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  1. #301
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    hi ,
    I have sg/my firmware 3.20 , may I know how to update to 5.10 ? because I need to use jcv feature in TSM maps ( thai )

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  3. #302
    Garmin/GPS Systems GMod. Enable features in your nuvi 12xx, 13xx and 14xx - JCV, LA, TTS
    Enable features in your nuvi 12xx, 13xx and 14xx - JCV, LA, TTSEnable features in your nuvi 12xx, 13xx and 14xx - JCV, LA, TTSEnable features in your nuvi 12xx, 13xx and 14xx - JCV, LA, TTSEnable features in your nuvi 12xx, 13xx and 14xx - JCV, LA, TTSEnable features in your nuvi 12xx, 13xx and 14xx - JCV, LA, TTSEnable features in your nuvi 12xx, 13xx and 14xx - JCV, LA, TTSEnable features in your nuvi 12xx, 13xx and 14xx - JCV, LA, TTS
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    Do not flash this splash to your SG/MY unit. In any case US/EU units cannot see Asian JCV and will crash & reboot if an asian file is added. Your unit can only see TH/PH/TN etc JCV if the appropriate corresponding fw for that hw is able to be safely flashed.
    EDIT: What unit do you have? Latest fw for 1350 & 1460 SG/MY is V3.10 not 3.20 i think.
    Last edited by Neil; 8th October 2012 at 11:48 AM.
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  4. #303
    Junior Member
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    the 13xx/14xx for MTK FW 6.1 link doesnt work, could you fix that??

  5. #304
    Garmin/GPS Systems GMod. Enable features in your nuvi 12xx, 13xx and 14xx - JCV, LA, TTS
    Enable features in your nuvi 12xx, 13xx and 14xx - JCV, LA, TTSEnable features in your nuvi 12xx, 13xx and 14xx - JCV, LA, TTSEnable features in your nuvi 12xx, 13xx and 14xx - JCV, LA, TTSEnable features in your nuvi 12xx, 13xx and 14xx - JCV, LA, TTSEnable features in your nuvi 12xx, 13xx and 14xx - JCV, LA, TTSEnable features in your nuvi 12xx, 13xx and 14xx - JCV, LA, TTSEnable features in your nuvi 12xx, 13xx and 14xx - JCV, LA, TTS
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    Maybe just easier for you to use acleite's sd card method, it's universal for both chipset types and 'as easy as falling off a log': [Only registered and activated users can see links. ].
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  6. #305


    Hello all

    I just updated my 1350 and wanted to thank everyone who made this possible.

  7. #306
    Navigation software expert Enable features in your nuvi 12xx, 13xx and 14xx - JCV, LA, TTS
    Enable features in your nuvi 12xx, 13xx and 14xx - JCV, LA, TTSEnable features in your nuvi 12xx, 13xx and 14xx - JCV, LA, TTSEnable features in your nuvi 12xx, 13xx and 14xx - JCV, LA, TTS
    Giomen's Avatar
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    Which new addition function do you obtain in your Nuvi 1350 after update?
    Garmin, how much is 30 pieces of silver for Judas today? Were they worthy for crucifix of GPSPower?

  8. #307
    Garmin/GPS Systems GMod. Enable features in your nuvi 12xx, 13xx and 14xx - JCV, LA, TTS
    Enable features in your nuvi 12xx, 13xx and 14xx - JCV, LA, TTSEnable features in your nuvi 12xx, 13xx and 14xx - JCV, LA, TTSEnable features in your nuvi 12xx, 13xx and 14xx - JCV, LA, TTSEnable features in your nuvi 12xx, 13xx and 14xx - JCV, LA, TTSEnable features in your nuvi 12xx, 13xx and 14xx - JCV, LA, TTSEnable features in your nuvi 12xx, 13xx and 14xx - JCV, LA, TTSEnable features in your nuvi 12xx, 13xx and 14xx - JCV, LA, TTS
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    US/AU 1350 versions 'out of box' lacked JCV. Our Canadian friend no doubt has one of those and is now 'enjoying' the added driving distraction of full-screen jcv pics! Only 1390 in NA/AU/NZ etc already had all the features enable by this splash:
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  9. #308
    Navigation software expert Enable features in your nuvi 12xx, 13xx and 14xx - JCV, LA, TTS
    Enable features in your nuvi 12xx, 13xx and 14xx - JCV, LA, TTSEnable features in your nuvi 12xx, 13xx and 14xx - JCV, LA, TTSEnable features in your nuvi 12xx, 13xx and 14xx - JCV, LA, TTS
    Giomen's Avatar
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    So Garmin have raised the bar for America. For all my Nuvi 1350 EU was enough for JCV a full coverage CityNav on board...
    Garmin, how much is 30 pieces of silver for Judas today? Were they worthy for crucifix of GPSPower?

  10. #309
    Important User Enable features in your nuvi 12xx, 13xx and 14xx - JCV, LA, TTS
    Enable features in your nuvi 12xx, 13xx and 14xx - JCV, LA, TTS
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    Lucky you...

    In Italy (series now discontinued):
    1300 with coverage Italy&Greece =OK JV for country
    1340 (24 countrys) & 1350 (full EU) = NO JV
    1390 = OK JV

    Good job

  11. #310
    Garmin/GPS Systems GMod. Enable features in your nuvi 12xx, 13xx and 14xx - JCV, LA, TTS
    Enable features in your nuvi 12xx, 13xx and 14xx - JCV, LA, TTSEnable features in your nuvi 12xx, 13xx and 14xx - JCV, LA, TTSEnable features in your nuvi 12xx, 13xx and 14xx - JCV, LA, TTSEnable features in your nuvi 12xx, 13xx and 14xx - JCV, LA, TTSEnable features in your nuvi 12xx, 13xx and 14xx - JCV, LA, TTSEnable features in your nuvi 12xx, 13xx and 14xx - JCV, LA, TTSEnable features in your nuvi 12xx, 13xx and 14xx - JCV, LA, TTS
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    Every 1350 sold in AU has had splash of D1340-30. In this post recently: [Only registered and activated users can see links. ], Loly advised of some later versions sold in EU with splash of -80 or -81. These may have been 'run-out' promo models perhaps, EU only? I haven't heard of them elsewhere. A friend of mine bought a 1350 in AU well over a year ago at the end of the 1xxx model run here, it was heavily discounted and was loaded with the map only one version before the then current version so was of recent manufacture, and it had the -30 splash (= no JCV, but with SLI & LA). Looks like you got lucky with your 1350s Giomen. What splash do they have? And Roger, do you know the splashes of the 1300, 1340 & 1350 you described?
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