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Forum: Other GPS Systems

  1. Administrator
    Magnetron's Avatar
    Join Date
    Nov 2011
    Western Australia
    Rep Power

    Heads-up notice to Inactive Members (Zero Posters) as your account will possibly be closed.

    As of 8th July the system has been set to close accounts based on the length of time you have not posted from the time you joined, that period is 12 months.
    A lot of older members have been warned by having a ban period of 7//14/28 days, you know who you are and the longer you've been here the more likely to be the first ones.
    The script is set to be random and over a medium length of time.
    You need to start with a presentation post,
    If you post anywhere else, and ii's an inappropriate post a Moderator, will send it to Trash.

    Have a reread of this
    Why am I an or why was I an Inactive Member.
    It pays to read forum Rules and Announcement no matter what site you're on.
    This forum requires you also ONLY to use English and NO thank-posts, the like button is for that.

    When you are a junior member, you will get the like button back and you PMs.

    That is it, last warning.

    If you wish to make a comment about this please do so.
    Go here.
    Heads-up notice to Inactive Members (Zero Posters) as your account will possibly be closed.

  2. Administrator
    Magnetron's Avatar
    Join Date
    Nov 2011
    Western Australia
    Rep Power

    Why am I an or why was I an Inactive Member.

    Why am I an or why was I an Inactive Member.
    An Inactive Member is a Member that has never made a Presentation or any acceptable post from the day of joining.
    To be an Active Member on this Forum, you need to be regularly posting.
    Read the forum Global Rules:
    Good posting rules to follow by everyone by Catymag

    The first and most important post is a Presentation Post.
    A sample of a basic presentation: Hi, I am Magnetron and am a retired Electronic Technician of 52yrs, my interests in GIS map making for the use of my GPS based Apps.

    Most of new members posts are hidden by the system, so if you post and can't see it DON'T post again and the Moderator will approve your post, and possibly give a reply, if I see it, and it is an appropriate post your status will be moved to Junior Member but don't stop at 1 post there are places to post in the Forums.

    DO NOT post a THANK YOU or a I DON'T HAVE THE LIKE BUTTON these types of posts go to trash, and please only post in ENGLISH use Google Translate and copy and paste.
    Can't see a link/attachment? Don't post asking why. Just 'Like' the post & hit F5:
    THE LIKE BUTTON IS NOW IN THE BOTTOM LEFT-hand CORNER - If you can't see the like button, then you're an Inactive Member
    Posts serving no purpose like thanks or to ask about links go to Trash or are deleted, it's GPS Power policy.