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  1. #1
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    Question using a mixe of HERE and TT maps possible?

    Is it possible to use a mixe of HERE and TT maps?
    in others words can I use the latest HERE buildings .3dl .3dc with the TomTom maps (or vice & versa)?
    same with the POI, can I use the latest HERE POI .poi with the TomTom maps (or vice & versa)?

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  3. #2
    Master G-ulash's Avatar
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    Yes, it should work. I use TT 2015.06 maps together with the 2015Q2 POI's plus extended POI's (did not update yet)

    I was convinced my buildings were HERE origin too, but checking just now pointed out it are TT 3dc/3dl. However I am pretty sute the HERE buildings are as functional as the TT buildings in combination with TT maps. It should also work the other way around.

    I forgot to write that you can even mix HERE and TT POI files in one map. They will show double on screen when a poi is in both.
    Last edited by G-ulash; 24th December 2015 at 08:57 PM.

  4. #3
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    The weight of the HERE and TomTom maps files being very consistent (several MB), the idea is to optimize the use of iGO (fluidity and light). So, I'm looking to find out which files are "common" for HERE and TomTom maps in order to use one or the other but not both at once.
    I know that the maps landscape dem are common.
    I guess fbl, fpa, fsp, fda, hnr, ftr, fjw files are HERE or TomTom specific, therefore not substitutable.
    On the other hand, I think that the buildings 3dc and 3dl files are not specific and can substitute one for the othe. Isn't it?
    Last edited by coukou; 25th December 2015 at 11:48 AM.

  5. #4
    Master G-ulash's Avatar
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    I learned in the past that files in a folder (mapp/POI/..) should be of the same make (HERE or TT). I never broke that rule.
    Another rule of thumb, esp for POI, is that bigger file means more information.

    As I wrote, I do use TT maps exclusively (the reason for that is found in this thread : [Only registered and activated users can see links. ]) in combination with HERE POI's. The reason for that is the size of the POI files compared to the TT POI files. I learned that bigger file means more information. However a smaller file could be as useful as the bigger file when the information you need is in there. The rest is superfluous. And even with TT POI files in the past I never missed a POI. Since SD are cheap, file size doesn't matter that much, does it?

    I think for building is the same rule (size means information) applicable. I am not sure because I disable building views (even I have them on sd ) since I feel it's more filling the screen than useful. Not that long ago I found out that in some cases I found too many buildings blocking the clear view on the route on scree. That is personal and you may feel otherwise, I just give my opinion and can understand that screen size and personal likings can be of influence.

  6. #5
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    Files in folder "maps" can be mixed from different distributors, but you must have only a set for each country ( one distributor for each country) also you must have the file "basemap" in order to have links between countryes. In this case you can't use special files as "hnr". In other folders eg. "buildings" or "poi" you can put any specific files you want, no matter distributor
    Last edited by gabonnix; 26th December 2015 at 08:30 PM.



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