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  1. #31
    Important User City Navigator North America NT 2011.20 USA+CAN (MS with Mexico+IMG+ JCV+3DBuildings+timezone)
    City Navigator North America NT 2011.20 USA+CAN (MS with Mexico+IMG+ JCV+3DBuildings+timezone)City Navigator North America NT 2011.20 USA+CAN (MS with Mexico+IMG+ JCV+3DBuildings+timezone)City Navigator North America NT 2011.20 USA+CAN (MS with Mexico+IMG+ JCV+3DBuildings+timezone)City Navigator North America NT 2011.20 USA+CAN (MS with Mexico+IMG+ JCV+3DBuildings+timezone)City Navigator North America NT 2011.20 USA+CAN (MS with Mexico+IMG+ JCV+3DBuildings+timezone)City Navigator North America NT 2011.20 USA+CAN (MS with Mexico+IMG+ JCV+3DBuildings+timezone)City Navigator North America NT 2011.20 USA+CAN (MS with Mexico+IMG+ JCV+3DBuildings+timezone)
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    read my post above yours-
    copy it in your gps it's already unlocked
    You have to navigate to get to the good.

    Galaxy S5 Kitkat 4.4.2 / Nuvi1200->1250 / Nuvi3790T->34xx / Nuvi 2200 / Nuvi 66 / Oregon 600

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  3. #32
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    Quote Originally Posted by catymag View Post
    read my post above yours-
    copy it in your gps it's already unlocked
    Thanks, how about get in the map in MapSource? do I have to use MapSetTool Kit or any other progam?

  4. #33
    Important User City Navigator North America NT 2011.20 USA+CAN (MS with Mexico+IMG+ JCV+3DBuildings+timezone)
    City Navigator North America NT 2011.20 USA+CAN (MS with Mexico+IMG+ JCV+3DBuildings+timezone)City Navigator North America NT 2011.20 USA+CAN (MS with Mexico+IMG+ JCV+3DBuildings+timezone)City Navigator North America NT 2011.20 USA+CAN (MS with Mexico+IMG+ JCV+3DBuildings+timezone)City Navigator North America NT 2011.20 USA+CAN (MS with Mexico+IMG+ JCV+3DBuildings+timezone)City Navigator North America NT 2011.20 USA+CAN (MS with Mexico+IMG+ JCV+3DBuildings+timezone)City Navigator North America NT 2011.20 USA+CAN (MS with Mexico+IMG+ JCV+3DBuildings+timezone)City Navigator North America NT 2011.20 USA+CAN (MS with Mexico+IMG+ JCV+3DBuildings+timezone)
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    download mapsource version or use GMapTool
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    but you will loose search in imgs sent to gps
    You have to navigate to get to the good.

    Galaxy S5 Kitkat 4.4.2 / Nuvi1200->1250 / Nuvi3790T->34xx / Nuvi 2200 / Nuvi 66 / Oregon 600

  5. #34
    Junior Member drvnguy's Avatar
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    Ok .. lets see if i can get this . I have grabbed the files , used 7zip to extract the files . within that folder i have a folder wich is the city navigator 2011 and also has the usb32 and usb64 files . i have the latest mapsource installed and running . when i select open mapsource , i get a box that sais . you have north america 2011 . but its locked . before you can select maps you need an unlock code .... so i get another box that pops up and shows that the version of 2011 noreth america maps version 14.20.
    is locked and gives me a tab wich sais unlock online and copyright . I think i may have done somthing incorrectly because evan in the folder there is no .img file
    just some folders .. 1st is CNNANT 2011_20 mdr than theres Product1 under that than a mdx and a trf file . and theres a typ file and finnaly an info file .
    I am searching for a clean how to do setup . i believe i have all the files needed . I have a nuvi 200W series unit . and running windows 7 ..

    Thanks for your help

  6. #35
    Important User City Navigator North America NT 2011.20 USA+CAN (MS with Mexico+IMG+ JCV+3DBuildings+timezone)
    City Navigator North America NT 2011.20 USA+CAN (MS with Mexico+IMG+ JCV+3DBuildings+timezone)City Navigator North America NT 2011.20 USA+CAN (MS with Mexico+IMG+ JCV+3DBuildings+timezone)City Navigator North America NT 2011.20 USA+CAN (MS with Mexico+IMG+ JCV+3DBuildings+timezone)City Navigator North America NT 2011.20 USA+CAN (MS with Mexico+IMG+ JCV+3DBuildings+timezone)City Navigator North America NT 2011.20 USA+CAN (MS with Mexico+IMG+ JCV+3DBuildings+timezone)City Navigator North America NT 2011.20 USA+CAN (MS with Mexico+IMG+ JCV+3DBuildings+timezone)City Navigator North America NT 2011.20 USA+CAN (MS with Mexico+IMG+ JCV+3DBuildings+timezone)
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    look here for answers
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    and here
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    You have to navigate to get to the good.

