Mapwel - GPS Mapping Software

It is a standalone program that let you create maps without using cgpsmapper, and the advanced version will also generate a routable map.
Creation of a GPS map involves georeference of raster images, drawing of the vector map, import of data from various file formats and online sources, compilation of the map data and upload into the GPS. Mapwel does all above steps within a single software tool, using its own map compiler.

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Key Features
of Mapwel GPS mapping software
Data Import
Downloader tool*** for easy download of large freeware mapsets and conversion to routable *** map.
More than 800 projections supported.
Import of mapping data from ESRI SHP (shapefiles), cGPSmapper MP, OpenStreetMap OSM, GPX, GDB (Garmin GPS Database), KML, KMZ, DBX, PLT or WPT files.
Support of GeoTiff and OziExplorer georeferenced raster images.
Raster images calibration.
Split tool for large OpenStreetMap files.
Fully-featured map editor.
Trace tool (raster-to-vector conversion).
Polygon area and polyline length calculation.
Automatic conversion of whole raster image to vectors.
Export into Garmin IMG, Google Earth KML and cGPSmapper MP formats ***.
User-defined colors, patterns and icons.
Road Network Diagnostic Tool.
Garmin GPS support
Direct upload of map(s) into the Garmin automotive and handheld mapping GPS units
Editor and support of user defined colors, icons and patterns in GPS
Turn-by-turn voice navigation ***.
Add your custom maps to other maps in Garmin GPS, delete specific map from GPS.
Stand-alone freeware software MapUpload allows user to upload their IMG map files created in other software into the Garmin GPS.
Software Compatibility
Windows 2000, XP, Vista, 7 compatible
*** Feature available in the Advanced version only

Download Mapwel Demo/ Full Version
To install it, unpack the downloaded .ZIP file and run the extracted Setup.exe in Windows using "Start > Run".
There is no difference between downloading demo and full version (either Basic or Advanced). Unregistered demo transfers only limited number of objects into GPS.

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