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  1. #21
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    I got a replacement GPS and I have just backup everything, NV, Contents, and 140.bin

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  3. #22
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    For some reason after you update the 140.bin it will not let you use the GMT 36 traffic cable it thinks the cable is not connected at all, even when I restore my NV settings and program back my original 140.bin from the backup. I tried this now on 2 units, the last one brand new, and the cable was working before I tested. So I just did an exchange and it looks like this update is not good for nuvi 2555.

  4. #23
    Navigation software expert GTM36 and GTM26 problem with TMC on nuvi series 2xxx and 3xxx
    GTM36 and GTM26 problem with TMC on nuvi series 2xxx and 3xxxGTM36 and GTM26 problem with TMC on nuvi series 2xxx and 3xxxGTM36 and GTM26 problem with TMC on nuvi series 2xxx and 3xxx
    Giomen's Avatar
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    May be Traffic Eula is cause! Please upload your original 140.bin...
    Garmin, how much is 30 pieces of silver for Judas today? Were they worthy for crucifix of GPSPower?

  5. #24
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    I had the same with the Nuvi2495LT

  6. #25
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    @ gc_geforce

    Again? Same thing happens on the new one (replacement nuvi)? This is not good. But surely it is connected with the settings.

    Just let me repeat my previous request. Please, make images from the service menu on the speedometer.

    Press the Speedometer for 6 seconds

    Those menus showing the GTM, FM tables status etc. after your nuvi had aquired sattelite signals.


    Good point.
    Attached Images Attached Images
    Last edited by ddabcd277; 25th August 2012 at 09:00 AM.

  7. #26
    Navigation software expert GTM36 and GTM26 problem with TMC on nuvi series 2xxx and 3xxx
    GTM36 and GTM26 problem with TMC on nuvi series 2xxx and 3xxxGTM36 and GTM26 problem with TMC on nuvi series 2xxx and 3xxxGTM36 and GTM26 problem with TMC on nuvi series 2xxx and 3xxx
    lolypop000's Avatar
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    On my nuvi 3490 GTM36 work and after i change region 140.bin still work,i add back original region 140.bin and still work.
    I compare all region before and after i change region 140 and all region ar the same,no change to other region (reg 41 is the same before and after change)
    On nuvi 3490 original no change of region 140 GTM36 dont work.
    Also nuvi 1490 dont have data in region 140 and GTM25 work like charm but GTM26 dont work.
    I will try to find report of Garmin where is writen for error of searching TMC data on GTM 26 and 36.

    @ gc_geforce
    If you add GTM35 to your nuvi TMC will work.
    I see nuvi series 2xxx out of the box and GTM36 wont find TMC data and after replacement for GTM35 all work.

    This is mail from Garmin:

    Currently, the problem sets GTM 36 and 26 for a given software TMC receiver does not work properly. We work on the elimination of it. You will need to wait some time to resolve this problem. Thank you for understanding

  8. #27
    GPSPower Helper GTM36 and GTM26 problem with TMC on nuvi series 2xxx and 3xxx
    GTM36 and GTM26 problem with TMC on nuvi series 2xxx and 3xxx

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    I believe that is not being considered an important element in evaluating the functioning of GTM26 and 36: the subscription type. They are original Garmin subscription or generated by JetMouse? If they are original and are showing flaws in tune, should probably be bug, as reported in the previous post by lolypop, or some subtlety of the manipulation of firmware code.

    If the signatures were generated by JetMouse, the problem lies elsewhere. I noticed has long a significant difference between the original signatures and those of the JetMouse in the GTM26, 36 and 60. In "GTM FM Table" (of 2595, 3490..) the original signatures appear complete with cc (country code), ecc (extend country code), Sid (service id) and Pid (ex. 12/a1/7/0). Happens that in JetMouse signatures, whatever it, the second field, the ecc, appears as 00 (see figure) in this GTMs, signifying that this signature does not include the ecc, or better, not equal the 4 parameters with those transmitted by radio TMC FM, in this case, for lack of ecc, or, ecc=00 (ex. 11/00/7/15), and not tunes.
    This happens across the entire line of Garmin that uses the "new" operating system / browser 2012, as models 24x5, 25x5, 3400 and 3500.
    In the current system of Garmin (new OS and GTMs) to the tune traffic signal and work properly there must be concordance and identification of cc/ecc/Sid/pid between 3 elements: 1. Operating System (OS gps new firmware); 2. The new firmware tuners of GTM 26, 36, 60 and 3. Radio station frequency RDS TMC that also radiate cc/ecc/Sid/Pid correspondent.
    The new GTMs (26, 36, 60) support ecc, the GTM25 and 35 , no. The new operating system works with ecc, the "old" no. Finally, maybe some radio broadcasters in some countries do not transmit the code ecc, for compatibility with operating systems and GTMs oldest, but the most recent transmission, as my country, transmit (a).

