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  1. #61
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    It is very positive, if person, who make his first post, is so educated! After some time we can hope to get all problems solved.
    I have been spending also lot of my free time to understand at least something and this what I found, I shared with you.
    In following I confirm my working set up on Nokia E90 and Mobile XT v 500.50:

    gmapbmap - Worldwide Roads Basemap
    GMAPSUPP - CN Europe NT 2011.40 (Põhja_Euroopa ja UK)
    gmapprom1 - BlueChart Atlantic v9.5 (Atlantic ocean, Indian ocean, North Sea, Baltic sea, Black sea)
    gmapprom - E&P (Estonian inland waters Peipsi); Regio Baltic v1.6
    GMAPSUP2 - Regio Baltic 1.6

    The file gmapprom I got when I joined Est inland waters lake Peipsi and Regio Baltic 1.6 with Gmap tool. I was myself also a bit surprised, that I had one map twice. Would like to say that Regio Baltic under file name GMAPSUP2 did not work when I had same map installed into memory of my sd card under name gmapprom. After that I removed all map files to an other location at my sd card. First I loaded plain inland water map under name GMAPSUPP. I got message, that detailed maps does not support routing. Now I installed under same name the Regio Baltic - no messages...
    Now I will look for a map, what could be useful to install under free GMAPSUP2 name, I let you know

    If someone believe it to be useful, then please use it for your fun!
    Last edited by i70; 10th April 2011 at 01:52 PM. Reason: speller help me to fix my mistakes in grammar

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  3. #62
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    Thanks i70 for sharing your experience. Thanks for your comments but I am an "OLD DONKEY" and I have spent many nights in front of my PC to "juggle" with these devil's things (PCs I mean - for GPS only 3+1 days) Last week a very good friend of mine requested me to load his TOMTOM w/ the map of Argentina - he was going to Argentina in 3 days and asked my help. I was really pressed!!! Though I made a back up of his files, I patched the backup to see what is going on and then his unit: result? Catastrophe!! I messed up his unit -not booting -NOTHING!!! The back-up was messed BEFORE the unit. I spent several hours to Upgrade his system files to a newer version and then managed to load the Argentina map at 04:30 am. He left the next afternoon PHEW!!! So I am a little educated on GPS units from last week on a TomTOM thing which I dealt with for my first time!! I have screwed up also another 455T (I am experienced in catastrophes) so before manipulating all these units (for myself and 3 other friends I would like to get myself more knowledgeable on the subject but unfortunately the experts have not answered yet (it is Sunday eh!)

    Thanks for your info but I will not count much on it as it comes from a mobile phone and not a nuvi (GPS unit) - I am not sure there is "full" compatibility...between them - let the more experienced guys help us - and I am a little scared after having meshed up two units the last month...

    At least could you please tell me WHERE have you loaded these maps: gmapbmap, gmapprom and gmapprom1 into your unit memory and gmapsupp together w/gmpsup2 in external SD-Card?

    By the way about "conflicts" with overlapping maps - What experts say (see below) ...

    Quote Originally Posted by catymag View Post
    You cant have enabled routable maps that cover the same area and that overlap, this can be your problem-
    The basemap must be apart and cant be deselected and must be named gmapbmap.img if you want it can work properly.
    ....seems to me incorrect. I have loaded the internal memory of the NUVI 370 (the older and most limited of all units) with CN USA NT map and CN EUrope NT(contains GReece w/Latin Chars) and a detailed GR map (w/Latin Chars also - because NUVI 370 has not greek chars so maps w/greek chars appear as "chinese chars" instead -hahaha) on the SD memory. Having enabled ONLY the 2 OVERLAPPING maps (CN EU NT in internal memory and GR-map in external SD-card) I can Search and Route (this is done with the detailed GR map on ext SD-memory - CONFIRMED!!!) without problems or other conflicts. Not to mention that when I enabled only one of them Searching and Routing was possible w/o any problem AT ALL (only the EU map routes "MY CAR" through a pedestrian road -because the map is not updated- close to my house in Athens and I use this to identify which of the 2 maps is used for searching+routing when both are enabled, SMART EH?!! So when both are used the pedestrian way is shown as pedestrian way i.e. CONFIRMED that the GR-map on the SD-card is used/takes PRIORITY !!!! This is called ENGINEERING - hahaha-lol

