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  1. #31
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    If one thing has come out of this thread, it's BACKUP ones sat nav. I've just used it in the past and never considered it going wrong. And yet my laptop running Linux is always backed up.

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  3. #32
    Garmin/GPS Systems GMod. Nuvi 2595 loses maps and not recognized
    Nuvi 2595 loses maps and not recognizedNuvi 2595 loses maps and not recognizedNuvi 2595 loses maps and not recognizedNuvi 2595 loses maps and not recognizedNuvi 2595 loses maps and not recognizedNuvi 2595 loses maps and not recognizedNuvi 2595 loses maps and not recognized
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    Amen to that Brother! I do another backup my PC backups to a 3GB NAS drive and they're already on a 2GB mirror raid anyway plus i've got File History set copying all my important files from my main system partition [Win8.1] to another separate 1GB HDD. Once a month i do a separate Macrium Reflect backup of my 2GB system disc [XP, Win 7 & 8.1] to another 3GB drive on the NAS. Dual redundancy isn't enough from me Mate! I also have daily automatic restore points set plus i do manual restore points before doing anything even slightly suspect. I've got Windows, Macrium and Paramount system restore DVDs going back years, plus backups of the 3 BOIS, boots and registries are done regularly.

    Don't start me on the file sytem and NV backups i have for my garmin units! Pretty much anytime one gets connected to the PC i backup it's file system at least partly.

    And ppl have the hide to call me paranoid? I'm not paranoid, i'm just absolutely sure that whatever can go wrong will go wrong and that Murphy was the ultimate optimist [plus the whole world is against me, lol]. My biggest problem nowadays when something does cock-up is deciding what to restore and how .... I once lost almost a week's data in my former business from a hard drive crash the afternoon before we were due to do End of Month statements for hundreds of clients. The three admin ladies all tried to blame each other for the fact a faulty cartridge in the tape back up unit [yes, no cd burners back then] hadn't been picked up for several days so the daily backups weren't happening. I had to pull an all-nighter from 5pm to 9am to reconstruct the last week's work manually from the receipt copies and cheque butts [yeh, funny now isn't it?]. After that the cartridges got alternated nightly at end of day's trading instead of weekly for daily overwrites. Lesson learned, forever ....
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