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  1. #11
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    Thanks for your reply
    im not sure what firmware it is supposed to be as i cant read the device. i have another 205 which is firmware 7.60 which i have just downloaded and updated, but it still does the same thing. i set the input file to the nuvi2x5W_GCDFile__760.gcd, then i tick cure, then make firmware, and it completed okay. the i connect the gps and update, is this steps correct?

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  3. #12
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    what the gps is doing when i switch it on it just displays the garmin logo for a few seconds then flashes a quick white screen the reboot constantly. it doesn't show any writing at the bottom of the screen like loading maps etc. im really going crazy here.

  4. #13
    Garmin/GPS Systems GMod. How to properly format a Nuvi after using kunix's cure
    How to properly format a Nuvi after using kunix's cureHow to properly format a Nuvi after using kunix's cureHow to properly format a Nuvi after using kunix's cureHow to properly format a Nuvi after using kunix's cureHow to properly format a Nuvi after using kunix's cureHow to properly format a Nuvi after using kunix's cureHow to properly format a Nuvi after using kunix's cure
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    Step at a time mate. First thing is to check what hardware you have. If you can access pre-boot you can use G7toWin to find both the HWID and the Unit ID.
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    This is my 265W, which is HWID 0827. A US/EU 2x5 will be either 0851 or with MTK chip it's 1074:


    EDIT: I just noticed this in your previous post:
    Quote Originally Posted by b224 View Post
    i have another 205 which is firmware 7.60 which i have just downloaded and updated, but it still does the same thing. i set the input file to the nuvi2x5W_GCDFile__760.gcd, then i tick cure, then make firmware, and it completed okay. the i connect the gps and update, is this steps correct?
    What are you trying to fix, a 205 or 205W? A US/EU 205W non-MTK is HWID 1091.
    Last edited by Neil; 5th July 2013 at 08:49 AM. Reason: Clarity.
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  5. #14
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    i downloaded that software. on the other GPS which is working fine and i bought the two gps's the same time and place, it shows software version 7.60 ID:1091 i already loaded the 7.60 with ID 827
    is the ID the ID number of the software version or the unit?

    i just downloaded the nuvi2x5W_GCDFile-MTK__760.gcd which is supposed to be for ID:1091 i use the garmincure to update to the unit, but when i try update, it gives me a message saying no updates available for your product.
    Last edited by Neil; 5th July 2013 at 09:38 AM. Reason: Merged 2 consecutive posts.

  6. #15
    Garmin/GPS Systems GMod. How to properly format a Nuvi after using kunix's cure
    How to properly format a Nuvi after using kunix's cureHow to properly format a Nuvi after using kunix's cureHow to properly format a Nuvi after using kunix's cureHow to properly format a Nuvi after using kunix's cureHow to properly format a Nuvi after using kunix's cureHow to properly format a Nuvi after using kunix's cureHow to properly format a Nuvi after using kunix's cure
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    Not interested in the other working unit at the moment, sounds like they may have different chips. Let's just concentrate on the 'bricked' one right now.

    The one with the boot loop is a 205W right? The letters 'ID' following the Software Version are short for Hardware ID. What HWID do you get from G7toWin for the bricked unit? If you haven't managed that yet, follow this:

    Firstly open G7to Win and keep it visible on your desktop. Select 'GPS' and in the dropdown list, hover your cursor over 'Get GPD ID' ready to click it.

    Remember you must put it in pre-boot mode tro access G7toWin because unlike your other working unit the faulty one cannot be seen in Mass Storage Mode. Most 2x5W you can simply hold the upper LH corner and plug in the mini-USB. Keep holding the corner and quickly click 'Get GPS ID' in the G7toWin window. If you get an error message just click OK, it will then show the info. Remember if you don't click 'Get GPS ID' and any error message OK button within about 30 seconds you will have to start again.
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  7. #16
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    Sorry i meant in my last post on the bricked unit i already loaded 7.60 with ID 827 and the G7to software picks up the same 7.60 ID:827

  8. #17
    Garmin/GPS Systems GMod. How to properly format a Nuvi after using kunix's cure
    How to properly format a Nuvi after using kunix's cureHow to properly format a Nuvi after using kunix's cureHow to properly format a Nuvi after using kunix's cureHow to properly format a Nuvi after using kunix's cureHow to properly format a Nuvi after using kunix's cureHow to properly format a Nuvi after using kunix's cureHow to properly format a Nuvi after using kunix's cure
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    OK, but what did you load and did you load it? You need to be specific and say exactly what you've done. Did you load the Cure3 fw only so far for instance?
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  9. #18
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    ok i downloaded the garmincure software also the nuvi2x5W_GCDFile__760.gcd
    then using the cure software i click cure, make firmware, then update.exe to gps which this process was successful.
    on the screen it shows loading software then after the update finishes the gps goes back into brick mode.
    Last edited by b224; 5th July 2013 at 10:01 AM.

  10. #19
    Garmin/GPS Systems GMod. How to properly format a Nuvi after using kunix's cure
    How to properly format a Nuvi after using kunix's cureHow to properly format a Nuvi after using kunix's cureHow to properly format a Nuvi after using kunix's cureHow to properly format a Nuvi after using kunix's cureHow to properly format a Nuvi after using kunix's cureHow to properly format a Nuvi after using kunix's cureHow to properly format a Nuvi after using kunix's cure
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    If you are sure you have correctly made the Cure3 fw and loaded it and the unit's still in a boot-loop, then you now have a big problem. The whole idea of a cure fw is that it doesn't load any files therefore bypasses any corrupt file which is causing the boot loop [a map, text, keyboard, voice etc file even a gupdate.gcd file which loads fw updates], all are bypassed with a properly made cure fw.

    However, when you say 'brick mode', maybe you're simply saying that it won't boot, rather that it's got a boot-loop with a white screen as you originally had. The cure fw cannot boot the unit. It is loaded simply to allow access to the internal files to delete them or to reformat the unit. If it's just stuck and not booting that's ok, just do this:

    You should be now able to access the unit in Mass Storage Mode and see the internal files. Make a backup of all the files in the unit, but be aware that one of those files is probably stopping the unit from booting. You could just remove the most likely if you knew the history of the device, but as you bought it like this you'd be lucky to select the right one, so just reformat it from the tut in Post #1.

    After it's reformatted, create a folder in the unit named Garmin and then load the full original fw to the unit. Turn the unit on to see if it boots fully, and then turn it off again. Reconnect to PC and check if the unit has created a file GarminDevice.xml. If it's named GarminDevice.tmp then rename the extension xml. If all that goes ok, then connect via WebUpdater and redownload the necessary Voice Text etc files. Put basemap, detail map and Time zone map in the Garmin folder.

    If you still have the boot-loop, carefully make the cure again and reflash it. If it doesn't work then something else is preventing your nuvi from booting, maybe hardware problem or corrupt non-volitile memory.
    Last edited by Neil; 5th July 2013 at 10:40 AM. Reason: clarity.
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  11. #20
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    Hi Neil
    No i didnt get it working yet, when i turn on the unit, it displays the Garmin Logo then reboots. it does not show any writing at the bottom of the screen when loading, I.E loading maps copyright etc, it just restarts.
    when i use the cure3 to load the firmware it loads< on the unit it show loading< installing then when it finishes installing it just goes back into a loop.
    i am really confused and i cant send it for repairs as where i am there is no one to repair gps actually no one here even uses gps's.



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