    Thanks anyway- best regards - George (aGreekInParis)

    *** Sorry to bother the forum w/personal stuff - You may delete this post with my full permission - it is useless after all - George ***
    After I put the last paragraph I think it is useful to leave the post Mr Admin - thanks!!! George

    PS: George is searching for the experts - where are they? they went to the church??? Good for them!!! - just joking guys - sorry I am REALLY very tired
    Last edited by georgev; 10th April 2011 at 03:02 PM. Reason: to improve English

  4. #63
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    Quote Originally Posted by georgev View Post

    By the way about "conflicts" with overlapping maps - What experts say (see below) ...

    ....seems to me incorrect. I have loaded the internal memory of the NUVI 370 (the older and most limited of all units) with CN USA NT map and CN EUrope NT(contains GReece w/Latin Chars) and a detailed GR map (w/Latin Chars also - because NUVI 370 has not greek chars so maps w/greek chars appear as "chinese chars" instead -hahaha) on the SD memory. Having enabled ONLY the 2 OVERLAPPING maps (CN EU NT in internal memory and GR-map in external SD-card) I can Search and Route (this is done with the detailed GR map on ext SD-memory - CONFIRMED!!!) without problems or other conflicts. Not to mention that when I enabled only one of them Searching and Routing was possible w/o any problem AT ALL (only the EU map routes "MY CAR" through a pedestrian road -because the map is not updated- close to my house in Athens and I use this to identify which of the 2 maps is used for searching+routing when both are enabled, SMART EH?!! So when both are used the pedestrian way is shown as pedestrian way i.e. CONFIRMED that the GR-map on the SD-card is used/takes PRIORITY !!!!
    After a 2nd thought, perhaps catyman is correct (when both overlapping maps are on the same memory - external or internal)

    George ... answering his own questions (this is a SELF-TUTORIAL session - hahaha lol )

  5. #64
    Important User How to install multiple maps on Garmin the easy way
    How to install multiple maps on Garmin the easy wayHow to install multiple maps on Garmin the easy wayHow to install multiple maps on Garmin the easy wayHow to install multiple maps on Garmin the easy wayHow to install multiple maps on Garmin the easy wayHow to install multiple maps on Garmin the easy wayHow to install multiple maps on Garmin the easy way
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    Quote Originally Posted by georgev View Post
    Sorry to ask a repeated (maybe) question, but I have spent 3 days and 1 night on your excellent site and I need to go to bed (it is almost 10am local time)

    I have a NUVI 370, a NUVI 755T and a NUVI 1450 in hands and I have some questions on multi-map installation:

    0) In all the questions below, I talk about ROUTABLE and SEARCHABLE maps (otherwise I regard the maps useless - for me at least) - Please take this into account!!

    1) In the tutorial on the first page you do not mention if it is the internal memory or the SD memory and you mention a GARMIN folder - for example the 370 has all these files (gmapbmap.img, gmapprom.img and gmapprom1) in the root of the internal memory (no Garmin folder in the int-memory as you mention in the tutorial) - Do I miss something?

    2) How many MAXIMUM .img files can I have in the int-memory and how many maximum maps on the [SD]\Garmin or elsewhere? - In the 370 the gmapsup1.img or gmapsup2.img on the SD-card cannot be "seen" - Do I make something wrong (I am maybe tired by browsing your site)?

    3) I noticed that gmapsup1.img is not permitted but gmapsup2.img is OK - Correct? Why? Isn't it strange?

    4) The *.unl file (single file) or many *.unl files: where do we put them? Together with the associated file(s) (same folder) or in the [Garmin unit] root folder or [Garmin unit]\Garmin?

    5) Can I try to load maps into the [Unit]\GARMIN\App\ folder or/and [SD-card]\Garmin\App in the above NUVI's as you claim on the 1st post - or "try on error"??

    6) To increase the number of maps, I can load one .img file with combined maps and then select from the program menu, say only 1 map of the set, but this map will NOT be SEARCHABLE (i.e. useless, for me) - Please confirm.

