Hi all and thanks for unlocking the topic,
The info that I came across by incident is that I also saw no traffic in latest TomTom latam app (the one that everyone says its working fine, at least in Italy, where I live). I also thought it was a TomTom servers problem or local because the other old GO 1.18 app which I also use had no traffic also. But than I remembered that I played with the new latam app (3.12) and previously disabled online routing and online search options in TomTom Services section (NOT the Traffic & Safety cameras option, which was always on). Than I turned these two options on again and restarted the app, this activated back Online traffic for me. In my opinion maybe TomTom "linked" somehow the usage of online traffic to the online routing. And about the GO 1.18 version, if my feeling is right, it could be that the app doesn't support this new online routing implemented by TomTom nds and this could be the reason is not working anyway.
I also think there could be also issues with servers (we know from the past there were) but after test above I am positive now there could be also something changed in the way TomTom manages and links online traffic with online routing features.
Thank you !