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  1. #11
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    stupid question but how di I upload file 41? it is 4MB, figured it out with your shared file, hope this works
    sent you link in private message

    Did the flash and it said upload successful, after procedure finished screen is stuck on system software missing, now not alternating with software loading any more. Restarted and it went back to bootloop.
    updater file says:
    Parsing "rrgn,14,1:/14.bin"
    Parsing "rrgn,127,1:/127.bin"
    Parsing "reboot"

    There is a new last id bin, 14 and 127bin file like before.

    I don't know did they dump successfully or not cause I don't know the difference

    Uploaded all from first in logg1 folder and second in 2
    Last edited by mlinac; 1st March 2024 at 07:20 AM.

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  3. #12
    Garmin/GPS Systems GMod. Bricked nuvi 1390
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    The dump of nonvol region 41 seems ok, it's of the expected size and appearance. That doesn't mean for sure there's no bad data in there, that's still possible but if so it's incidental and not what's causing the bootloop.

    As for the dump of region 14, it's only a partial copy at 6.67 MB (6,995,968 bytes) when the full region size is 16.0 MB (16,777,216 bytes). Note that a region dump also includes empty space, i.e. rgn14 is always larger than the fw_all.bin that's been flashed to it. V6.30's fw_all.bin's size is 8.90 MB (9,340,160 bytes), the remainder up to 16 MB is empty space which would just copy as multiple FFs in hex. So that dumping has failed less than half-way through, under 7 MB, thus the 'error' note in update.log for it. Region 127 has dumped zero bytes and therefore failed immediately, also showing 'error'.

    I think it's probably pointless but you could try to erase all 3 regions, if successful the device will stop bootlooping and stick on "System Software Missing" message and default to persistent preboot mode. However even then there's no guarantee that regions 114 & 127 will be re-flashable, they may still refuse to accept being written, like now. Region 41 will be re-constructed with essential data if the device can fully reboot anyway.

    If you want to attempt to erase them, be sure to remove last_id.bin, optionally you can remove any of the other BINs still on the card or leave them there. Change the content of update.txt as follows:
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    You know the rest of the flashing routine by now. Likely only 41 will erase and 14 &127 will return an error in update.log.
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  4. #13
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    I had a busy week so did not have time to tinker with Garmin. I did as you instructed and after procedure a green line appeared on the bottom, Garmin restarted, went blank for a while and now stuck on Garmin logo and software loading message above it, After a while the device restarts again with same screen. Update log says:

    Parsing "ergn,41"
    Parsing "ergn,14"
    Parsing "ergn,127"
    Parsing "reboot"

    Can I try to do it again and hope to get it deleted eventually? Do i have to erase id bin every time or just attempt again without that?
    Last edited by mlinac; 12th March 2024 at 09:17 PM.

  5. #14
    Garmin/GPS Systems GMod. Bricked nuvi 1390
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    Yes if last_id.bin is still present/been re-created following a successful or failed attempt then the media card isn't read further. Therefore you should check for it and remove it if it's there each time, even if exactly the same commands are re-attempted, in case it is there. If update.log is added or updated (even if any commands have result in errors reported) then last_id.bin will be there.

    It's mildly interesting that it didn't process the 'reboot' command at all but very disappointing that the 3 ergn commands failed with error, i was hoping that at least 41 would erase.

    You can keep trying but i think it's almost certain now that there's physical flash damage present. No software method can repair that unfortunately.

    PS: I'll move this discussion to a separate thread once i've seen you've read this post (EDIT: Posts moved from [Only registered and activated users can see links. ]).
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