes, only for Primo, to activate, there must be an entire set of cards of the same version EEU (Eastern Europe), WEU (Western Europe), or additional entry in sys.txt
** Easy - easy route, Economical - economical, Fast - quick, Green - eco-friendly, Short - short.
*.FJW - this is new ( 2014 year) vector version of "crossroads view"..
*.FBL - map.
*.FDA - Driver alerts (driver warnings).
*.FPA - Point Addressing (additional information on addresses). Only for Primo
*.FSP - traffic profiles, the content is displayed in the road data archive and is taken into account by the program when planning a route
*.FTR - Truck Info (information for freight transport). Only for Primo
*.FDS - files automatically control the operation of the transmission in some models of modern cars on dangerous curves and sharp turns. No for ordinary GPS-devices
THESE FILES ARE NOT NEEDED*.fbl+*.fpa+*.fda+*.fsp+*.ftr+*.hnr - must be of the same version and the same manufacturer, otherwise, even with a license *.fda *.fpa *.ftr *.fsp *.hnr (any) will be inactive content.
*.PH - phonemes for TTS - correct pronunciation of the names of streets and settlements, phonemes for Russian voices are not recommended.
*.POI - points of interest are standart and extended
raster (satellite) map files
*.zip (optional), color schemes are responsible for the map palette
*.zip (Not required), to register and modify the interface allows you to obtain additional features and capabilities
*.SPC - Releases of files of official speedcam databases
*.TXT - Unofficial database files of speedcams and alert points
*.TMC - .tmc files are responsible for information about the stations "Traffic Message Channel" These files are only needed for RDS.
*.usericon - icon files (optional) for additional points of interest
*.KML - personal points of interest imported from Google Maps or Google Earth
*, voice guidance
*VR - voice control files, commands
*Vr_vde - voice control files, address input
License - files * .lic, * .lyc - licenses, there must be a minimum and sufficient number
SAVE - created by the program at the first start, it stores the settings (after setting up the program,
it is advisable to make a backup) files user.upoi (favorites), history.sav (history), etc.
UTILITY - files from the kit for skins or branding
UX - *.zip ux- utilities
VOCON - voice control files - images, icons, codes, sound files, etc. - standard, original interface and program data.
sys -fine-tuning the program
tts_nua_v5 - required when using TTS audio prompts
ui_igo9 - images, icons, codes, etc.
audio - files for sound accompaniment of events
vautov5.dll - required when using TTS audio prompts
vocon3200_asr.dll - for voice control
vocon3200_base.dll - for voice control
vocon3200_platform.dll - for voice control