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    Important User Nuvi 12xx software versions summary
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    Firmware Nuvi 12xx software versions summary

    Nuvi 12xx software versions summary

    tigergps 2272 423145622

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    nuvi 12xx (GCD File) software version 6.30
    nuvi 12xx (GCD File - MTK) software version 6.30
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    Changes made from version 6.20 to 6.30:
    ◦Fixed issues that could prevent the device from turning on or connecting to a computer.
    ◦Improved file system space management.
    ◦Fixed issues with the behavior of the Language Guide.
    ◦Improved software stability.

    nuvi 12xx (GCD File) software version 6.20
    nuvi 12xx (GCD File - MTK) software version 6.20
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    Changes made from version 6.10 to 6.20:
    ◦Fixed an error that caused devices to shut down when loaded with English China maps.
    ◦Fixed an error that caused traffic provider information to update, whether or not it had previously updated to the most-current version.

    nuvi 12xx (GCD File) software version 6.10
    nuvi 12xx (GCD File - MTK) software version 6.10
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    Changes made from version 5.90 to 6.10:
    Improved map and content transfer speeds.
    Fixed an error that caused the device to shut down when using highly-detailed user-created maps.
    Fixed an error that sometimes caused the device to shut down in Europe.
    Fixed capitalization of highway names.
    Improved route calculations.

    nuvi 12xx (GCD File) software version 5.90
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    Changes made from version 5.80 to 5.90:
    Fixed a bug that caused traffic data to not appear on the map.

    nuvi 12xx (GCD File) software version 5.80
    Changes made from version 5.70 to 5.80:
    Updated to comply with France Safety Camera decree.
    Fixed an error that caused a restart message to frequently appear on nuvi 1300 and 1400 series devices.

    nuvi 12xx (GCD File) software version 5.70
    Changes made from version 5.40 to 5.70:
    Added new Fleet Management Interface features.
    Fixed Fleet Management Interface errors.
    Added support for Maged, a new Arabic text-to-speech voice language.
    Fixed an error that caused TrafficMaster UK subscription to display as 'New Subscription' when using a GTM 25.
    Fixed map display errors.
    Fixed POI search errors.
    Fixed route calculation and display errors.
    Fixed an error that caused location information to not appear on the Go! page for certain Points of Interest.

    nuvi 12xx (GCD File) software version 5.40
    Changes made from version 5.30 to 5.40:
    Improved software stability.

    Changes made from version 5.20 to 5.30:
    Fixed an error that caused some third-party maps to draw incorrectly.

    Changes made from version 5.10 to 5.20:
    Made several map-drawing improvements.
    Fixed several FMI-related issues.
    Fixed an error that caused the wrong keyboard to display for certain regions.
    Fixed an error that caused audio and Bluetooth features to not function unless the unit was restarted.
    Fixed an error that caused the device to prompt users to turn the wrong direction on certain routes.
    Fixed an error that caused routes to calculate slowly.

    Changes made from version 5.00 to 5.10:
    Added Brazilian Portuguese Language Support.
    Corrected Greek Language Support.

    Changes made from version 4.90 to 5.00:
    Added support 'Recommended by Mapa' on extended listing Points of Interest in Israel.
    Added support for mobile safety cameras in Russia and corrected an issue displaying the full safety
    Corrected several FMI-related issues.
    Corrected several issues with ecoRoute HD.
    Corrected several issues with the Language Guide.
    Corrected an issue that prevented addresses with letters in them from displaying properly when typed in the keyboard.
    Corrected an issue displaying the full text for Safety Cameras.
    Corrected an issue that caused screen flicker on the wide screen unit displays.
    Improved stability.

    Changes made from version 4.70 to 4.90:
    Fixed issue with junction view files not updating properly during a map update.
    Fixed issue with audio intermittently not working.
    Fixed issue with Australia Topo map turning off the unit in certain conditions.

    Changes made from version 4.60 to 4.70:
    Added support for GTM26/GTM36 accessory.
    Corrected an issue that sometimes made an ad unreadable.
    Corrected an issue with Loc8 Zone B.
    Corrected an issue where Convenience stores would show under Fuel category on Europe 2011 maps.

    Changes made from version 4.50 to 4.60:
    Fixed an issue where the Fleet Management Interface Estimated Time of Arrival can be off.
    Added unlock support for loc8 files.

    Changes made from version 4.40 to 4.50:
    IMPORTANT: If your device is running software versions 4.30 or 4.40 your favorites will be erased with this update. Please click here to learn how to back up your favorites.
    Fixed a problem in software versions 4.30 and 4.40 with Favorites after a software upgrade.
    Corrected a problem related to starting up the unit in mass storage mode.
    Improved software updating process from update cards and GCD files.
    Added location of Language Guide files.

