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  1. #81
    Navigation software expert Extra_POI_Editor up to  v5.97  (.gpi file creation discussion - like POI Loader and more)
    Extra_POI_Editor up to  v5.97  (.gpi file creation discussion - like POI Loader and more)Extra_POI_Editor up to  v5.97  (.gpi file creation discussion - like POI Loader and more)
    tom1807's Avatar
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    Hi Turbo,
    Tried to test today the new bearing and circle feature. Somehow I preferred to have these done as CSV format, but noticed I can not assign the fields in M-Column list.
    Could you add them please?
    Also have a strange behaviour on my netbook, but EPE doesn't exit anymore normal, so even I close the program it still keeps running in the background and consumes RAM and CPU. I have to terminate it in the task manager. Not sure whether this is related to my configuration or another problem

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  3. #82


    Quote Originally Posted by tom1807 View Post
    Hi Turbo,
    ....EPE doesn't exit anymore normal, so even I close the program it still keeps running in the background and consumes RAM and CPU. I have to terminate it in the task manager. Not sure whether this is related to my configuration or another problem
    Not only you, as I have the same problem.

  4. #83


    Can you give me a simple procedure that shows how you can terminate EPE without EPE disappearing from the Task Manager? So far, I was able to reproduce it, but it was simply a refresh issue in Task Manager. The process was gone.

    As for the M-Column assignment, it is a bit odd to put all the circle information in columns. You need 3 columns per circle. If EPE supports 20 circles, I need to reserve 60 columns just for that. Lots of fun... I'll see how I can do this. For sure, it would be simpler to include "Lon,Lat,Radius" in the same column and using the comma as the delimiter. Then, you need only 20 columns to add the information. What do you think? It is simpler for me too.

  5. #84
    Navigation software expert Extra_POI_Editor up to  v5.97  (.gpi file creation discussion - like POI Loader and more)
    Extra_POI_Editor up to  v5.97  (.gpi file creation discussion - like POI Loader and more)Extra_POI_Editor up to  v5.97  (.gpi file creation discussion - like POI Loader and more)
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    Simple procedure:
    Start EPE, end it either by the X symbol or File -> Exit (Ctrl+X).
    Then open the Windows Task Manager
    Under Applications, it shows "Running", same in Processes. Weird part, when press "End Task" under Applications it terminates, but under Processes it's still running, so have to press "End process" also. While running, EPE uses 0% CPU but 400MB Memory, when I end the program, the CPU goes up to 49%, Memory consumption stays the same.

    Regarding your M-Column suggestion, I agree with it.

    Edit: Sorry, under Applications its not listed anymore after closing EPE, that was FF website which was open and showed that topic. Beside, when I do nothing, just end EPE, then wait 2 minutes and then EPE is also gone from the Windows Task Manager

  6. #85
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    Hi Turbo,
    I was venturing around in the gpx files on the gps when I found this <gpxtpx:course>138.35</gpxtpx:course> suggesting to me that the gps can somehow handle bearings a quick google search on gpx extensions revealed Instantaneous direction of motion or facing direction as computed via a
    non-GPS source such as a compass. This is not course as computed via
    successive position fixes.
    Perhaps it can be linked or used with bearings somehow.
    Still testing epe v5.18 noticed that when I open epe > new > add poi > save as gpi I get a sox.exe error. Didn't have a .wav in the poi. Possibly trying to link to the original. When in Extras > Custom poi the the original file "Test" ( completly seperate ) was now there twice and inside Test was my original test poi plus 2 blank spaces ( unnamed ) these where the new poi's and they where in both the duplicate files. Once I deleted the last .gpi the original went back to just the test poi not sure how they linked up but thought it might be what is playing havick with bmp and wav when trying to export by categories.
    Back to testing

  7. #86
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    @ Turboccc,
    Mate I'm way out of my depth but I just converted a camera gpi file to gpx and found xmlns:gpxtpx="http://www.garmin.com/xmlschemas/TrackPointExtension/v1" in it. I've never seen this in any file's I have played with before but it could possibly reference to <gpxtpx:course>138.35</gpxtpx:course> in my last post in aid of directional poi or bearings


  8. #87


    Hi Paul2,

    Thank you for this information. It seems different from what appears in GPI Creator help. There is no <gpxtpx:course> there. I agree with you that this statement appears to do the same. Maybe it is a custom statement made by the people that provided the conversion from .gpi to .gpx. I would list you the one used by Garmin, but I am out of town in the country side of the UK. I do not have access to my own computer. You can use EPE to set a course angle and tolerance and just save as a .GPX. You will find the right statement easily.

    Note: I have the sox.exe error as well in v5.18, but v5.17 seems to work. I will fix that SOX bug when I get back.

  9. #88


    For those having the sox.exe errror in v5.18, you can use v5.18c instead.

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  10. #89


    Quote Originally Posted by Paul2 View Post
    @ Turboccc,
    Mate I'm way out of my depth but I just converted a camera gpi file to gpx and found xmlns:gpxtpx="http://www.garmin.com/xmlschemas/TrackPointExtension/v1" in it. I've never seen this in any file's I have played with before but it could possibly reference to <gpxtpx:course>138.35</gpxtpx:course> in my last post in aid of directional poi or bearings

    Here is an example of bearing information supportted by Garmin in the GPX file:

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  11. #90
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    Awesome thanks mate.
    FYI, v5.18 I added a category and named it now whenever I open EPE the category is always there. I cant delete it with the delete button or the new button.
    I opened world speed cams in epe 40 thousand odd cams and could only see the first four. I scrolled down and they just kept going 1 thru 4 of 40,000.
    I'll move on to v5.18c now and see how it goes.
    I haven't successfully managed to get the bearings to work for an alert yet. Is that just me or are they not working. I recall you saying Note: bearing angles are not implemented yet in any GPS... not sure about bearing angles but gps can tell N,S,W and E



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