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  1. #21
    Garmin/GPS Systems GMod. Garmin nuvi 1490lmt stuck at splash screen. [Solved].
    Garmin nuvi 1490lmt stuck at splash screen. [Solved].Garmin nuvi 1490lmt stuck at splash screen. [Solved].Garmin nuvi 1490lmt stuck at splash screen. [Solved].Garmin nuvi 1490lmt stuck at splash screen. [Solved].Garmin nuvi 1490lmt stuck at splash screen. [Solved].Garmin nuvi 1490lmt stuck at splash screen. [Solved].Garmin nuvi 1490lmt stuck at splash screen. [Solved].
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    Ok, as this unit's now sorted I'll mark this thread as solved. A couple of points for others facing similar problems. When posting for help, it's important to disclose all relevant information in the initial post to save unnecessary following posts. If it had been mentioned straight-up that cure firmware had been loaded the answer would have been given immediately and in fact the initial post would have been moved to the Cure3 thread by a mod. It saves us guessing what the problem is and therefore will save your time too. This is from my post #7, where I asked if it had been 'cured' even though that hadn't been mentioned by the OP:
    Manually create the folder named Garmin [leave it empty], then try to boot again but that may not help. 1xxx units will boot empty. It doesn't seem to be getting far enough into the boot process anyway to create the folder and file. You didn't load a cure firmware by any chance did you before the format? Cure fw will only boot as far as the logo and then the unit needs to have the full original flashed again. You should also try reflashing the original fw V6.20 in any case, using pre-boot. Unfortunately, there may even be physical damage to the flash drive, or some other problem not fixable by reformatting. Even if you are certain that you did it right, first format again ensuring that you follow exactly the instructions and the pictorial guide in the RMPrepUSB thread.
    So Matt, everything that was needed to get this unit going was actually in that post [and would have been in Post #2 if i knew cure fw was on board] but it all had to be re-stated by kunix and Loly after you answered that you in fact did load cure firmware. I'm not lecturing you, I realised that you were new to this when you added the question about fw visibility in your edit to post #6. This is simply meant as a reminder to others to always disclose full info particularly the history of what's been attempted even if you don't think it's relevant at the time. I'm pleased you've got your unit back eventually anyway. Cheers.
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  3. #22


    Just to let everyone know, it seems to be working fine now. When I installed all of the missing files, I only installed the voices that I use and the car that I use. That way there are no unnecessary files taking up space. Thanks to everyone for the help you provided. Apparently one of the problems was that I didn't re-run the garmincure3 with "Original" option selected to make the firmware instead and I was hung up there.




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