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  1. #1
    Junior Member
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    Default Which devices/gadgets to have perfect GPS location in mobile phone?

    Hi, I go a lot to mountain trails where cellular signal is low or lost, and GPS location stops or it becomes quite inaccurate. I specifically need all the photographs that I take with my cell phone to have accurate GPS location data.

    What are some of the best lightweight gadgets/GPS boosters which I can carry in my backback and have it connected to my mobile phone, either wirelessly or through cable, to have constant accurate GPS location in my phone's photos?

    And I am asuming that as consequence of having this device connected to my phone, my google map app would also have constant accuracy, which would also be an added bonus.

    Last edited by Boki; 3rd December 2023 at 07:45 PM. Reason: moved to proper section

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