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  1. #121
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    Did someone already tested a 128GB mSD card, formated with FAT32, on a garmin device?
    I'm wondering if it is a feaseble situation.
    My objective is to have the sattelite view (Zoom 19) of the north of Portugal on a Garmin Oregon 650.


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  3. #122
    Garmin/GPS Systems GMod. Which is the limitation to the SD/microSD card size for Garmin devices ?
    Which is the limitation to the SD/microSD card size for Garmin devices ?Which is the limitation to the SD/microSD card size for Garmin devices ?Which is the limitation to the SD/microSD card size for Garmin devices ?Which is the limitation to the SD/microSD card size for Garmin devices ?Which is the limitation to the SD/microSD card size for Garmin devices ?Which is the limitation to the SD/microSD card size for Garmin devices ?Which is the limitation to the SD/microSD card size for Garmin devices ?
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    There's no reason why a 128GB SDXC reformatted to FAT32 won't work. Certainly 64GB as FAT32 works fine in every device i've tried. Windows won't let you do it with the inbuilt tool, so use this to format it:
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    To be honest, you'll be tilting at windmills really because you'll run up against the map tile number limit for your unit anyway. 16GB is plenty big enough.
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  4. #123
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    I think that the maximum number of tiles will not be the problem:
    "Multi-volume" JNX maps

    JNX format only allows having up to 50000 tiles per map level, but there is a way to cross this limit, so called "multi-volume" JNX files.
    In this approach, the levels with bigger number of tiles are saved in separate files with the less than 50000 tiles in each level. The coordinates in the headers of these separate JNX files correspond to the coordinates of tiles they contain.

    An example. We need to make a 3-level JNX map with 10000 tiles in the first level, 40000 in the second, and 160000 in the third. In this case, we make 4 files: 3-level JNX with 10000 tiles in the 1st level, 40000 - in the 2nd, and 50000 in the 3rd, and three single-level JNX files - two files with 50000 tile in their only level, and one file with 10000 tiles.

    At the time of writing, the only program with the multi-volume JNX maps support is SAS.Planet, which uses JNXLib to produce the JNX maps.
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