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  1. #21
    Garmin/GPS Systems GMod. Convert 2595LM US/EU to SY/MY fw
    Convert 2595LM US/EU to SY/MY fwConvert 2595LM US/EU to SY/MY fwConvert 2595LM US/EU to SY/MY fwConvert 2595LM US/EU to SY/MY fwConvert 2595LM US/EU to SY/MY fwConvert 2595LM US/EU to SY/MY fwConvert 2595LM US/EU to SY/MY fw
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    Quote Originally Posted by odelacruz View Post
    Actually it is convert US unit to PH. Created .rgn using US boot.bin and PH firmware. I also tried to use FULL PH FW but it seems it bricked my US unit and just keep on rebooting whereas if I use the US boot.bin with PH FW I get the "Software Missing" message. I just thought this thread would help me solve that message but seems not working.
    Actually, I think that it's not at all easy [maybe it's impossible] to convert it to PH.

    NB: Posts 15, 16 & 18 moved here as more appropriately on topic.
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  3. #22
    Member + Convert 2595LM US/EU to SY/MY fw
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    How did you get this? Is there one for PH too?

    Hope someone can help us how this can be included in the Supported Features.
    Quote Originally Posted by justman1 View Post
    Locale: 80
    Locale ISO code: SG



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