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  1. #1
    Important User Iran Routable Map up to v2.3.5 + MapSource version (made with GMapTool)
    Iran Routable Map up to v2.3.5 + MapSource version (made with GMapTool)Iran Routable Map up to v2.3.5 + MapSource version (made with GMapTool)Iran Routable Map up to v2.3.5 + MapSource version (made with GMapTool)Iran Routable Map up to v2.3.5 + MapSource version (made with GMapTool)Iran Routable Map up to v2.3.5 + MapSource version (made with GMapTool)Iran Routable Map up to v2.3.5 + MapSource version (made with GMapTool)Iran Routable Map up to v2.3.5 + MapSource version (made with GMapTool)
    catymag's Avatar
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    Thumbs up Iran Routable Map up to v2.3.5 + MapSource version (made with GMapTool)

    Garmin Iran mapsource

    48717 1270443597

    [Only registered and activated users can see links. ] 5,92 MB
    Last edited by Ballebar; 24th November 2010 at 11:52 AM. Reason: Moved 5,92 out of URL tag
    You have to navigate to get to the good.

    Galaxy S5 Kitkat 4.4.2 / Nuvi1200->1250 / Nuvi3790T->34xx / Nuvi 2200 / Nuvi 66 / Oregon 600

  2.    Advertissements

  3. #2
    Important User Iran Routable Map up to v2.3.5 + MapSource version (made with GMapTool)
    Iran Routable Map up to v2.3.5 + MapSource version (made with GMapTool)Iran Routable Map up to v2.3.5 + MapSource version (made with GMapTool)Iran Routable Map up to v2.3.5 + MapSource version (made with GMapTool)Iran Routable Map up to v2.3.5 + MapSource version (made with GMapTool)Iran Routable Map up to v2.3.5 + MapSource version (made with GMapTool)Iran Routable Map up to v2.3.5 + MapSource version (made with GMapTool)Iran Routable Map up to v2.3.5 + MapSource version (made with GMapTool)
    catymag's Avatar
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    Wink IWN Iran Routable Map v2.2.9 to v2.3.5 Retail by Farshid update 30-08-09

    IWN Iran Routable Map v2.2.9

    Requirements: Windows MobileŽ, PalmŽ and SymbianŽ devices with GARMIN mobile XT and Garmin PNA's
    Overview: Tehran & Iran Roads Routable Map for Garmin


    This is the most detailed routeable map of Iran available for Garmin GPS devices.

    GPS Map of Iran includes:

    * Tehran complete street map
    * Cinemas
    * Hospitals
    * Fuel
    * Food Restaurants
    * Shopping Centers
    * Bank / ATM
    * Hotels
    * Parks
    * Airports
    * Post Offices

    + Iran complete road map

    Ver: 2.2.9 Pro:
    Semnan complete map and Shiraz base map has been added to this version.
    better accuracy in 1000 Km of roads

    Ver: 2.2.8 Pro:
    Street Search for Karaj, Tehran and Hamedan is active

    Ver: 2.2.6 Pro:
    Karaj Map has been added.

    Ver: 2.2.4 Pro:
    Is not published to net for technical Problem

    Ver: 2.2.2 Pro:
    70% of Karaj city is added to site
    Tehran Karaj roures has been fixed
    Yadegar Emam Enterance and Exits has been fixed
    90% of "Q" in names has been changed to "GH"

    Ver: 2.2.0 Pro:
    Dizin Ski Area information has been added to map.
    About 800 Km roads around Meshad modified.
    About 1500 Mosques information is added to map.

    More Info:

    Please Login or Register to see the links
    Download Instructions:
    Unlocked but if needed use this MapID: 773
    [Only registered and activated users can see links. ]


    [Only registered and activated users can see links. ]
    [Only registered and activated users can see links. ]
    [Only registered and activated users can see links. ]
    [Only registered and activated users can see links. ]
    [Only registered and activated users can see links. ]
    [Only registered and activated users can see links. ]
    [Only registered and activated users can see links. ]
    [Only registered and activated users can see links. ]
    [Only registered and activated users can see links. ]

    Retail by Farshid @ ShareFree
    You have to navigate to get to the good.

    Galaxy S5 Kitkat 4.4.2 / Nuvi1200->1250 / Nuvi3790T->34xx / Nuvi 2200 / Nuvi 66 / Oregon 600

  4. #3


    Thanks a lot for the map. it was very use full.
    confirmed working on 5800xp and 6120c.:vac:

  5. #4
    Important User Iran Routable Map up to v2.3.5 + MapSource version (made with GMapTool)
    Iran Routable Map up to v2.3.5 + MapSource version (made with GMapTool)Iran Routable Map up to v2.3.5 + MapSource version (made with GMapTool)Iran Routable Map up to v2.3.5 + MapSource version (made with GMapTool)Iran Routable Map up to v2.3.5 + MapSource version (made with GMapTool)Iran Routable Map up to v2.3.5 + MapSource version (made with GMapTool)Iran Routable Map up to v2.3.5 + MapSource version (made with GMapTool)Iran Routable Map up to v2.3.5 + MapSource version (made with GMapTool)
    catymag's Avatar
    Join Date
    Nov 2007
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    Default IWN Iran Routable Map v2.3.1 pro Retail by Farshid

    IWN Iran Routable Map v2.3.1 Retail by Farshid

    Requirements: Windows MobileŽ, PalmŽ and SymbianŽ devices with GARMIN mobile XT and Garmin PNA's
    Overview: Tehran & Iran Roads Routable Map for Garmin


    This is the most detailed routeable map of Iran available for Garmin GPS devices.