    7) If I put overlapped maps, (example: gmapprom.img = CT Europe NT 2011.04 (including GReek street names w/latin characters) and gmapsupp.img [in the internal memory OR in the SD card] (a very detailed map of Greece w/street names in Latin OR Greek-I have both maps), will there be any problem/conflict? If not, which map has precedence? i.e. having EU(Latin) and GReece(Latin) loaded (and selected!!!) when I search a street in GR typing Latin letters, which map will be used or make the automatic search?

    8) I hope there is no problem of having {maps unlocked} together with {maps locked and their respective *.unl files}. Confirm please.

    9) If I mess up the maps (*.img) files is there any possibility to make the unit UNUSABLE?
    Strange question you might say but I screwed up a 755T a month ago-I deleted the gmapprom.img file FIRST and then copied a map with the name gmaprom.img instead of gmapprom.img (I missed one "p"). The result was that it did not boot AT ALL and no connection possible w/the PC. From what I have read/studied in your site it should not be the case of damaging the unit but I am PRETTY SURE that this is what I did between "working" and "not working" status of it. Do not claim removing the unit from USB port w/o first ejecting it (I am an electronic engineer and a very experienced user of PCs - it was not the case with me!!! - Perhaps it was to happen to the unit and it was not the change of the file but please answer the question based on your big experience) Unfortunately, I had to (fortunately) replace it (it was still under guarantee-bought <1 month before) and get a new one.

    10) Finally, noticed that filenames have a max length 8.3 (filename=8 characters , ext=3 - This reminds me of old DOS files). Is it correct?

    Then what was written in post #57 might be wrong !!!!:

    Post #57
    Some times has left and as nobody was interested to give exact instructions, I took a time and made it clear for my self.
    At Mobile XT I go working in folder garmin following file (map) names:
    gmapprom1.img; <-= LOOK HERE PLEASE: FILE LENGTH IS 9.3 not 8.3

    11) Since the TMC receiver can be bought (I think) separately and plugged into(???) the USB socket, could the 370 and 1450 become 370T and 1450T? Is there a USB-socket TMC receiver at GARMIN gadgets (I can search the GARMIN site of course, but if you know, please tell me). The actual question is if the TMC s/w is embedded in the GPS s/w independently if the unit has a "T" in the model number - For example my 755T actually is a 755 model (refurbished) (printed on the label and on the about/help indication of the s/w) but I bought it as a 755T w/a TMC receiver cable/antenna and it works fine!! It was the replacement of the screwed up 755T (see Question 9), the original was a (refurbished) 755T with 755T label and 755T indication on the help/about info field of the s/w. I am saying that because another guy had ordered from the same store a 755T but received a 755 (probably with a TMC cable/receiver) but he was unhappy and returned it - I think this is a useful piece of info for your forum users to have in mind

    The 755T TMC receiver uses another Garmin socket to send data to and to charge the 755T unit in the car. This socket is located on the GPS hold-system between the unit and the cradle. However, the unit has a USB-mini socket which can be used for connection to a PC or for charging.
    The 370 has a traffic menu and when you select it it requests to connect the TMC receiver ;-) !!! but the 755T or 755 needs a TMC receiver connected to the unit (and maybe receiving TMC data) in order to show the TMC menu Probably the 1450 does the same (I have not tried it yet)

    This is a lengthy and detailed post in order to make your answers as short as possible and hopefully help other users.

    Thanks in advance!!! - George
    0) IMGs merged with Gmaptool have search enabled
    1) Storing maps is different in different devices, some old and outdoor devices in internal memory store maps in root .
    2) Some old devices as 370 cant show maps greater than 2gb and have a tiles limit per map, I frankly donnow the n° of maps you can store in int mem., but reading users experiences in threads can help.
    3) yes , correct.
    4) .unl file(s) goes where the maps are placed, you can create just an .unl file with all the codes inside.
    5) it's always better and preferable to put these maps in sd, if something goes wrong you can remove it. Copy the gmapsupp.img in a Garmin folder (one img per sd, size less than 2 gb).
    6) see 0) reply.
    7) deselect overlapping maps,and use just one at a time, or they wont show or wont show correctly.
    8) no problem in using unlocked maps in sd.
    9)You can brick your phone and have a loading map problem in copying maps in internal mem. if you load a corrupt map, sd are cheap now, better to use them
    10) 8 digit thing is for maps named gmapsupp,gmapprom1.img is 9 digits.
    11) about traffic, better to read in garmin site product spec and compatible addons.

