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    Default Tomtom RIDER 550 - trying to fix.

    I have had a problem which so far has not been able to be resolved and the Tomtom official forums wasn't any help. Tomtom want me to send the unit off to Romania BUT I would rather fixed myself, if I am able too, with the help of skilled minds who can guide me

    The issue - I believe a corrupted map file is stopping the tomtom unit from loading past the initial splashscreen. The loading bar goes across the bottom & then hangs up not far from the end. It stays on the splashscreen. If I connect to mydrive connect it will just spin the circle of nothingness and not connect the unit, if I go to reset the unit it will just do nothing and keep resetting itself ie USB on / USB off but not actually completing what it is meant to be doing therefore just loops like the circle of nothingness. It shows me I have 0mb of space on the internal memory, I am also able to see there is a corrupted map file as well as the other map files etc I have in the internal memory but mydrive will not let me actually delete!

    If I could just get into the internal memory - I would be able to delete the corrupted files... fix whatever need fixing.
    or if I could just reset the unit.... then I would be able to start from scratch - that simple!

    Mydrive won't allow me to reset the device as USB goes on / my drive application goes to connect, shows reset splash screen on PC, stays at 0% / USB turns off, splashscreen goes off screen... recycle, rinse, repeat, loop of nothingness...

    Total memory shows as 431mb - available Memory as 310mb. On the stat screen on the device when you hold the on button down before booting the unit.

    Added an image to show its telling me no space in the internal memory and corrupted Europe map file

    thankyou for any help proffered.

    Spoiler: big pic
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    Last edited by Magnetron; 15th April 2023 at 01:10 AM. Reason: approved post and spoiler

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