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    Default Is it possible to install entire maps only on SD?

    dear community,

    does anyone know or have tried to install orginal Maps (Garmin Navigator5 or similar) only on the memory card?
    Unfortunately, during installation, even after a complete reset, the main map is always installed on the device in a hidden system folder, and the rest is installed on the SD card, which is much faster.

    Greetings from Germany

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  3. #2
    Garmin/GPS Systems GMod. Is it possible to install entire maps only on SD?
    Is it possible to install entire maps only on SD?Is it possible to install entire maps only on SD?Is it possible to install entire maps only on SD?Is it possible to install entire maps only on SD?Is it possible to install entire maps only on SD?Is it possible to install entire maps only on SD?Is it possible to install entire maps only on SD?
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    By "Garmin Navigator5" i think you're probably referring to the Garmin-made BMW Mottorrad Navigator V.

    If so, the answer is generally yes you can place all detail mapping on an SD card but it won't make the navigation calculation or other tasks any "faster". Maybe you're meaning that the mapping is loaded faster to the card by GarminExpress but that's not so either. The base map (gmapbmap.img) and timezone map (gmaptz.img) must remain in the onboard .System folder.

    Note that GE will decide if additional mapping and ancillary files should be placed on a media card based on available space in the onboard memory. It's best to just trust it's placement because moving detail maps to the card won't improve overall performance unless the internal memory is almost full.
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