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  1. #1
    Important User How to merge Garmin maps with Gmaptool
    How to merge Garmin maps with GmaptoolHow to merge Garmin maps with GmaptoolHow to merge Garmin maps with GmaptoolHow to merge Garmin maps with GmaptoolHow to merge Garmin maps with GmaptoolHow to merge Garmin maps with GmaptoolHow to merge Garmin maps with Gmaptool
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    Default How to merge Garmin maps with Gmaptool

    How to merge Garmin maps with Gmaptool

    If you have a lot of map that you want to load into your GPS, or you want to store all the maps into SD card which supports only a single gmapsupp.img in it, you might need to combine (join) the maps into one mapset file ( a maximum of 2024 *.img files is supported ) by using specific software tool. GMapTool is one of the powerful tool which allow you to join and/or split maps in mapset file.

    Run the GMaptool.exe (any version will do but the interfaces may be slightly different).
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    Firstly, store all the mapset files you wish to combine in different filename in your PC. It is recommended to store them in the same folder/directory.

    Under the Files section of GMapTool, select the maps you want to combine by clicking on Add Files (to select one file at one time) or Add Directories (to select all *.img files in the directory)or drag your individual IMGs into the FILES window. Note that you can always remove any file in the listing by selecting it and press the Delete button of your keyboard.

    Spoiler: CLICK

    When you are done with the mapset selection, continue to the Join section.


    Specify the Output File( name it gmapsupp.img), and key-in the Mapset name of your file to be created. This mapset name will be displayed under each of the map name when you list your maps in Map Info function of your Garmin GPS.

    Click the Join all button, and the combined mapset will be created. You can then copy the new mapset file to your Garmin's internal storage or in Garmin/SD card.

    if you have multiple maps on a gps-you can't display two maps that cover the same area at the same time-one will have to be deselected
    Note that if any of the maps in your mapset file is locked by vendor, you still need the 25 bytes unlock key stored in a *.unl file in the same folder and with the same name as the mapset file where the locked map is stored in. To unlock 2 maps inside the mapset file, put both the keys inside the *.unl file one after another, without space (the file size will be 50 bytes then).

    or unlock with
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    Last edited by Neil; 26th January 2014 at 11:41 PM.
    You have to navigate to get to the good.

    Galaxy S5 Kitkat 4.4.2 / Nuvi1200->1250 / Nuvi3790T->34xx / Nuvi 2200 / Nuvi 66 / Oregon 600

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  3. #2


    "Specify the Output File( name it gmapsupp.img)"

    If I set up an output directory to join 2 mapsets It fails on trying to create the gmapsupp.img "Create output file error, file c:/gar/output/gmapsupp.img."

    Do I somehow create a blank gmapsupp.img and set that as my output file to join these into?

    Or do i join one mapset(topo) topogmapsupp.img into an existing gmapsupp.img that would contain my other mapset (Bluechart from my SD card)

  4. #3


    Ok I think I got this, I have to write to an existing gmapsupp.img and it seems to overwrite whatever is in that file.

  5. #4


    What are PID and FID on Split map?

  6. #5
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    I keep getting this error when trying to combine all Asia maps I have:

    There were errors, result is faulty.

    Individually, I can load each of the maps, but my SD card can only display 1 map to my GPS device, so I would really like to combine all of them. Thanks a lot

  7. #6
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    Wow, nice tutorial out there, now there is able to join more maps region in one IMG Garmin file format

  8. #7
    Garmin/GPS Systems GMod. How to merge Garmin maps with Gmaptool
    How to merge Garmin maps with GmaptoolHow to merge Garmin maps with GmaptoolHow to merge Garmin maps with GmaptoolHow to merge Garmin maps with GmaptoolHow to merge Garmin maps with GmaptoolHow to merge Garmin maps with GmaptoolHow to merge Garmin maps with Gmaptool
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    Yes you can but you'll lose the full search capabilities if any .img has been 'reverse engineered' at all. Best to join maps with MapInstall from gmap folders to make a combined image file if you're not sure of the source of the images, but if you made them yourself from gmap folders using MapInstall then NP to join then with this method.

    My point is then, why not just use MI to make one image from the separate gmap folders in any case if they're available, 'coz that's the best way to be 100% sure and simply cut out the 'join image step'.

    EDIT: Thanks Caty, added info to make it clearer.
    Last edited by Neil; 6th August 2013 at 11:08 PM. Reason: Amplify for clarity of meaning.
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  9. #8
    Important User How to merge Garmin maps with Gmaptool
    How to merge Garmin maps with GmaptoolHow to merge Garmin maps with GmaptoolHow to merge Garmin maps with GmaptoolHow to merge Garmin maps with GmaptoolHow to merge Garmin maps with GmaptoolHow to merge Garmin maps with GmaptoolHow to merge Garmin maps with Gmaptool
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    Quote Originally Posted by Neil View Post
    Yes you can but you'll lose the full search capabilities. Best to join maps with MapSource from gmap folders to make combined image files.
    If you combine imgs made with MS you wont loose search.
    Sometimes users upload these files made with MS, you can join them in one single file with GmapTool and have fully functional search
    You have to navigate to get to the good.

    Galaxy S5 Kitkat 4.4.2 / Nuvi1200->1250 / Nuvi3790T->34xx / Nuvi 2200 / Nuvi 66 / Oregon 600

  10. #9
    GPSPower Helper How to merge Garmin maps with Gmaptool
    How to merge Garmin maps with Gmaptool
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    First Unlock individual .img and make sure it works by itself (test address search and POI search)
    Then Use Procedure from Post #1
    I have Joined several European Countries together to make my own custom MAP and it works good.
    If you try to use Gmaptool to remove some tiles you lose address search.
    Last edited by dasilvarsa; 13th February 2013 at 09:42 PM.
    The difference between stupidity and genius is that genius has its limits.
    Albert Einstein.

  11. #10
    Member + How to merge Garmin maps with Gmaptool
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    What do you mean loosing full search capabilities? Can you point me to the thread where I can use MapSource to join maps?

    Btw, will joining maps affect junction view function?

    Quote Originally Posted by Neil View Post
    Yes you can but you'll lose the full search capabilities if any .img has been 'reverse engineered' at all. Best to join maps with MapSource from gmap folders to make combined image files.



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