It's either what you suspect or the device is stuck trying to load an essential file which is corrupt or incomplete. Likely it's the lower 48 map IMG file given the circumstance.
Garmin are quite able to tell you how to fix but that's not their policy as you found.
Yes, reading thru the site here will give you all the info you need to fix it. Garmin devices 'soft-brick' very easily but the good news is they can be 'unbricked' in a jiffy. Start here: [Only registered and activated users can see links. ]. Once you've re-enabled Mass Storage Mode with Cure firmware (check if MSM is still available first tho', before using Cure) I'd start by removing the map if a new one's been added, if that's the cause there should be no need to format the internal memory. More here too: [Only registered and activated users can see links. ].
Post in the above threads, or back here, if you need more assistance.