    Quote Originally Posted by georgev View Post
    ADDITIONAL INFO: I found out in the forum that Nuvis 1xxx can have MANY maps in the [GARMIN UNIT]\MAP\ folder OR in the [SD CARD]\Map folder and with different than the conventional names Requirement to have an .img extension (AnyName.img) and I SUSPECT file length 8.3 (filename=8 and extension=3), so PERHAPS you cannot have AnyName12.img (length9.3) - Please test!
    However if you have/use the GARMIN folder of internal memory or SD-card then you must use ONLY conventional names (gmapprom.img, gmapsupp.img etc) even on the 1xxx units.
    Can we have both? (MAP and GARMN folders) This is a good question!
    in new devices (1xxx,37xx,2xxx series eg.) maps should be placed in Map folder(internal and sd) anyname.img no lenght restrictions.
    You can store only one gmapsupp.img in Garmin folder (internal and sd) too.
    You have to navigate to get to the good.

    Galaxy S5 Kitkat 4.4.2 / Nuvi1200->1250 / Nuvi3790T->34xx / Nuvi 2200 / Nuvi 66 / Oregon 600

  6. #65
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    Quote Originally Posted by georgev View Post

    11) Since the TMC receiver can be bought (I think) separately and plugged into(???) the USB socket, could the 370 and 1450 become 370T and 1450T? Is there a USB-socket TMC receiver at GARMIN gadgets (I can search the GARMIN site of course, but if you know, please tell me). The actual question is if the TMC s/w is embedded in the GPS s/w independently if the unit has a "T" in the model number - For example my 755T actually is a 755 model (refurbished) (printed on the label and on the about/help indication of the s/w) but I bought it as a 755T w/a TMC receiver cable/antenna and it works fine!! It was the replacement of the screwed up 755T (see Question 9), the original was a (refurbished) 755T with 755T label and 755T indication on the help/about info field of the s/w. I am saying that because another guy had ordered from the same store a 755T but received a 755 (probably with a TMC cable/receiver) but he was unhappy and returned it - I think this is a useful piece of info for your forum users to have in mind

    The 755T TMC receiver uses another Garmin socket to send data to and to charge the 755T unit in the car. This socket is located on the GPS hold-system between the unit and the cradle. However, the unit has a USB-mini socket which can be used for connection to a PC or for charging.
    The 370 has a traffic menu and when you select it it requests to connect the TMC receiver ;-) !!! but the 755T or 755 needs a TMC receiver connected to the unit (and maybe receiving TMC data) in order to show the TMC menu Probably the 1450 does the same (I have not tried it yet)

    I am PRETTY SURE that all NUVI units w/o TMC (i.e. w/o "T" in their model number f.e. Nuvi 755) can become a TMC model (f.e. NUVI 755T) by JUST buying its respective TMC receiver - Check the Garmin site [Only registered and activated users can see links. ], search your model and check its accessories (there is always an "Accessories" TAB) for a TMC receiver.
    ATTENTION: Do not look at the price - you will fell off your chair!!!
    Example my NUVI 1450 can become 1450T with a "GTM™ 35 with Lifetime Traffic 010-00896-13 at the low cost of $ 119.99 USD"

    MY SUGGESTION: Be smart!!! at GARMIN the NUVI 1450T unit (=UNIT 1450+a GMT Receiver costs: $ 199.99 USD) while the NUVI 1450 unit costs $ 179.99 USD ONLY $ 20 USD difference!!! Remember that the "low cost" of $119.99 USD includes LIFETIME TMC - hahahaha LOL but also REMEMBER you have the JetMouse Keygenator!!! => FREE LIFETIME SUBSCRIPTION
    I checked the NUVI 1450T accessories - perhaps they sell the same TMC-Receiver (without subscription) - Sorry No Luck!!!
    As an alternative I would check eBay for this TMC receiver (China/Taiwan/Singapore) I bet it costs less than $ 10 USD... Try yourself!

    Regards, George (aGreekInParis)

    PS: Hey, I am expecting some help from you guys - where are you??? I came to this site to be helped. If you leave me another two days I will educate myself and all your users and you will be ... out of business!!! hahaha LOL - Just joking, of course - I enjoy your site/forum - the perfect place to spend your days ... and nights too!!!
    Last edited by georgev; 10th April 2011 at 04:50 PM.

