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  1. #61
    Master BIRBANTE's Avatar
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    In my opinion, the anomaly concerns only category 2, (speedcam_category:2 - Built-in speed camera - Type 2), and not category 4, (speedcam_category:4 - Red light camera - Type 3).

    In Italy the txt files with Type 2 correspond almost totally, (I have not checked them one by one), to the Traffic Light.
    A judge's ruling ruled that in Italy, the traffic light devices cannot perform the double function, or detect speed, or traffic light infractions.
    But I cannot generalize the Italian situation with the rest of the world, so I have "translated" category 2 in Red Light and Speedcam as category 11, but category 11 appears only with the "original" spc files.

    I believe that we should not fossilize on the Eur+ sequence, if it is ascertained that the txt files with Type 2 correspond to the semaphores we will change the Type from 2 to 3, otherwise everyone will change it as they see fit.
    I have never used the Eur+ sequence, until recently I used all Italian categories and now I use an Italian/French/Spanish sequence.

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  3. #62
    Super Moderator iGO Speedcam (DISCUSSION)
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    speedcam_category:2 - Built-in speed camera - Type 2

    speedcam france where there is no iGO standard

    This thread publishes the first five types of iGO cameras.
    SCDB - iGO standard can be applied to everyone, no matter what encoding you have ( IT, GR, SP etc.)

    If we are talking about code 11, then this is already iGO Primo.

    In a general discussion, what's where in the topic speedcam

    In general, type 2 is a built-in camera, for example, in a box - this type differs from the first type in that the camera is not on the ground.
    the first type of installation on the ground, the second is suspended somewhere.

    Type 11 is speed and red light - iGO Primo.
    Last edited by Andrey Form; 20th March 2022 at 02:33 PM.

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  4. #63
    Master BIRBANTE's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Andrey Form View Post
    Type 11 is speed and red light - iGO Primo.
    Type 11 is among the spc file categories of both Here maps and TomTom maps.
    Here maps categories 1, 3, 4, 11 and TomTom maps categories 1, 4, 11, 15.

    Does NNG continue to provide spc files for versions of Primo?

  5. #64
    Super Moderator iGO Speedcam (DISCUSSION)
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    Quote Originally Posted by BIRBANTE View Post
    Does NNG continue to provide spc files for versions of Primo?
    This confirms that the default (ID 0 - ID 15, 31) iGO types do not need to be changed and adjusted to your countries, such changes do not make it possible to use different bases speedcam. For specific country codes, there are extended types (ID 16 - ID 30). Thus having default (ID 0 - ID 15, 31) the user has the ability to move around the world without thinking which speedcam he can use.
    French users understand that their encoding is unique and has a base and direction of the cameras.

    Italian users cannot use gbc forum encoding in other countries,, and also the database has no directions, which confuses users and faces the choice to decide for themselves whether this is the beginning or the end.
    And most importantly, Italy does not have any database, but uses the data of the police website, so when compiling speedcam.txt, they assign the types themselves. Obviously, the harder the better for you.

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  6. #65
    Master BIRBANTE's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Andrey Form View Post
    This confirms that the default (ID 0 - ID 15, 31) iGO types do not need to be changed and adjusted to your countries, such changes do not make it possible to use different bases speedcam.
    The really important categories are less than 15, only very few countries have a database for different categories, the majority rely on that of SCDB or POI Base, so the categories that absolutely must not be changed are 0, 1, 2, 3, 4 for these two types of database and the categories 0, 3, 11, 15 for the spc of the TomTom maps and 0, 3, 4, 11 for the spc of the Here maps, all the others can be used at will, provided you have adequate databases.

    French users has a base and direction of the cameras.
    Spanish users too.

    Italian users cannot use gbc forum encoding in other countries,,
    Don't talk bullshit, the categories for SCDB and POI Base files have always been there and now with the last sequence of categories they can go anywhere safely also in Spain and France, I did it even though I didn't have any specific requests.

    And most importantly, Italy does not have any database,
    What do you know about Italy, the site with both a Speedcam and Point of Interest database has existed for more than 10 years.

    and also the database has no directions
    This is because the data was collected for the TomTom and Garmin and the directionality was not needed, now it is too late to fix it, however even the SCDB database does not have them.

    but uses the data of the police website
    The Police are required to publish the fixed and mobile positions they manage, but these are only the positions on the motorways or on the main roads

    so when compiling speedcam.txt, they assign the types themselves.
    They don't fill out a damn thing. You're just annoyed because you can't use that database to augment your ........

  7. #66
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    Italy France Spain encoding in one file speedcam.zip ? I would prefer to upgrade to the original SP with camera base when I go to Spain and install the EUR+ kit with camera base when I go to France. Why should I take and try to reassign codes for three countries. You are free to do whatever you want, but there is a league of professionals and there is a group that wants to join. To do this, you must follow certain rules.

    for clarity
    Spoiler: IT FR SP
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    Spoiler: SP
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    Spoiler: EUR
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    Last edited by Andrey Form; 22nd March 2022 at 06:28 AM.

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  8. #67
    Master BIRBANTE's Avatar
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    As usual, you talk nonsense just to say I'm wrong using bold just to give you a higher tone.

    I would prefer to upgrade to the original SP with camera base when I go to Spain and install the EUR+ kit with camera base when I go to France.
    To go to Spain first I have to cross France ...... to do as you say I would have to use 3 different speedcam.zip with as many different lang and voice files .......

    Why should I take and try to reassign codes for three countries.
    Because it is much easier to change some types than to have 3 speedcam.zip, 3 Lang and 3 Voice. (I also adapted the Average Speedcam Ends for the Pongo Skin with 5 km / h speed)

    but there is a league of professionals and there is a group that wants to join. To do this, you must follow certain rules.
    But as professionals, it is only you who try to establish rules that no one respects, the French have their own categories, the Spanish as well but what is wrong is only me ... you are very impartial as a moderator ..... . you said that you would not have attended my Forum anymore but I see that you are still doing it now ......

  9. #68
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    I sincerely wish you every success in your experiments to combine the special encodings of different countries into one code. And I hope it will work at least on your forum.

    Take another look at the French encoding, this is not EUR +, as it is done for freight transport with support for these types of speedcam.txt.
    And the usual encoding for France

    Spoiler: FR
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    as well as the Spanish encoding has a similar encoding in ID0 - 15, 31

    Spoiler: SP
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    Quote Originally Posted by BIRBANTE View Post

    Because it is much easier to change some types than to have 3 speedcam.zip, 3 Lang and 3 Voice.
    If you have original names for all types of notification, then you need one Lang + Voice, of course there can be 3 of them, but only if Italian, French and Spanish are needed. More details here:

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    Last edited by Andrey Form; 4th February 2024 at 09:27 AM.

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  10. #69
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    Hi Andrey!
    I found the "Cserobi Hungary Speedcam for Igo - Primo & NextGen" forum and found a SpeedCam TXT list(hungarian). My problem: I have IGO NextGen Pack 19 by Pongo skin APK.
    The Cserobi TXT list can not be inserted correctly in my SpeedCam list.Hover is the error? Please help. On this topic you are the profi!
    Thank's for all: Jasz

  11. #70
    Super Moderator iGO Speedcam (DISCUSSION)
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    This speedcam hungary thread only has information from 2021.03.15. I don't think you will be satisfied with this information.
    Also on the forum there is a SCDB database where you can have a camera for Hungary.

    All search information is available here.
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