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  1. #31
    iGO Enthusiast TomTom Navigation NDS 3.4.21 - latam EN-RO MOD v1.0 by Santa Claus
    TomTom Navigation NDS 3.4.21 - latam EN-RO MOD v1.0 by Santa ClausTomTom Navigation NDS 3.4.21 - latam EN-RO MOD v1.0 by Santa ClausTomTom Navigation NDS 3.4.21 - latam EN-RO MOD v1.0 by Santa ClausTomTom Navigation NDS 3.4.21 - latam EN-RO MOD v1.0 by Santa ClausTomTom Navigation NDS 3.4.21 - latam EN-RO MOD v1.0 by Santa ClausTomTom Navigation NDS 3.4.21 - latam EN-RO MOD v1.0 by Santa ClausTomTom Navigation NDS 3.4.21 - latam EN-RO MOD v1.0 by Santa Claus
    Boki's Avatar
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    That is info update and howto, not updated version.
    Before asking a question, know it's already discussed here and at 99.9% is not unique. Use search.
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    Spoiler: obs
    Many questions become very arduous, a lot of time chewed deja vu...Since we have lost all the year of work and effort, many people have no will to answer the same questions again. Me neither. Use a search, please.

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  3. #32
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    Hi all.

    Just loaded this and it seems great, however I cannot find voice control in the settings menu. Does this version have this ? If so could someone kindly direct me to it ?

    Also I initaially posted this question in the wrong thread but I cannot delete it, so can someone do this please.

    Many thanks.


  4. #33
    iGO Enthusiast TomTom Navigation NDS 3.4.21 - latam EN-RO MOD v1.0 by Santa Claus
    TomTom Navigation NDS 3.4.21 - latam EN-RO MOD v1.0 by Santa ClausTomTom Navigation NDS 3.4.21 - latam EN-RO MOD v1.0 by Santa ClausTomTom Navigation NDS 3.4.21 - latam EN-RO MOD v1.0 by Santa ClausTomTom Navigation NDS 3.4.21 - latam EN-RO MOD v1.0 by Santa ClausTomTom Navigation NDS 3.4.21 - latam EN-RO MOD v1.0 by Santa ClausTomTom Navigation NDS 3.4.21 - latam EN-RO MOD v1.0 by Santa ClausTomTom Navigation NDS 3.4.21 - latam EN-RO MOD v1.0 by Santa Claus
    Boki's Avatar
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    What kind of voice control you expect? On Android devices it is defined exclusively systemically. This is not a music app
    If you use TTS, it also has its own controls.
    Before asking a question, know it's already discussed here and at 99.9% is not unique. Use search.
    NO ONE IS A SEER, READ (click on): [Only registered and activated users can see links. ] <- Click!
    [Only registered and activated users can see links. ] <- Click!

    Spoiler: obs
    Many questions become very arduous, a lot of time chewed deja vu...Since we have lost all the year of work and effort, many people have no will to answer the same questions again. Me neither. Use a search, please.

  5. #34
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    Like the kind I can use when using Waze.

    ie it uses Google assistent to allow me to just say the postcode or address and then plans the route, making it basically totally hands free, without the need to type in these things.

    I've seen the voice control menu in other pictures of tomtom versions, so its definitely a feature in some versions, whereby it turns on the mic and adds a mic pic to the map, but it doesnt seem to be there at all in this patched version. This is a massive drawback and a really big oversight. It is possible though I'm just blind and cannot find it, hence asking here.

    If I'm not blind though and it does not have it, then I guess its back to using Waze again for me and just keep this as backup in case I ever run out of data.


    EDIT: This is from the Tomtom site.


    But as stated I simply cannot find this in this particular this version.
    Last edited by ianmassey; 8th April 2023 at 12:01 PM.

  6. #35
    Master asprin624's Avatar
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    Are you sure you are not mixing up TOMTOM stand-alone units that have voice control just like Garmin GPS Units???

    Now if you look at what Google points out see link below:

    Spoiler: I do not think this will work with TOMTOM GPS app.
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    But you can try to see it you can ever start TomTom let alone tell it to do something like find a street or business you want to go to.

    I could be wrong you will have to try and report back if it worked.

    Plus remember this is a free GPS it is not like the TomTom GO app.

    I am not sure even TomTom Go app has voice control.
    Last edited by asprin624; 8th April 2023 at 12:44 PM.

  7. #36
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    Thats a possibilty I hadnt considered.

    Yes I can start Tomtom using Google assist, however when I say a postcode it opens and plans the route using Google maps.

    Waze does not do this, once Waze is open and i say a postcode Google assist plans the route in Waze. This is because Waze has the voice control in the menu's that your turn on and it then places a mic pic into the map too. Its most confusing which Tomtom versions have what, but as this is a very important feature for ease of use and of course for legal reasons, I really would have though it would have been present in all Tomtom versions. But hey that's just my logic lol.

    lol it turns out there's a mic icon in the search bar and if you tap it, it activates google assist and you are then able to speak your postcode or address which it then searches for. Sadly it doesnt just find what youve asked for, it finds many others too, so you then have to tap the one your looking for and then tap drive.

    Its hardly completely hands free like Waze because you do have to keep interacting with it, where as in Waze you just speak and go, but it does work to a fashion anyway and makes life a bit easier, doing away with typing in addresses. It hardly keeps things legal though.

    Tomtom does however have things that Waze doesn't such as clear route and find alternate and avoid roadblock. Its a shame one of them doesnt have all of these features.

    Anyway for anyone wishing to try this as it is helpful, that's how you do it.
    Last edited by ianmassey; 8th April 2023 at 05:47 PM.

  8. #37
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    Too bad installed it on my old china Android with Android 8 and allways if i start to navigate it either crash or the navigation stucks :/

  9. #38


    it's not the application's fault. It works very well on Android 8 for me
    Last edited by Boki; 22nd August 2023 at 07:44 AM. Reason: approved

  10. #39
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    Default Solution to problem found

    Today I started this app on my tablet with OS 7.1 (linageOS 14.1) after not using it for some time. I got a message that the app could not access its data files and suggested to reset or uninstall the app. I chose reset. Upon starting the app, the app could not connect to TomTom servers in order to download a map. Then I tried uninstalling the app and then did a fresh install. Same problem when trying to download a map ... the app cannot connect to TomTom servers.

    I tried the same app which also runs on my phone and the app was able to update its map files.

    Any suggestions as to what the problem might be?

    Solution: Thanks Wassy for your suggestion but since the app was working before, something was going on on the tablet.
    The Android OS automatically removed the app's permissions (I did not know this) since the app was not used for several months. When I reinstalled a fresh version, the permissions were not activated/granted and I had to manually set the permissions. Now the app is working correctly!

    I need to turn off this "feature" of removing permissions on LinageOS 14.1
    Last edited by gpspwr; 7th September 2023 at 10:03 PM. Reason: Additional information

  11. #40
    Master TomTom Navigation NDS 3.4.21 - latam EN-RO MOD v1.0 by Santa Claus Wassy's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by gpspwr View Post
    I tried the same app on my phone and the app was able to update its map files.

    Any suggestions as to what the problem might be?
    Your phone is 64 bit, your tablet is 32 bit. Solution: buy a 64 bit tablet.



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