    GPS Map of Iran includes:

    * Tehran complete street map
    * Cinemas
    * Hospitals
    * Fuel
    * Food Restaurants
    * Shopping Centers
    * Bank / ATM
    * Hotels
    * Parks
    * Airports
    * Post Offices

    + Iran complete road map

    ReleaseDate: 28/06/2009
    Ver: 2.3.1 Pro:
    Ghom and Kish Island
    800 Km West roads
    16000 Farsi Label for Search
    Rey and Tehran has been dedicated in this version

    File: GMAPSUPP.IMG, length 14047232
    Mapset: IWM Iran Routable Map 2.3.2 Unlocked By farshid

    Map length s-f CP prio PID FID name
    00012350 MPC 14025022 5 1256 25 4712350 IWM Iran Routable Map 2.3.2
    SENDMAP2 MPS 204 1

    Data MPS
    V: IWM Iran Routable Map 2.3.2 Unlocked By farshid
    F: PID 1, FID 800,

    Ver: 2.2.9 Pro:
    Semnan complete map and Shiraz base map has been added to this version.
    better accuracy in 1000 Km of roads

    Ver: 2.2.8 Pro:
    Street Search for Karaj, Tehran and Hamedan is active

    Ver: 2.2.6 Pro:
    Karaj Map has been added.

    Ver: 2.2.4 Pro:
    Is not published to net for technical Problem

    Ver: 2.2.2 Pro:
    70% of Karaj city is added to site
    Tehran Karaj roures has been fixed
    Yadegar Emam Enterance and Exits has been fixed
    90% of "Q" in names has been changed to "GH"

    Ver: 2.2.0 Pro:
    Dizin Ski Area information has been added to map.
    About 800 Km roads around Meshad modified.
    About 1500 Mosques information is added to map.

    More Info:

    Please Login or Register to see the links

    Download Instructions:

    Unlocked but if needed use this MapID: 800

    [Only registered and activated users can see links. ]
    You have to navigate to get to the good.

    Galaxy S5 Kitkat 4.4.2 / Nuvi1200->1250 / Nuvi3790T->34xx / Nuvi 2200 / Nuvi 66 / Oregon 600

  6. #5
    Master cnrv77's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jun 2006
    Dark Side
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    Default IWM Iran Routable Map v2.3.5

    IWM Iran Routable Map v2.3.5

    Overview: Tehran & Iran Roads Routable Map for Garmin


    This is the most detailed routeable map of Iran available for Garmin GPS devices.

    GPS Map of Iran includes:

    * Tehran complete street map
    * Cinemas
    * Hospitals
    * Fuel
    * Food Restaurants
    * Shopping Centers
    * Bank / ATM
    * Hotels
    * Parks
    * Airports
    * Post Offices

    + Iran complete road map

    Please Login or Register to see the links
    Release Date: 03/08/2009


    v2.3.5 Pro:
    Tabriz, Gorgran , Ardebil base map has been added
    50% of Tehran and 100% of Tabriz, Ghom, Shiraz, Gorgan. Ardebil has second Farsi Label

    v2.3.1 Pro:
    Ghom and Kish Island
    800 Km West roads
    16000 Farsi Label for Search
    Rey and Tehran has been dedicated in this version

    v2.2.9 Pro:
    Semnan complete map and Shiraz base map has been added to this version.
    better accuracy in 1000 Km of roads

    v2.2.8 Pro:
    Street Search for Karaj, Tehran and Hamedan is active

    v2.2.6 Pro:
    Karaj Map has been added.

    v2.2.4 Pro:
    Is not published to net for technical Problem

    v2.2.2 Pro:
    70% of Karaj city is added to site
    Tehran Karaj roures has been fixed
    Yadegar Emam Enterance and Exits has been fixed
    90% of "Q" in names has been changed to "GH"

    v2.2.0 Pro:
    Dizin Ski Area information has been added to map.
    About 800 Km roads around Meshad modified.
    About 1500 Mosques information is added to map.

    More Info:
    Please Login or Register to see the links
    [Only registered and activated users can see links. ]

    Unlocked but if needed use this MapID: 800

    Credits to Farshid

    [Only registered and activated users can see links. ][/B]
    Read The Rules,Search Before Posting
    To see hidden threads links ,please hit forum "Like" button on the post right bottom corner.
    You dont need to have 10 posts to see the unhidden links. Please dont spam.

    Thanks post Will be trash

  7. #6
    Join Date
    Sep 2009
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    this map i can't search address,why?

  8. #7
    Junior Member
    Join Date
    Nov 2010
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    zakou - try this one [Only registered and activated users can see links. ]

  9. #8


    I hit on .reg, windows register is updated correctly, but then i open Mapsource and i don't find the maps in the menu.
    Am i doing something Wrong?

  10. #9
    Master fluorescent's Avatar
    Join Date
    Dec 2008
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    You must copy the folder "iran" to c:\garmin creating c:\garmin\iran\ or you have to change the paths in the reg-file. Did you do so?

  11. #10


    yes, i did... I checked and re-cheched... I don't know what to do else...




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