  7. #66
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    Thanks catymag for your precious information, but I have some more questions if you permit me:

    a) What do you mean "tiles limit" in "by Some old devices as 370 cant show maps greater than 2gb and have a tiles limit per map"?
    b) It seems that GMapTools are better than (?)MapSource(?) - what else can be used to combine/merge maps - advantages/disadvantages?
    c) I see there are maps with the "MapSource" identifier and other with no mapsource - what is the difference? Can both be used in a Garmin Nuvi or the 1st ones are for processing (w/MapSource maybe) and the second ones are *.img files to be used in the Nuvi?
    d) I assume that for NUVI 370 I have to delete some "not-to-be visited" countries from the "CN EUrope NT 2011.40" to make it less than 2GB i.e. readable by the 370. What tool do you suggest me to use for this? Reminder: I need route-able and searchable maps.
    e) CRITICAL Question: If I backup the NUVI to the HDD of my Pc or on a CD-ROM and something goes wrong someday (sooner or later), will the unit recover by "just copying" the backup files on the internal memory (i.e. Is there a need for a special bootstrap program located perhaps at a special/critical position in the internal memory, which with the "simple copying over"-procedure will not be able to recover the system?
    f) What do you suggest for Backup-Recovery procedure apart from "DO NOT TOUCH YOUR INTERNAL MEMORY!!!" because I plan to ... risk to touch it!!!

    Thanks in advance - GeorgeInParis

  8. #67
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    I think what is missing from this excellent site/forum is a cross reference table for Programs/Utilities etc: USEFUL for newbies (like me)

    GMapTools --------> in order to split, merge maps (img files), find their FID/Map ID .....
    MapSource --------> in order to .... "struggle" a map in IMG format

    To find the MapID of an IMF file-----> GMapTools, MapSource, ....
    To cr@ck a Map (img file) ----> JetMouse KG, Cr@ckThisMap Cr@cker etc
    To get a serious headache ------> Read GeorgeV Posts (hahaha) .....
    To lose your sleep --------> just have a look at [Only registered and activated users can see links. ] (hahaha) ....

    Do you have these tables somewhere buried in your forum? ....and I miss them....

    Congratulations ONCE again
    Last edited by georgev; 10th April 2011 at 08:13 PM.

  9. #68
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    Garmin Mobile XT has also restriction for map size, I think it was from 2Gb, when you can not get it working.

    At my Nokia E90 I have everything in sd card, Garmin folder and everything apply to this. Right now I am testing Nokia X6 with Garmin Mobile XT. Suggested to get after upgrades into version GarminMobileXT for SymbianS60 3rd Edition_50060_INT. Version 50050 had some problems: landscape picture on navigation was not wide screen, it was like 4:3 + 1/3 of left side screen at right side. also 50050 was not so senitive for tuch - by 50060 both problems are solved.

    Also I found strange phenomenon by giving different names to different map sets.
    If I have earlier described setup on my Nokia x6 then all maps are visible

    gmapbmap Worldwide Roads Basemap
    gmapprom Inland waters Estonia; Regio Baltic v1.6 Baltic Peipsi (two maps joined by GMap Tool)
    gmapprom1 BlueChart Atlantic v9.5 (Atlandi ookean, India ookean, Põhjameri, Läänemeri, Vahemeri)
    GMAPSUP2 Regio Eesti Topo v1.2
    GMAPSUPP CN Europe NT 2011.40 (Põhja_Euroopa ja UK)

    In case of giving to joined map Inland waters + Regio Baltic the name gmapprom1 and to Bluechart name gmapprom, I can see only Bluechart, joined map not visible. Maybe someone can give good explanation? Up to it I saved it for me, as just a rule without explanation

