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  1. #1
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    Default Garmin 1490T Garmin Express Update repeats itself


    I have an old, but reliable, Garmin 1490T GPS and for some years now, each time I connect the GPS to my computer, Garmin Express offers me the following update:

    Proximity Text, GLX, All Languages
    Version 3.70

    I install the update, Garmin Express says the update was successful. I then unplug the GPS, power it off and on and, once up, I plug it back to my computer and Garmin Express offers me the exact same update again.

    If I look in the \Garmin subdirectory on the GPS, I see this 'D165900.zip' file. I am assuming this file contains the updates to be installed. I also expected this zip file to be deleted once the update is actually installed on the device after the power off/on cycle, but it is not. The file does not seem to be corrupt, I can read it's content without problems.

    I have manually deleted this .zip file, and it did not resolve the issue. Garmin Express just install it again the next time I plug the device back in.

    GarminDevice.xml shows version 3.50 installed:


    I have deleted this file, however, a power off/on cycle of the GPS causes the file to be re-created with the same version values.

    I am assuming that the GPS tries to install the update from version 3.50 to version 3.70 but that fails for some reason leaving the file there.

    Does anyone have an idea on how to resolve this?


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  3. #2
    Master asprin624's Avatar
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    I had that happen to one of my old Nuvi 1340T.
    Tried it on Win7 and Win 10
    Had to try different Garmin cables to get it to update.
    Also update to the latest Garmin Express.

    I had reported this to Garmin and all they kept asking what was the error.
    Had to keep telling them there was no error all Garmin Express did was update the Nuvi 1340T update was successful.
    Over and over each time I plugged this Nuvi 1340T into the pc and used Garmin Express the same updates were there.

    This went on for days and Garmin did not understand there was no error.

    Like I said I tried 4 different Garmin cables and different USB ports.
    In the end I have one Garmin cable marked to be used only on this Nuvi and not to use the other cables.

    Also I only update the Nuvi 1340T on a Win7 laptop.
    All the other Nuvi's updated with no problems at all on my Win10 now Win11 laptop.

  4. #3
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    I have also tried several cables on several computers, all with the same results.

    If I understand properly, you got the update to work using a 'special' cable on your Win7 Laptop? This 'special' cable did not work on your other computers?

    Anybody else using a Garmin 1490T that would be willing to send me the content of the \Text subdirectory of their GPS in a ZIP file?
    Last edited by Magnetron; 20th November 2021 at 01:32 AM. Reason: merge and approved post

  5. #4
    Master asprin624's Avatar
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    No I have a Win7 laptop just for older Garmin Nuvi units.
    The special cable you are talking about is a Garmin cable not a store bought one.
    I have 4 of them and they say Garmin on the side of them.

    Only one of the genuine Garmin cables worked for the Nuvi 1340T on both Win7 and Win11 laptops.

    I just use the win7 laptop for older Nuvi thats all.

    Do not use USB hubs with my Garmins they are plugged in to the laptops directly via a USB port not the High Speed ones only the std USB port.

    Spoiler: They use to come with Garmin GPS Units.
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    Spoiler: Info from the garmin website
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    I always have the latest Garmin Express see link below.

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    You can also uninstall Garmin Express and install it new.
    Use Ccleaner to remove any thing still hanging around including the Registry cleaner then new install.
    Last edited by asprin624; 19th November 2021 at 07:59 PM.

  6. #5
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    I am using Garmin marked USB cables. I am using the latest version of Garmin Express. I am using the low speed USB ports on my computers. The only thing that I am not able to try is Win7, but this problem started years ago and I was using Win7 at the time. None of this resolved my issue.

    So, I am sorry if I am thick, however, how exactly did you resolve the issue where Garmin Express offered to install the same update over and over again on your device?
    Last edited by Magnetron; 20th November 2021 at 01:33 AM. Reason: approved post

  7. #6
    VIP Master Garmin 1490T Garmin Express Update repeats itself
    Garmin 1490T Garmin Express Update repeats itselfGarmin 1490T Garmin Express Update repeats itselfGarmin 1490T Garmin Express Update repeats itself
    Garman_Nuvi's Avatar
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    Looks the same as one I have ,GE has put the update file D165900.zip on your device and will keep offering it until your device decides to update. In my experience you just have to be patient for Garmin to fix it in the next GE update
    Spoiler: Picture

    You can manually update them to the Text folder but GE will nag you they haven't been updated as the garmindevice.xml doesn't get changed to the new version 3.70
    Spoiler: Picture1
    Last edited by Garman_Nuvi; 1st December 2021 at 09:56 PM.

  8. #7
    Master asprin624's Avatar
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    Let me reconfirm that by using this one Garmin USB cable on my Nuvi 1340T it completed the update and I no longer have this problem with Garmin Express telling me there is an update.

    If I recall this happen over 1 1/2 years ago on this one older nuvi I have.
    This series Nuvi's are old and do not get any updates any more unless you signed up to received maps which I do not have map updates any more for this Nuvi.
    It has a route-able Openstreet EU map on it.
    That is all.......

    Garman_Nuvi spells out were the problem comes from.

    Why it updated my Nuvi 1340T successfully after many tries using Garmin Express who knows.
    But the problem gone......

  9. #8
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    Let me reconfirm that by using this one Garmin USB cable on my Nuvi 1340T it completed the update and I no longer have this problem with Garmin Express telling me there is an update.
    Interesting, that is indeed a very unique cable. Any part number on yours? My cables all say Garmin on one side, China on the other.

    This series Nuvi's are old and do not get any updates any more
    Mine have lifetime map updates, it's a 1490LMT, not 1490T as I mistakenly wrote, so I still have map updates for it.

    In my experience you just have to be patient
    Well, it has been over a year already, but, I will try to be more patient, hopefully the update will install by itself, eventually, one day. I just wish I knew how to trigger the GPS to install the update.

    Thank you all for your time.
    Last edited by Magnetron; 21st November 2021 at 09:28 AM. Reason: approved post

  10. #9
    Master asprin624's Avatar
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    I do not think Garmin is very concerned with fixing any problems with updates to any of the DISCONTINUED nuvi 1.x.x.x series to be truthful.
    They have moved on to newer and better GPS units in which I have a couple of.
    Not to say that Garmin has made all newer Units better.

    The 1490T aka LM with card is a DISCONTINUED model along with my 1340T too.

    Sometimes you just to forget some updates like the language files because they do not effect the Nuvi it still will work OK.

    You say you still get lifetime updates to maps so that is a plus.

    Spoiler: On Discontinued Nuvi's from the Canada Garmin Website
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    nüvi® 1490T
    PART NUMBER 010-00810-0C
    With Lifetime Map Update Card
    Shop our current
    car navigation devices
    With Lifetime Map Update Card <--------------

    For your info:
    It is the only Garmin Cable that does not say China on it.
    It could of been made there......

    AWM E101344 STYLE 2725 VW-1 60°c 30v SPACE SHUTTLE-C USB Revision 2.0

    Spoiler: Garmin USB Cable info




    The cable is from 2007 it came with my Garmin eTrex LEGEND HCx handheld unit.

    I do hope this helps you out.
    Last edited by asprin624; 21st November 2021 at 02:28 PM.

  11. #10
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    I also suspect Garmin is not going to fix this. I was just trying to get rid of the annoying Garmin Express 'An update is available' notification messages that keeps showing up on my computer for this device.

    Anyway, this is no big deal I can live with it. Thank you all for your time.

    Spoiler: pic
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    Last edited by Boki; 21st November 2021 at 08:45 PM. Reason: spoiler



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