    Conclusion: Traffic will run pirate signature (of Jetmouse) when there is no concordance of at least one among the three elements cited, for example, in my country, the 3490 (new OS) works with the GTM 25 and 35, because these does not support ecc, but not with the new GTM 26, 36, 60 that supporting ecc (here FM radio TMC transmit the 4 parameters). These same GTM 26 or 36 work perfectly with a 1300 or 1400, because these gps use an operating system that does not require ecc for Traffic work, which also explains why these new GTMs also work with the 3700s. This is not by chance, but by mere matter of maintaining compatibility with existing devices and systems in countries that already use Traffic Garmin for long time. Currently all new models of Garmin GPS comes with new GTM 26, 36 or 60, that only work with official signature in new firmwares 2012, which is a way of curbing the expansion of Traffic pirates signatures, perhaps with the exception of countries where TMC signal transmits only 3 parameters, without ecc, but that friends can confirm.
    To function properly the operating system of gps should take the ecc of broadcast radio and seek, together with the other 3 parameters, correspondence in signature GTM, in the trafficproviders.xml and so there is a tuning (fixation of the grid, pid, ltn. ..). If there is no correspondence, ie, the tuner has no ecc or different parameters of signature and trafficproviders, no tunning. But the key to it all, now, is the ecc, it matters to us.
    Or let us be patient and hope until the developer of JetMouse to release a new version that includes ecc, or we find some way to disable the call of the ecc in firmware do gps or GTMs. Another possibility would be to try to write firmware of the gtm 25 to 26 or 35 to 36. I hope that arise solutions simpler, but will not be apparently very easy task..

    Note: the only situation in which GTM26/36 works with the new operating system is in the moment that the signature is installed, but simply disconnect the GTM cable or GPS and no longer function in any way, although the Traffic symbol appear on the map, will not tune or obtain information from traffic

    (a) One way to know which parameters are broadcast by local radio is analyzing the left column of the GTM Info (GTM FM Table) with 2012 firmware. In the case of my country are 4 parameters shown in hex (see figure). It is probable that in countries where radio TMC transmit less than 4 parameters, the new GTM with new operating systems do not work with Traffic (can not tune), which may have to do with the "bug" in the official signatures of Garmin, if it exists.

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    Last edited by angelozip; 27th August 2012 at 04:01 AM.
    DriveLuxe50, Nuvi 2689, Etrex 30x, Epix, VivoActive HR.

  9. #28
    Navigation software expert GTM36 and GTM26 problem with TMC on nuvi series 2xxx and 3xxx
    GTM36 and GTM26 problem with TMC on nuvi series 2xxx and 3xxxGTM36 and GTM26 problem with TMC on nuvi series 2xxx and 3xxxGTM36 and GTM26 problem with TMC on nuvi series 2xxx and 3xxx
    lolypop000's Avatar
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    Problem with TMC is with original Garmin subscription and also with jetmous subscription.
    I try this on nuvi 1490 with original subscription and then ad jetmous subscription.On 1490 work only GTM 25 and 35,but 26 and 36 wont work.
    This is from nuvi 1300 with GTM25 where TMC work (subscription is from jetmous)

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  10. #29
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    Excuse me for the offtopic guys but can someone point where is it written what is the difference between GTM 25 and 26 and GTM 35 and 36?
    Last edited by ddabcd277; 26th August 2012 at 11:12 AM.

  11. #30
    Important User GTM36 and GTM26 problem with TMC on nuvi series 2xxx and 3xxx
    GTM36 and GTM26 problem with TMC on nuvi series 2xxx and 3xxx
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    Quote Originally Posted by ddabcd277 View Post
    Excuse me for the offtopic guys but can someone point where is it written what is the difference between GTM 25 and 26 and GTM 35 and 36?
    Sorry....GTM26 and GTM36 doen't exist on site Garmin for accessoires
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    The GTM25 came with a lifetime Clear Channel traffic (EX: TMC Infoblu) subscription and the GTM35 came with a lifetime ad supported Navteq traffic subscription.

    That is why you get two different sets of traffic.

    Last edited by Roger; 26th August 2012 at 11:29 AM.



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