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  1. #1
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    Default Skin with full screen speedometer for iGo Primo 1.1?

    I have a Nextar 43NT with iGO Primo 1.1

    I'd like to find a skin for it that has a full screen speedometer like the DVS1 & gurjon skin I have on iGO 8 on a Rightway RW200.

    Changing to a different version of iGO on the Nextar would be OK since it runs it all from SD and it supports up to at least 8 gig cards. Lots of room, unlike the RW200's less than 2 gigs internal NAND or a 2 gig SD.

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  3. #2
    iGO Enthusiast Skin with full screen speedometer for iGo Primo 1.1?
    Skin with full screen speedometer for iGo Primo 1.1?Skin with full screen speedometer for iGo Primo 1.1?Skin with full screen speedometer for iGo Primo 1.1?Skin with full screen speedometer for iGo Primo 1.1?Skin with full screen speedometer for iGo Primo 1.1?Skin with full screen speedometer for iGo Primo 1.1?Skin with full screen speedometer for iGo Primo 1.1?
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    2GB internal + 2GB sd is more then enough for Primo content

    Such a device has quite enough power to carry Primo 2.0
    There are certainly more skins and add-ons for it.

    I only have this skin for Primo 1.1
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    Many questions become very arduous, a lot of time chewed deja vu...Since we have lost all the year of work and effort, many people have no will to answer the same questions again. Me neither. Use a search, please.

  4. #3
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    Here is an [Only registered and activated users can see links. ] containing 4 versions of an ux addon "Velocimetro", at least one of which should give you what you want. I have tried them with Primo 2.0 and 2.4 but have no experience with 1.1 so you will need to test them yourself.

  5. #4
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    The Rightway doesn't have the RAM for Primo. It can barely handle iGO 8 with just the maps and POIs. Some years ago when the map files were smaller I added the DEMs and what 3D building files there were and it'd crash.

    How do I put part of the map files on the SD and part in the internal NAND? Maps are only going to get bigger. I'd like to find 2022 Q4 or 2023 Q1 North America maps but the newest I can find anywhere is 2022 Q2.

    The Nextar isn't much faster. I don't know how much RAM it has and it has no internal storage I can access. It came with a 2 gig card with some iGO version from 2010 or earlier. I have an 8 gig in it. Would be nice to run GPS Menu or something else that'll launch whatever WinCE stuff is in it, if it even has Explorer.
    Last edited by Magnetron; 19th March 2023 at 11:21 AM. Reason: approved post

  6. #5
    iGO Enthusiast Skin with full screen speedometer for iGo Primo 1.1?
    Skin with full screen speedometer for iGo Primo 1.1?Skin with full screen speedometer for iGo Primo 1.1?Skin with full screen speedometer for iGo Primo 1.1?Skin with full screen speedometer for iGo Primo 1.1?Skin with full screen speedometer for iGo Primo 1.1?Skin with full screen speedometer for iGo Primo 1.1?Skin with full screen speedometer for iGo Primo 1.1?
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    You already asked, and I gave you the answer
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    DEM is not a problem, 3D buildings are.
    I said Primo 2.0, not Primo 2.4. You can also use primo 1.2, it's great.

    It's not so much a problem with memory, but with unnecessary overcrowding, which comes from insufficient knowledge. Nhf.
    Surely you don't need maps of Canada, Mexico and the USA all at once, do you?
    Besides, when you delete content that Primo can't "see", less than half of the published content will remain.
    Read the tutorial instructions carefully
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    Spoiler: obs
    Many questions become very arduous, a lot of time chewed deja vu...Since we have lost all the year of work and effort, many people have no will to answer the same questions again. Me neither. Use a search, please.

  7. #6
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    Are you saying 3D buildings cause low memory crashes more than the DEM files? My Igo Primo 2.4 crashes if I have the dem file there, but perhaps it's the show buildings I have enabled causing it.

    My Dem file is only small too, along with my map, New Zealand is a pretty small country
    Last edited by Boki; 22nd August 2023 at 07:20 AM. Reason: removed excessive quote

  8. #7
    iGO Enthusiast Skin with full screen speedometer for iGo Primo 1.1?
    Skin with full screen speedometer for iGo Primo 1.1?Skin with full screen speedometer for iGo Primo 1.1?Skin with full screen speedometer for iGo Primo 1.1?Skin with full screen speedometer for iGo Primo 1.1?Skin with full screen speedometer for iGo Primo 1.1?Skin with full screen speedometer for iGo Primo 1.1?Skin with full screen speedometer for iGo Primo 1.1?
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    WinCE was created a long time ago, devices are very limited in terms of hardware power. Any overcrowding has its consequences and bad effects on work.
    Users are the other side of the coin, used to today's devices, they usually do not pay attention and they put everything they find.
    Although it has always existed, we popularly called it Hamster Syndrome

    And with the fact that this is a very old Forum, a lot of experience has been gathered over the decades, we know all that and there are adequate instructions:
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    Spoiler: obs
    Many questions become very arduous, a lot of time chewed deja vu...Since we have lost all the year of work and effort, many people have no will to answer the same questions again. Me neither. Use a search, please.



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