added matching speedcam mod for skin 2020! #110
The folder content/speedcam contains files in the encoding EUR + - THIS encoding is incompatible with the Pongo skin!!!
EUR+ - this is a special French coding, not the radars of Europe in the literal senseCode:Please Login or Register to see the links
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Last edited by Andrey Form; 29th November 2024 at 07:50 PM.
added matching speedcam mod for skin 2020! #110
Can you please tell me ,why i can't see buildings ?In the menu is activated.I have license and building file as well.
Thanks in advance.
ps i have use the pack9.35.2.252374
Last edited by Boki; 3rd December 2024 at 01:13 PM. Reason: approved
Because there is no adequate license for Eastern Europe
Are the building files in content menu standard color or red marked?
I am very sorry that iGO Israel (v9.18.27.955559 May 15 2019) does not have a 64-bit version. No matter how I look at the different versions (iGO World, iGO Navigation, iGO NextGen, iGO Luna, ...) that I have had the opportunity to try, none of them can give what the aforementioned Israel does! This is just my comment.
Finally, thanks to Golom (Post #106), my problems with the 2024 Q2 maps have been solved. Now I can use them. However, I still have one problem that I have not mentioned so far, and these are the TTS voices. I would like to have such a Hungarian-language voice file that works properly. None of the such files that I own work properly, either remain silent, or if they do, they speak in some kind of distorted, incomprehensible voice. Can anyone help me with this?