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  1. #41
    Master asprin624's Avatar
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    I do not know if that would help but give it a try.

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  3. #42
    Important User Garmin DriveAssist 50 LM crashes and reboots at specific GPS locations
    Garmin DriveAssist 50 LM crashes and reboots at specific GPS locationsGarmin DriveAssist 50 LM crashes and reboots at specific GPS locations
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    I'm now suspecting there is a minor hardware fault. Likely the BT controller is failing and if so there is no software solution. It may not worsen, or the problem may eventually progress to other more essential parts of the chip resulting in a total failure.

  4. #43
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    @Butters and @Boki_Srb, an update on my ongoing problem

    I tried loading a copy of the latest map (MENA 2022.2) onto another area of the device filesystem using MapInstall. Whilst it did copy across to both internal memory and sdcard, I was unable get this to show on the device (under MyMaps) and therefore, unable to select for use.

    I had an older 2019 Middle East and North Africa map downloaded and was able to select this and extract only the area I wanted (UAE) using MapInstall. On the device (MyMaps), I was able to select this newly extracted map whilst deselecting the main maps (2022.2 MENA and 2022.2 FourSquare) from active use.

    On day one, I left Bluetooth disabled and had no problems whatsoever.

    On day two, I enabled Bluetooth and have been driving for two days now with no crashes or any problems.

    Overall, this workaround seems to be reliable, suggesting this is a memory related problem.

    I have a couple of questions and hoping you can advise.

    1. The main maps don’t appear in the ‘visible’ filesystem and there appears to be no method of downgrading these to an earlier revision using MapInstall, or Garmin Express. Is it possible to rename these files with an alternative suffix (.old) so they continue to occupy the defective memory, whilst allowing me to have the latest map in a separate area?

    2. Is there a reason why there are two maps MENA and Foursquare?

    Many thanks again for your continued support.

  5. #44
    Important User Garmin DriveAssist 50 LM crashes and reboots at specific GPS locations
    Garmin DriveAssist 50 LM crashes and reboots at specific GPS locationsGarmin DriveAssist 50 LM crashes and reboots at specific GPS locations
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    I recall you have a US/EU HWID device. Can you please explain some more about the above:

    • Does this device have (i) a factory localized factory-loaded LM subscription for Middle East, or elsewhere and if so where?; If it's not MENA LM, then: (ii) are you purchasing 'one-off' official local MENA mapping data from Garmin direct/Authorised reseller; or (iii) are you loading 'unofficial' (i.e. unlocked) maps for UAE?
    • How and where did you load any maps and what naming is being used for working and non-working IMG files? (i.e. give the full paths, e.g. "sd:/Garmin/gmapsupp.img"; "device:/Map/<any_name>.img"; etc..) and identify whether each was loaded directly as an already compiled IMG via GarminExpress or made by you using MapInstall from PC data (.GMAP folder). Indenifty clearly in each individual case the source and type of the mapping data used (official LM, purchased, unlocked and compiled with MapInstall or direct load by self etc., etc..).

    Be as clear and concise as possible please as i'm now thinking this might be map data related.

  6. #45
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    I have LM subscription for MENA maps, which until recent attempts were all loaded to the device using Garmin Express, although I did save a map to computer, once which is why I have the 2019 MENA map available. Please note current map is 2022.1 and not 2022.2 (attached screenshot from BaseCamp shows installed maps)

    I loaded BaseCamp and Map Install to test ability to access a separate map not on internal memory, the directory structure on the sdcard I was using at the weekend is shown in screenshots (1,2,3) and from the device I was only able to see the 2019 map, in other words in addition to the main maps I mentioned earlier (2) I was only able to see a third map and could not see the 2022.1 and 2022.1 2 from the device (MyMaps); these were two attempts to save 2022.1 to sdcard. These maps were all loaded to the sdcard using MapInstall where I selected only UAE region maps for expediency. In the end, when I could only see the 2019.1 visible, I repeated the exercise saving from MapInstall to device Internal Memory, which is what I currently have working.

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  7. #46
    Important User Garmin DriveAssist 50 LM crashes and reboots at specific GPS locations
    Garmin DriveAssist 50 LM crashes and reboots at specific GPS locationsGarmin DriveAssist 50 LM crashes and reboots at specific GPS locations
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    Running multiples of the same map data in different versions is never a good idea even if only one is selected in 'My Maps'/'Map Info'.

    Is it possible you have mis-matched versions of maps and supporting files like Foursquare? I'd remove all detail maps and their supporting files from device (don't remove basemap, tz map though), disconnect from PC to re-boot it (so it re-creates a new GarminDevice.xml file) and then connect it to Garmin Express without a microSD card inserted to reload current maps and files as offered only to the internal memory.

    PS: Backup everything first of course!

  8. #47
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    @Butters noted, but I don't see any of the main maps or their associated files anywhere in the internal memory directory structure, are these files hidden somewhere?

  9. #48
    Important User Garmin DriveAssist 50 LM crashes and reboots at specific GPS locations
    Garmin DriveAssist 50 LM crashes and reboots at specific GPS locationsGarmin DriveAssist 50 LM crashes and reboots at specific GPS locations
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    Do this:
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    Device Manager>File Explorer Options>View.

  10. #49
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    @Butters, I have enabled the file system options you mentioned, but I am not seeing any additional files and directories as a result. In the Map directory is the file I loaded which I renamed UAE but nothing else. Is there an area of this device which isn't mapped when connected via USB?

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    Last edited by Boki; 15th September 2021 at 09:26 PM. Reason: spoiler!

  11. #50
    iGO Enthusiast Garmin DriveAssist 50 LM crashes and reboots at specific GPS locations
    Garmin DriveAssist 50 LM crashes and reboots at specific GPS locationsGarmin DriveAssist 50 LM crashes and reboots at specific GPS locationsGarmin DriveAssist 50 LM crashes and reboots at specific GPS locationsGarmin DriveAssist 50 LM crashes and reboots at specific GPS locationsGarmin DriveAssist 50 LM crashes and reboots at specific GPS locationsGarmin DriveAssist 50 LM crashes and reboots at specific GPS locationsGarmin DriveAssist 50 LM crashes and reboots at specific GPS locations
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    Look In Garmin folder
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    Many questions become very arduous, a lot of time chewed deja vu...Since we have lost all the year of work and effort, many people have no will to answer the same questions again. Me neither. Use a search, please.



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