  10. #69
    Important User How to install multiple maps on Garmin the easy way
    How to install multiple maps on Garmin the easy wayHow to install multiple maps on Garmin the easy wayHow to install multiple maps on Garmin the easy wayHow to install multiple maps on Garmin the easy wayHow to install multiple maps on Garmin the easy wayHow to install multiple maps on Garmin the easy wayHow to install multiple maps on Garmin the easy way
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    Quote Originally Posted by georgev View Post
    Thanks catymag for your precious information, but I have some more questions if you permit me:

    a) What do you mean "tiles limit" in "by Some old devices as 370 cant show maps greater than 2gb and have a tiles limit per map"?
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    b) It seems that GMapTools are better than (?)MapSource(?) - what else can be used to combine/merge maps - advantages/disadvantages?
    GmapTool is a nice tool , you can use to merge IMGs, install an IMG in MS and other interesting things,Gmaptool Mapsource installations dont allow search if you transfer imgs in gps, they're created to see a map in Mapsource: like a demo map; now can use Basecamp too.

    see :Using GMapTool
    here [Only registered and activated users can see links. ]

    c) I see there are maps with the "MapSource" identifier and other with no mapsource - what is the difference? Can both be used in a Garmin Nuvi or the 1st ones are for processing (w/MapSource maybe) and the second ones are *.img files to be used in the Nuvi?
    yes , correct
    more infos here
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    d) I assume that for NUVI 370 I have to delete some "not-to-be visited" countries from the "CN EUrope NT 2011.40" to make it less than 2GB i.e. readable by the 370. What tool do you suggest me to use for this? Reminder: I need route-able and searchable maps.
    use Mapsource and just Mapsource
    e) CRITICAL Question: If I backup the NUVI to the HDD of my Pc or on a CD-ROM and something goes wrong someday (sooner or later), will the unit recover by "just copying" the backup files on the internal memory (i.e. Is there a need for a special bootstrap program located perhaps at a special/critical position in the internal memory, which with the "simple copying over"-procedure will not be able to recover the system?
    f) What do you suggest for Backup-Recovery procedure apart from "DO NOT TOUCH YOUR INTERNAL MEMORY!!!" because I plan to ... risk to touch it!!!
    Thanks in advance - GeorgeInParis
    A backup is needed: enable hidden files in nuvi and copy and paste on your pc
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    If you lose your files or they get corrupt you can replace them in the future

    I suggest everyone to take a look at Garmin sections indexes and sticky threads, usually can find replies to many questions.
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    Quote Originally Posted by i70 View Post
    Garmin Mobile XT has also restriction for map size, I think it was from 2Gb, when you can not get it working.

    At my Nokia E90 I have everything in sd card, Garmin folder and everything apply to this. Right now I am testing Nokia X6 with Garmin Mobile XT. Suggested to get after upgrades into version GarminMobileXT for SymbianS60 3rd Edition_50060_INT. Version 50050 had some problems: landscape picture on navigation was not wide screen, it was like 4:3 + 1/3 of left side screen at right side. also 50050 was not so senitive for tuch - by 50060 both problems are solved.

    Also I found strange phenomenon by giving different names to different map sets.
    If I have earlier described setup on my Nokia x6 then all maps are visible

    gmapbmap Worldwide Roads Basemap
    gmapprom Inland waters Estonia; Regio Baltic v1.6 Baltic Peipsi (two maps joined by GMap Tool)
    gmapprom1 BlueChart Atlantic v9.5 (Atlandi ookean, India ookean, Põhjameri, Läänemeri, Vahemeri)
    GMAPSUP2 Regio Eesti Topo v1.2
    GMAPSUPP CN Europe NT 2011.40 (Põhja_Euroopa ja UK)

    In case of giving to joined map Inland waters + Regio Baltic the name gmapprom1 and to Bluechart name gmapprom, I can see only Bluechart, joined map not visible. Maybe someone can give good explanation? Up to it I saved it for me, as just a rule without explanation
    some infos about BCs
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    on MobileXT
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    You have to navigate to get to the good.

    Galaxy S5 Kitkat 4.4.2 / Nuvi1200->1250 / Nuvi3790T->34xx / Nuvi 2200 / Nuvi 66 / Oregon 600

  11. #70
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    Sorry for the irrelevant question but is there any GARMIN s/w that runs on a PC (netbook for example-cause I have a BT GPS Rcvr) - I think sb told me "GARMIN Mobile PC", do you have any info (links) on this issue? thanks
    Last edited by catymag; 12th April 2011 at 03:28 PM. Reason: links to other forums are forbidden , you could get an infraction card for this



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