@Redstick, You should download the voices from the TomTom Home desktop app. If you don't find it, let me know, I'll send it to you.
Hi guys,
I'm a newbie and would like to know if any of you know where I can find a female UK computer voice - TTS
(I believe there might be one called Serena or something like that) and how I can install on my Renault Carminat TomTom either by using TomTom Home or by adding files directly to the SD card?
my car is 2011 Renault Scenic so quite old - just like me
@Redstick, You should download the voices from the TomTom Home desktop app. If you don't find it, let me know, I'll send it to you.
If only it was that easy
There are only 2 English computer voices listed on TomTom Home - 1 is Simon (English UK) and 2 is Susan (English US) and they are both terrible that is why i'm looking for another voice - I have just checked and the voice on my Android TomTom Go is indeed Serena and is far superior to the other two but I don't know where I can find her to download or how to install her if I do find her.
I know the Carminat & Android are two different devices so I'm hoping you can point me in the right direction.
In order to use TTS voices, the software (more rare case - device) must support such an option. There must be a TTS engine present also.
Not all devices support it.
First see if TT home app offers you an Loquendo engine, only after that it can offer you tts voices.
My caminat TOMTOM DOES support TTS otherwise I wouldn't be asking about Computer voices.
I already have Loquendo engine so TTS is supported and as I said in an earlier post - I already have Simon (English UK) and Susan (English US) and they are both terrible which is why I'm looking for an alternative.
I have checked the topic Latest TomTom Voices but none of the links work for me (may be due to settings on my laptop)
Computer voices is bad expression although it is generally accepted.
Don't compare it to the Android system at all, it's far from it.
Did you look in topic:
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I totally overlooked in your post that you mentioned those two voices are tts. Sorry.
You have to know - a lot of TomTom voices are really awfulEven for android systems. It was as if they were competing to choose the worst speakers...
I'm not sure there's a wider choice of voices. Does it exist at all (old system).
I'll browse tonight when I have time, which links are correct (if any).
TrySpoiler: Kate
Spoiler: Dave
and that's it. No more Eng voices.
Ok, I've downloaded the British_English-female-Kate.cab file
How do I install the voice to try it? Do I do it through TomTom Home? How?
or do I copy the files to the SD card? if so where do I copy them to?
Sorry for all the questions but I'm out of my comfort zone with this (I can follow instructions and explanations help me learn.
Last edited by Boki; 1st March 2022 at 07:30 PM. Reason: approved
Extract cab content using any software like winrar/7-zip or whatever.
Obtained content copy to your navi SD card, in to the root of the LoquendoTTS folder.
Problems that sometimes occur are related only if you had an older edition of the engine (Loquendo 6). In that case,
first - bekap
then - delete the old "data" folder (LoquendoTTS\Data)
and old "bin" folder (LoquendoTTS\bin)
keep LoqAudioBoard.so and "LTTS7AudioBoard.so if you can not find them.
Then you need newer files as well: LTTS7AudioBoard.so and LoqAudioBoard.so, which you place in LoquendoTTS\bin\
Usually present in newer navcore's.
LoquendoTTS= "non Live"
VAutoTTS= "Live"
Redstick Scenic= 2011