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  1. #21
    Garmin/GPS Systems GMod. How to properly format a Nuvi after using kunix's cure
    How to properly format a Nuvi after using kunix's cureHow to properly format a Nuvi after using kunix's cureHow to properly format a Nuvi after using kunix's cureHow to properly format a Nuvi after using kunix's cureHow to properly format a Nuvi after using kunix's cureHow to properly format a Nuvi after using kunix's cureHow to properly format a Nuvi after using kunix's cure
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    So you still cannot access the unit in Mass Storage Mode when you connect it to the PC? If it's still not accessable, it seems there's a problem that the cure fw can't help with. Could be hardware related, in which case probably not worth a repair charge for such an old gps anyway. Or you have a corrupted NV memory, and without an NV backup you need expert help. Maybe someone with an NV dump from another 205W could help but there needs to be changes made to it to reflect your unit's identity. You will get an offer by PM if anyone here can help with that, as it's not to be done in public.
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  3. #22
    Important User How to properly format a Nuvi after using kunix's cure
    How to properly format a Nuvi after using kunix's cureHow to properly format a Nuvi after using kunix's cureHow to properly format a Nuvi after using kunix's cureHow to properly format a Nuvi after using kunix's cureHow to properly format a Nuvi after using kunix's cureHow to properly format a Nuvi after using kunix's cureHow to properly format a Nuvi after using kunix's cure
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    Read with care what Neil wrote above and in kunix's cure thread:
    1.Flash your device with the CURE firmware Please note that the CURE firmware will never boot, it can only enter the mass storage mode.
    Cure is made to format nuvi or to delete corrupted files, after that you must reinstall original fw and files backup.
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    Galaxy S5 Kitkat 4.4.2 / Nuvi1200->1250 / Nuvi3790T->34xx / Nuvi 2200 / Nuvi 66 / Oregon 600

  4. #23
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    Hi Neil, I will wait and see if anyone can help me out, i can post my email address if anyone can help me privately to sort it out if it is even possible.
    i have attached pictures of what it is doing.
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    when it turns on it shows the first picture for like 8-10seconds then flashes the second picture for a split second then continues restarting doing the same thing.

  5. #24
    Important User How to properly format a Nuvi after using kunix's cure
    How to properly format a Nuvi after using kunix's cureHow to properly format a Nuvi after using kunix's cureHow to properly format a Nuvi after using kunix's cureHow to properly format a Nuvi after using kunix's cureHow to properly format a Nuvi after using kunix's cureHow to properly format a Nuvi after using kunix's cureHow to properly format a Nuvi after using kunix's cure
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    Nobody can help you if you dont read cure's instructions.Have you formatted nuvi and flashed original firmware after cure ?
    You have to navigate to get to the good.

    Galaxy S5 Kitkat 4.4.2 / Nuvi1200->1250 / Nuvi3790T->34xx / Nuvi 2200 / Nuvi 66 / Oregon 600

  6. #25
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    I have been researching this for about a week now. what i have done so far is
    - downloaded cure3
    - downloaded nuvi2x5W_GCDFile__760.gcd
    - opened cure3, added the nuvi2x5W_GCDFile__760.gcd file, ticked cure, match cure, update.exe
    it then updates to the gps the gps shows installing etc then it reboots and goes back into a loop.

    I cannot get the gps to go into mass storage mode to continue with the RMprepusb software.

    if i have missed some steps or miss understood something please correct me

  7. #26
    Important User How to properly format a Nuvi after using kunix's cure
    How to properly format a Nuvi after using kunix's cureHow to properly format a Nuvi after using kunix's cureHow to properly format a Nuvi after using kunix's cureHow to properly format a Nuvi after using kunix's cureHow to properly format a Nuvi after using kunix's cureHow to properly format a Nuvi after using kunix's cureHow to properly format a Nuvi after using kunix's cure
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    unpack this in an empty sd , insert in nuvi and restart it.
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    You have to navigate to get to the good.

    Galaxy S5 Kitkat 4.4.2 / Nuvi1200->1250 / Nuvi3790T->34xx / Nuvi 2200 / Nuvi 66 / Oregon 600

  8. #27
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    Hi Neil
    i have another unit which belongs to my friend which we bought our units the same time from the same shop. perhaps you can give me some pointers on how to clone the units or how to make a NV dump from the other units to fix this units etc.
    please forgive me for all the questions i'm just looking for some expert help to point me in the right direction.

  9. #28
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    ok i will try the unbrick package and let you know the results

  10. #29
    Important User How to properly format a Nuvi after using kunix's cure
    How to properly format a Nuvi after using kunix's cureHow to properly format a Nuvi after using kunix's cureHow to properly format a Nuvi after using kunix's cureHow to properly format a Nuvi after using kunix's cureHow to properly format a Nuvi after using kunix's cureHow to properly format a Nuvi after using kunix's cureHow to properly format a Nuvi after using kunix's cure
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    Quote Originally Posted by b224 View Post
    Hi Neil
    i have another unit which belongs to my friend which we bought our units the same time from the same shop. perhaps you can give me some pointers on how to clone the units or how to make a NV dump from the other units to fix this units etc.
    please forgive me for all the questions i'm just looking for some expert help to point me in the right direction.
    We don't give infos about nuvis cloning in this forum and probably you wont have these infos in any good gps forum.
    These infos help thieves and we prefer our units stay with us
    You have to navigate to get to the good.

    Galaxy S5 Kitkat 4.4.2 / Nuvi1200->1250 / Nuvi3790T->34xx / Nuvi 2200 / Nuvi 66 / Oregon 600

  11. #30
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    Ive tried with that unbrick package but no joy, i extracted it to an emtry sd card and rebooted but it still runs in a loop.
    Sorry i meant if there is another way to fix the unit i.e. cloning or something that is not on forums or not allowed to post publicly i can post my email address for someone to help me privately, im just looking for any method to try fix the unit.
    Im kinda new to these forums so im still learning what is allowed to be asked and not. thanks for pointing that other for me.



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