    Changes made from version 4.20 to 4.40:
    Added Loc8 Postal Code functionality for Ireland.
    Corrected issue that could cause unit to remain stuck on copyright screen.
    Corrected issue that could cause unexpected shutdown when satellite reception is temporarily lost.

    Changes made from version 4.10 to 4.20:
    Added support for Luxembourg and Netherlands traffic and safety cameras.
    Improved ecoRoute accessory connection handling.

    Changes made from version 4.00 to 4.10:
    Added support for the ecoRoute HD accessory.
    Corrected an issue that can cause the unit to turn off and not resume until the power button is held for 10 seconds.
    Corrected an issue that sometimes made it impossible to select a country during an address search.
    Corrected several issues with Bluetooth connections.
    Corrected an issue where the unit would ask for the Garmin Lock pin when connected to a computer if the pin was previously entered.
    Corrected traffic on the opposite side of a highway generating traffic warnings.
    Corrected an issue that could cause the Area C warning to not display properly when using Israeli maps.
    Corrected to slightly increase the time before a loss of external power is determined to avoid false external power lost messages.
    Corrected the ecoChallenge score to no longer display in bicycle mode.
    Corrected the unit converter so it will no longer allow multiple decimal points.
    Corrected incorrect handling of percent functions on the calculator.
    Added support for fleet management interface 40 Data Cable for North America

    Changes made from version 3.90 to 4.00:
    Corrected an issue that can cause the unit to hang on startup. *NOTE: This update will delete the contents of the GPX\GPX folder on the unit, which contains trip log archives.

    Changes made from version 3.70 to 3.90:
    Corrected an issue that can improve performance with traffic information.

    Changes made from version 3.60 to 3.70:
    Corrected an issue that could cause the text language selection to revert to American English with older Traffic translations.
    Corrected issues with the fleet management interface.

    Changes made from version 3.40 to 3.60:
    Added Garmin Language Guide support
    Added Bus Station, Train Station and Commuter Rail into Points of Interest->Transit Category
    Added support for Fleet Management
    Corrected an issue that could cause breaks in Trip logs
    Improved city search when using cityXplorer maps
    Corrected possible shutdowns when connected to Traffic receiver and navigating
    If Garmin lock is enabled then the nuvi will not go to USB Mass Storage mode unless the pin is entered
    Corrected possible shutdown after viewing multiple Junction Views along a route
    Bluetooth microphone will be un-muted automatically after a call if muted during that call
    Corrected miscellaneous issues with Right to Left language display
    Corrected some issues with Russian Maps
    ecoRoute statistics will not display in Bicycle and Pedestrian modes on power off
    Corrected possible freeze when cancelling an intersection search
    Corrected an issue that could cause a Pedestrian route to not calculate correctly
    Corrected an issue that could cause a shutdown with 7 lanes in lane assist
    Corrected an issue that could cause multiple 'Saved to Favorites' windows

    Changes made from version 3.30 to 3.40:
    Enhanced ecoRoute experience.
    Stop button now allows cancellation of a route calculation on the main page.
    Corrected an issue where some roundabouts would not show the roundabout icon.
    Corrected city search when using the World Clock to display all cities, not just those for which detailed maps are available.
    Corrected behavior of the vehicle selection page.
    Added a timeout for Bluetooth connections.
    Corrected text alignment issues in right to left languages.
    Fixed a shut down that could occur if searching for an intersection.
    Added ability to change the phone number of built in Points of Interest.

    Changes made from version 3.20 to 3.30:
    Corrected cityXplorer maps disappearing after a map update.
    Corrected lane guidance not appearing on longer routes.
    Corrected issue where audio may not work at startup until the volume is adjusted.
    Corrected an issue that could cause building footprints to not display in certain third party maps.
    Enhanced reliability of Bluetooth pairing.

    Changes made from version 3.00 to 3.20:
    Correct items overlapping on the map.
    Correct display of additional content in GPI data.
    Make phone number in GPI content dialable.
    All user favorites are now shown in the list (not just nearest 50).
    Correct some connection issues in public transit navigation.
    Correct issue that sometimes changed automotive routes to pedestrian routes after off-route recalculation.
    Correct issue that sometimes caused automotive routes to change to point to point routes after power cycle.
    Correct issues with Bluetooth audio and pairing.
    Correct issue that could cause unit to shutdown with very large phonebook transfers.

