Thanks.Works great on 1300.Do you know if 3D buildings (gmap3d.img) or photorealistic junction view work on 1300 after doing this. Are there any additional steps.
For example, 1410 MPC do not work with junction view on original soft!
Thanks.Works great on 1300.Do you know if 3D buildings (gmap3d.img) or photorealistic junction view work on 1300 after doing this. Are there any additional steps.
Photoreal work on 1300.Create folder JCV in internal memory: .System/JCV/your file.jcv or in SD card Garmin/JCV/your file.jcv.
3D buildings not supported on 1300.
Thanks Lolypop000 for your response. Is there a different jcv file for photoreal compared to regular jcv file . I have jcv file for north america 2011.40 which is working well after using this method. Does it also contain photoreal or I should try to look for a different jcv.
I cant find PhotoReal jcv for NA 2011.40.
If you know anybody who have nuvi 3790 you can ask him if you send to you this jcv.
Hi guys,
I'm trying to install JCV.
I updated my nuvi 1300 to fw 5.20 using the webupdater, then I removed GUPDATE.gcd file (backup copy), I entered in diagnostic mode by pressing battery icon for 5 seconds and connected the USB cable to computer. But when I start updater.exe i find this error message :
The garmin device is not responding.please ensure the following and try again:
1.The garmin device's interface is set to Garmin or Host mode.
2.The cable is connected to the correct serial port.
3.The garmin device is turned on.
Any tips?
After entering the diagnostic mode and attaching USB cable, verify the following:
1. there should be no hard disks in "My computer" related to garmin device. If there are, you are not in pre-boot menu.
2. Start device manager: My computer->properties-> hardware->device manager. If your device is in correct mode for updating, you should see "Garmin device" attached in in list of hardware (not as mass storage!). Check that there are no problems with the driver. When doing this for the first time, windows needs some time to install proper drivers to run this hardware in this mode.
When you verify that the above is OK, run updater.exe again, click to "USB device" connection and try again. The error message you described usually appears if you use COM ports as a mode of connection in updater.exe. (auto-detect on COM ports will not work!)
Last edited by dvazg; 19th April 2011 at 06:13 PM.
Last edited by ascanio; 20th April 2011 at 03:14 PM.
If you have win 7 right click updater.exe and run as Administrator.
Or try on diferent computer.