from #catymag' post, on 9th February 2015, 02:02 PM:
Unfortunately as stated in OP quote
New gimgunlock-0.03+MapSigPatch
unlocks NT (not NTU) IMGs in newer devices, but not working with all new devices 2xx9
If you have 2xx7 (8) (PartNumber> 006-B1582-00), works
If you have 2xx7 (8) (PartNumber> 006-B2077-00), doesn't work.
Your device have a new protection in firmware.
And also from #Cents:
I am a new member and a complete Newb at updating maps in a GPS. I just bought a Garmin Nuvi 2597 from Costco Canada a week and 1/2 ago. Right after I got it I used Garmin Express to updated the maps and a software update (I think a firmware update but not completely sure). I have read a large part of this thread and others and have checked the Garmin XML file and it has the dreaded "PartNumber> 006-B2077-00" near the beginning of the file. Is the part number tied to the physical device and so is unchangeable and I am simply done until someone finds another way around this with a new gimgunlock or similar, or is the part number tied to a firmware update that I might have done, and if I roll back the firmware based on info in this forum and use the latest gimgunlock I could then install a Garmin European NT map?
Answer by #catymag: @Cents.
Sorry actually you cannot unlock maps with unlockers in your device.