    Galaxy S5 Kitkat 4.4.2 / Nuvi1200->1250 / Nuvi3790T->34xx / Nuvi 2200 / Nuvi 66 / Oregon 600

  7. #36
    Junior Member drvnguy's Avatar
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    I have done exactly what is described with jetmouse and after generating the code and copying it , I get "map product not installed "..evan though mapsource shows i have the 2011 version there ?.. but still shows as locked .
    Last edited by drvnguy; 3rd September 2010 at 03:34 AM.

  8. #37
    Important User City Navigator North America NT 2011.20 USA+CAN (MS with Mexico+IMG+ JCV+3DBuildings+timezone)
    City Navigator North America NT 2011.20 USA+CAN (MS with Mexico+IMG+ JCV+3DBuildings+timezone)City Navigator North America NT 2011.20 USA+CAN (MS with Mexico+IMG+ JCV+3DBuildings+timezone)City Navigator North America NT 2011.20 USA+CAN (MS with Mexico+IMG+ JCV+3DBuildings+timezone)City Navigator North America NT 2011.20 USA+CAN (MS with Mexico+IMG+ JCV+3DBuildings+timezone)City Navigator North America NT 2011.20 USA+CAN (MS with Mexico+IMG+ JCV+3DBuildings+timezone)City Navigator North America NT 2011.20 USA+CAN (MS with Mexico+IMG+ JCV+3DBuildings+timezone)City Navigator North America NT 2011.20 USA+CAN (MS with Mexico+IMG+ JCV+3DBuildings+timezone)
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    have you patched mapsource like said in the instructions thread ?
    You have to navigate to get to the good.

    Galaxy S5 Kitkat 4.4.2 / Nuvi1200->1250 / Nuvi3790T->34xx / Nuvi 2200 / Nuvi 66 / Oregon 600

  9. #38


    Muchas gracias, lo siento no se ingles alguen me puede ayudar porfavor, no pude desbloquear el mapa, uso GarminUnlockGenerator1.5 para desbloquear, hice todos los pasos y sigue bloqueado el mapa, en Select Map Product: escojo la opcion <custom mapset>, en FID 2265, en PID 1, OK. Generate, Introduzco el codigo (NO ME APARECE EL CODIGO ESTA EQUIVOCADO) pero sigue el estado del mapa bolqueado.

  10. #39


    I Updated the maps CN North America NT 2011.20 (US&CA) by MyGarmin.

    But unhappily, I found I could not use some postal codes in Ontario Canada such as K0J2C0 and K0J2M0 to locate my destinations.

    I thought something might be wrong with the maps.

  11. #40
    Important User City Navigator North America NT 2011.20 USA+CAN (MS with Mexico+IMG+ JCV+3DBuildings+timezone)
    City Navigator North America NT 2011.20 USA+CAN (MS with Mexico+IMG+ JCV+3DBuildings+timezone)City Navigator North America NT 2011.20 USA+CAN (MS with Mexico+IMG+ JCV+3DBuildings+timezone)City Navigator North America NT 2011.20 USA+CAN (MS with Mexico+IMG+ JCV+3DBuildings+timezone)City Navigator North America NT 2011.20 USA+CAN (MS with Mexico+IMG+ JCV+3DBuildings+timezone)City Navigator North America NT 2011.20 USA+CAN (MS with Mexico+IMG+ JCV+3DBuildings+timezone)City Navigator North America NT 2011.20 USA+CAN (MS with Mexico+IMG+ JCV+3DBuildings+timezone)City Navigator North America NT 2011.20 USA+CAN (MS with Mexico+IMG+ JCV+3DBuildings+timezone)
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    Quote Originally Posted by sasli View Post
    Muchas gracias, lo siento no se ingles alguen me puede ayudar porfavor, no pude desbloquear el mapa, uso GarminUnlockGenerator1.5 para desbloquear, hice todos los pasos y sigue bloqueado el mapa, en Select Map Product: escojo la opcion <custom mapset>, en FID 2265, en PID 1, OK. Generate, Introduzco el codigo (NO ME APARECE EL CODIGO ESTA EQUIVOCADO) pero sigue el estado del mapa bolqueado.
    use english please, next time i'll trash-
    you must patch mapsource or jetmouse wont work

    Quote Originally Posted by hkice View Post
    I Updated the maps CN North America NT 2011.20 (US&CA) by MyGarmin.

    But unhappily, I found I could not use some postal codes in Ontario Canada such as K0J2C0 and K0J2M0 to locate my destinations.

    I thought something might be wrong with the maps.
    lol contact Garmin customer care or Garmin official forum
    You have to navigate to get to the good.

    Galaxy S5 Kitkat 4.4.2 / Nuvi1200->1250 / Nuvi3790T->34xx / Nuvi 2200 / Nuvi 66 / Oregon 600




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