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  1. #11
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    and it boots and looks good!! The crowd roars!!! and it appears like I have storage mode working as well. You have been truly awesome and I really do appreciate your assistance with the clarification of terms on the site. Thank you for your time. Its been a pleasure working through this with you.
    Last edited by HomeyClown; 10th September 2021 at 09:53 PM.

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  3. #12
    Important User Nuvi 1300 issues
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    When you connect it to GarminExpress, it should correctly determine if an intended IMG file will fit directly on the device and advise you accordingly. It normally won't prompt you to load a map that won't fit in the available space. I suspect that the lower US map did in fact fit but had corrupt data in it. That can happen and in fact did happen quite often in earlier versions of GE, but later versions are far more reliable. Any disturbance during the loading will certainly cause problems of course and even with modern internet speeds a large file like NA can take quite a while to transfer, increasing the chance of a faulty file.



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