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  1. #221
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    Quote Originally Posted by Strephon Alkhalikoi View Post
    Removing the card from the Garmin before flashing was actually a smart move. However, it looks as if your directory structure is a bit messed up. Maps cannot be stored in subdirectories beneath X:/Map/ but must reside in the X:/Map/ directory itself. Thus, X:/Map/North America.img is acceptable. X:/Map/2013.10/North America.img is not.
    "sd card root" refer to the drive of sd.
    so it's be. X:/Map/2013.10.img and X:/Garmin/xxxx.jcv

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  3. #222
    Senior Member Strephon Alkhalikoi's Avatar
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    I understood what you meant by "SD Card root". I simply call it "X" as it's quicker to type out than "SD Card root".

    In any event, 2013.10.img may not work because the firmware may treat it as a double extension. Rename it to 2013_10.img and you should be fine. Personally, since the name of the file can be anything, it won't hurt to be more descriptive, e.g. North America 2013-10.img.
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  4. #223
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    @lolypop000: since I got lucky flashing the wrong boot, but it work. Should I reflash with the correct boot Or just leave as is since it works. Thx

    Thinking about it, i don't think the flash ever go through nuvi 1450 when i flash the wrong boot. Y? Because when I click OK and pop up msg said no available update then I click OK again, and the flash just cancel itself. But Y I have Full JCV? Maybe nuvi 1450 already had full JCV since Garmin site stated.

    Then question arise. y my nuvi 1450 never had full jcv b4 coming to this forum. I think maybe the original jcv was only 49kb and new jcv is now 755mb.

    My other friend had nuvi 1300 and based on garmin site, no full jcv. I will see what's his chipset is, 0972 or 1104. If none of those then i guess he's just unlucky to have jcv.
    Last edited by cat2115; 15th July 2012 at 09:28 PM.

  5. #224
    Navigation software Moderator kunix's Avatar
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    People, you can't run 1104 boot.bin on a device with 972 bootloader and vice versa. It's because of the totally different loading addresses of boot.bins (0x60000 for 972 vs 0x10040000 for 1104). boot.bin is not a position independent piece of code. It crashes very early if loaded at a wrong address.

    As it is boot.bin who is responsible for flashing bootloader, you can't accidentally replace 972 bootloader with 1104 one and vice versa. Doing so would require running update.txt script rather than just flashing an RGN file.

    Exactly the same thing is true for firmwares. You can't run 1104 firmware on a device with 972 bootloader and vice versa. You'll see the "system software missing" message in this case.

    So, cat2115, it's impossible that you've flashed wrong boot or wrong firmware. Even if you renamed the RGN file, it would still be impossible. The explanation must be somewhere else.

    By the way, I'm by no means saying that you can safely rename RGN files. It could be deadly dangerous!
    But in this particular case it's safe because of the different loading addresses.
    Last edited by kunix; 16th July 2012 at 05:38 AM.

  6. #225
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    hmm, i don't know Kunix but I download the wrong file from here and in the Updater folder, there's two files (110401000610.rgn & Updater.exe). My friend's nuvi 1450 all had 0972 and version 6.10. When I flash 110401000610.rgn, it just say, "No Update Available for this product". I click OK and it just cancel the flashing. I guess the flashing never happened and that's y his gps didnt broke. Very lucky... See screenshot. 2w2obhx

    But weirdly, his nuvi 1450 had full jcv which he never had it before. That's y I'm thinking of maybe his nuvi 1450 already came with jcv and i just loaded him with full jcv (755mb) in sd card. That's y he can view full jcv. His original jcv was only 50kb
    Last edited by cat2115; 15th July 2012 at 10:46 PM.

  7. #226
    Garmin/GPS Systems GMod. Enable features in your nuvi 12xx, 13xx and 14xx - JCV, LA, TTS
    Enable features in your nuvi 12xx, 13xx and 14xx - JCV, LA, TTSEnable features in your nuvi 12xx, 13xx and 14xx - JCV, LA, TTSEnable features in your nuvi 12xx, 13xx and 14xx - JCV, LA, TTSEnable features in your nuvi 12xx, 13xx and 14xx - JCV, LA, TTSEnable features in your nuvi 12xx, 13xx and 14xx - JCV, LA, TTSEnable features in your nuvi 12xx, 13xx and 14xx - JCV, LA, TTSEnable features in your nuvi 12xx, 13xx and 14xx - JCV, LA, TTS
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    All the features enabled by this flash in 1xxx series are in fact already available in 1450, including JCV. A 50KB *.jcv file would contain hardly any views, if any. If was probably a corrupt file.
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  8. #227
    Navigation software Moderator kunix's Avatar
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    If it says "no updates available for your product", then, yes, it flashes nothing
    It has looked at the RGN name and extraxted HWID from there and compared it to the HWID of the bootloader.

    By the way, I'm by no means saying that you can safely rename RGN files. It could be deadly dangerous!
    But in this particular case it's safe because of the different loading addresses.
    Last edited by kunix; 16th July 2012 at 05:38 AM.

  9. #228
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    Quote Originally Posted by Neil View Post
    All the features enabled by this flash in 1xxx series are in fact already available in 1450, including JCV. A 50KB *.jcv file would contain hardly any views, if any. If was probably a corrupt file.
    sorry i meant 50mb

    This is a great forum and thank you all for the help and explaining. My friends and I r excited on all the unlock feature on his and mine (nuvi 3450). But I just don't have the gut to mod 3450 to have voice command, never had soldering experience.
    Last edited by cat2115; 16th July 2012 at 09:18 PM.

  10. #229
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    Question unrelated.... The tread reads "enable features in your Nuvi...." Is it be any means possible to get the 1300 to accept routes from mapsource? We have to upload the route points and manually go from one point to another, but cannot upload a whole route... Its such a shlep.
    Do you guys know of any way?

  11. #230
    Navigation software expert Enable features in your nuvi 12xx, 13xx and 14xx - JCV, LA, TTS
    Enable features in your nuvi 12xx, 13xx and 14xx - JCV, LA, TTSEnable features in your nuvi 12xx, 13xx and 14xx - JCV, LA, TTSEnable features in your nuvi 12xx, 13xx and 14xx - JCV, LA, TTS
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    This future is only on nuvi 14xx,nuvi 13xx dont have this function.
    I wrote to Garmin but they write back that this function cant be added in nuvi 13xx series.



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