    Changes made from version 2.70 to 3.00:
    Correct issue installing Map Updates on a Mac.
    Correct issue maintaining more than 128 waypoints. Warning - this software update may require favorites to be reloaded.
    Correct issue with deleting 2-5 letter POIs.
    Correct issue with MSN receiver software failing to download.
    Correct backlight settings handling.
    Correct ecoRoute challenge score accumulating in charge mode.
    Correct problems with right to left language display.
    Correct issues where the map navigation bar information could get cut off or appear extremely small.
    Correct issue where the text language did not change when selected.
    Correct units selection for the UK.
    Correct issues with international dialing.

    Changes made from version 2.60 to 2.70:
    Added ability to provide star ratings for built in Points of Interest.
    Added ability to close built in Points of Interest.
    Improved usability of Bluetooth features.
    Improved Custom POI handling.
    Correct potential shutdown issue due to proximity/speed alerts

    Last edited by catymag; 3rd April 2013 at 04:06 PM. Reason: links replaced
    You have to navigate to get to the good.

    Galaxy S5 Kitkat 4.4.2 / Nuvi1200->1250 / Nuvi3790T->34xx / Nuvi 2200 / Nuvi 66 / Oregon 600

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  3. #2
    Senior Member rik70's Avatar
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    nuvi12xx_regionfileonly__270.gcd (20,4 MB)

    Not work !

  4. #3
    Senior Member rik70's Avatar
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    FW download it, but the nuvi 1250 is not update with this version.

  5. #4
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    These are original Garmin files,reuploaded when Garmin deleted links
    the file is good as you can see in RGN Tool
    may be are you doing something wrong?
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    You have to navigate to get to the good.

    Galaxy S5 Kitkat 4.4.2 / Nuvi1200->1250 / Nuvi3790T->34xx / Nuvi 2200 / Nuvi 66 / Oregon 600

  6. #5
    Senior Member rik70's Avatar
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    I used RGNtool, to change the GCD to RGN. Flash I did with Updater.exe. Exits with an error.

  7. #6
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    which error? have you edited device.xlm ?
    which is your HWID?
    You have to navigate to get to the good.

    Galaxy S5 Kitkat 4.4.2 / Nuvi1200->1250 / Nuvi3790T->34xx / Nuvi 2200 / Nuvi 66 / Oregon 600

  8. #7
    Senior Member rik70's Avatar
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    HWID? 971
    Edited xml: 260
    Error log:

    App: Updater
    At: 8/28/2011 6:00:01 PM (UTC)
    OS: WIN32 Windows Platform, Major Version: 6, Minor Version: 1 Service Pack 1
    Processor: Pentium Pro or Pentium II, RAM: 4193464 KB

    App: Updater
    At: 8/28/2011 8:22:15 PM (UTC)
    OS: WIN32 Windows Platform, Major Version: 6, Minor Version: 1 Service Pack 1
    Processor: Pentium Pro or Pentium II, RAM: 4193464 KB

    App: Updater
    At: 8/29/2011 12:37:46 PM (UTC)
    OS: WIN32 Windows Platform, Major Version: 6, Minor Version: 1 Service Pack 1
    Processor: Pentium Pro or Pentium II, RAM: 4193464 KB

  9. #8
    Important User Nuvi 12xx software versions summary
    Nuvi 12xx software versions summaryNuvi 12xx software versions summaryNuvi 12xx software versions summaryNuvi 12xx software versions summaryNuvi 12xx software versions summaryNuvi 12xx software versions summaryNuvi 12xx software versions summary
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    use this to check you HWID
    g7towin.rar (329 KB)
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    unrar , run it, in Configuration/General choose USB, in preboot mode plug in your usb cable in the gps, in program GPS tag choose Get GPS id.

    you cant flash your HWID 971 device with HWID 1101 rgn
    You have to navigate to get to the good.

    Galaxy S5 Kitkat 4.4.2 / Nuvi1200->1250 / Nuvi3790T->34xx / Nuvi 2200 / Nuvi 66 / Oregon 600

  10. #9
    Senior Member rik70's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by catymag View Post
    you cant flash your HWID 971 device with HWID 1101 rgn
    I know Updater.exe also not allow this!

    Last edited by rik70; 29th August 2011 at 10:01 PM.

  11. #10
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    Nuvi 12xx software versions summaryNuvi 12xx software versions summaryNuvi 12xx software versions summaryNuvi 12xx software versions summaryNuvi 12xx software versions summaryNuvi 12xx software versions summaryNuvi 12xx software versions summary
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    version 5.80 added
    You have to navigate to get to the good.

    Galaxy S5 Kitkat 4.4.2 / Nuvi1200->1250 / Nuvi3790T->34xx / Nuvi 2200 / Nuvi 66 / Oregon 600



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